‘ured tne Btcenr n wth they ' f‘Jl the r1am From left Bob. age 6 Jtll and vale. Faye Behlnd them is lha newly-painted cast fountain wmch used to adorn the Elllott home, whlch later became the old Chesley Hospltal. Bill McClure ts a great-greatigrandson of Chesley'sfnunder. Clarence Lange. president of the Chesley Horticultural Soclety and Ivan Buoyt chatrman ol the Parks Committee. had some difï¬culty lrylng to lralS‘: the Canadlan and Omarto Etcentennial flags durlng the dedlcatlon :caremomes a! EH10“ Park on Saturday alternoon, but, the flags did go up and now N319 ptOUdly Jean. 9c:on S‘Pea' K6“