£ Mill) 3 mmhwmdhl. "FOREWORD" I am so glad to hear that the Women's Institutes of Ontario are going to compile Village history books. Events move very fast nowadays; houses are pulled down, ntwv wads are made, and the aspect of the chuntryside chnngm completely sumetimes in a short time, It is a most useful and satisfying task for Women's Institute Inemhers In see that nothing valuable is lost or IDI'KUHL‘II, and women ahnuld he DH the alert always to guard the traditions of their homes. and to see than water colour sketches and prints, poems and prose legends should ï¬nd their way into these books The oldest people in the village will tell us fascinating . 01165 of what they remember. which the younger niemhcrs can write (h)wa thus making 21 hridgc between them and events which happened hetme tho-y were horn. After all. it is the history of humanity which is cnnhnunlly interesting to us, und your \‘illngo historics will he the basis of uccurutc tncts much valued by histm'ians of thc future I am proud to think that you hurt- Ctlllt‘tl them "The Tuvvdsmuir Village llistmies". â€"\‘Vl'ltl(‘l1 by Lady Twot‘dsmuir. £1 wing mind‘s/wwhtl.