‘1': :. Charter members at the Gillies Hill Women's Institute on hand [or the group's 25th anniversary Thursday evening in St. John's United Church in Chesley were (back row 7 Iclt to right) Dorothy Friar, Gertie McCumb, Jean Hammond, Ann Mengers, Arnetta Maurer. Alice Weeden an Manery, Margaret Friar. Emily McCoy and Mildred Mchnnle. There were tw MacDonald and Mae Ruthven (deceased). Memoers of the gillles ted two white pine trees In honour of Ontario's Bicentennial at the Gillies Hlll Calm In Eiderslle Gillies Hill W.I. plants trees On Wednesday evening, May 16. several members or the Gillies Hill Branch at Iha Women’s lnstllute met at Gillies Hill to plant two white pine trees as a blunt-mini project, Later they went to Iha home or Mrs. Gordon Loans lor their regular May meeting. The theme rcr this meeting was to honour Grandmothers The roll call was to beanswered by wearing a hat irom Grandmother‘s day and tell shoal it. A spolcal collection was taken towards Pennies tar Friendship. Beulah Rutnven reviewer! the history at how this project started. 1‘ Township. last Wednesday evening, In charge or the d Ruby Holliday. In the iront are Edythe 0 Charter members absent -Mae (. . was or). . planting were Ella Mae Black (left), current president Mrs. Gordon Keith gave a report on the OIIlcer‘s Con- Ierence she altended In Waterloo, Mrs, Earl School, Mrs. Eldon Black. Mrs. Gordon Legge and Mrs Ross Ziegler are to atiend the District Annual. In Paisley. as voting delegates. Program Convener Mrs. Ed- oi the Institute and Lois Schopf, past president. ward Snider read a scripture passage and prayer. Mrs, Franr cts Halllday assisted in canon:- Ilng an old-fashioned spelling bee and a quiz on gardening A prize was given to Mrs. Fred Friar Ior displaying the Ianclost hat. also to Mrs. Lloyd Johnston lor being the youngest grand mother.