Gillies Hill WI, Scrapbook 1, [1971] - [1976], p. 16

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r J.)â€" Farmhouse Wall Yields Antique items the sheaihmg (I: the of Mr and Mrs, Ivan was [or off a C'iuplc of pre atom to ap- llr:\\ Si(lii_ 2| number of At an cai‘lim' [Berliitl were ' marl in the walls of the bililili Included in il‘e Dille linn of l critique; here a nr 11 g 5 hole ‘ tic Willi g ~ spur. \Vllh no Etlcnll'iin myrk; but Vislhly :1 .ml Ur. Other items were a hjll’l‘mcldE lllCl‘H'v n'i mcasm. a child's shoe rubber (l unusual . h. ru’ -L‘rnitcrl m a rnzu'i's braces. iiptiun “Temple stir-king in tan ii thrt» ri broken. it hail roiled mug with to .iid in MI J. & ihirn-hlc: .it T.e ll 1373. 3. shade \\'lll’l Iu [he ni‘i'l c .2) « : H..i “lull-3d u C'il- rlLr When in a sam- sizzled. 1Wife and Family Made Term Possible, Warden Tells Banquet Bruce County Warden Harvey L. Davis and Mrs. Davis. of El» derslie annshirp. were hosLs on Fnday night to more than 200 guests for the annual wardeni‘s banquet. held in the Elmvwood Corrununiiy Centre. Ma'm’bers of the House of Comunis and On- tario Legislature. members oi county council. county ofificials. Elder-she Township Counicil. their wives and a large gatherâ€" ing of friends amended and par- tonk (.1 a dinner featuring Bruce Country bet-f. served by an Elm- wood iariies' group. The head table guest: were piped inio the ban by Pipe Sgt. Bill MacDom aid of Paisley. Reeve Archie McKinnnn oi Cu1r0§ Township said grace. Reeve Alex Lamont of Souv- green Township. 2: member of the warden‘s committee of counp by council, presided for the pro- gram. which was marked by a note of informality. Sept. ‘25. Mr_ John Walpoie of Elderslie held an auction sale on Monday and they will be moving to Chesley where they have bou- ght a home . \ VERN Erma WALKERTON Verne Emkc. recvc of Chcsley. has been acclaimed Warden oi Bruce County. He was unop- posed at Monday night's in- aucural meeting of the 1973 rouncil. Former Resident Here Mrs. Warren McGilI ‘Dies In Her 815i Year h ~ ed S lurdai . T e ‘ifiaé‘leglfil‘fimsm: 1.19m. funeral home. Paisley. on Monâ€" ‘ loer day, an mother of Clarence McGill or‘ town. She was in her 8151. year. . the fnrmer She July a, of Mrs. Warren D Gill. a resident of the villa-gs Mrs. McGill was Jennie Margaret Fenian. was born November 2. 1891. Gillies Hill liarn Fenian and Mary Fenian. On March 20. 1912. she was and Gillies Hill until in 1922. They .peniod in Han- lihen returned to Paisley. until going in- 1926 to Chesley. ch. l by a 1962. and Mrs. Nchill had cun- She was a mem» married in Warren McGill. they resided or coming to Paisley lived for a brief over. where Mr. McGill died in Mar finned to live. her of Chcsley_ in Elderslie Townâ€" ship. a daughter of the late “'11- Bowie Mrs. Russel Brown PAISLEY Mrs. Russel Brown. 33. a resident of the Paisley am for all her life. died Friday at the Bruce Counly General Hospilal after a longihy illness. The [owner Annie Fraser. she was born in Dunhlane ncar Paisley. 3 daughter oi the lale Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. Mr. Fraser was one of the first pioneers in Eldcrsljc Township. Mrs. Brown was predeceased by her husband IRussell Brown and is survived w _ I a daughter Alice. Mrs. hcith Weeden of RR 3. Paisley. two grandsons and one nrcal grandchild. Mrs. Brown for nianv vrars attended Knox United Church 111 Paisley. ' ‘ Lifetime Residenf‘ Of Elderslie Township John S. MacDermid Dies l A well known area resident, John Sheldon MacDer-mid. in his 73rd year, passed away suddenly on Saturday. July 1, at his resi» deuce on lot 1-5. concession 9, El=derslle Township. The son of the laie Mr. and Mrs. 'the Gillies Hill School and spent his entire life on the family' farm in Elderslie Township. In 1928 he mar/ried Aileen Tanner of Elderslie Township. He also is survived by two sons. John R. and Donald. ni‘ Elder- sl.e and (Susan) Mrs. James. Cochrane of Toronto; one sister. (Maesic) Mrs. George Hilts oi Owen Sound. and two grandv son: Peter and Paul MacDermid.. . . MacDermid attended the Williscrcu Baptist Church until its closing in 1960. at. which time he became a member of Paisley Baptist Church. He was a memâ€" ber of the choir and a deacon at the time of his passing. Rev. Elmore Young. assisted by Pastor Ed‘ Cattc. officiated at the service held in the Hope with burial Chesley Cemetery. in FIFTY-FIVE YEARS AGO July 11. 1917 Tne union Sunday nic in John MECDEliIl tiful woods at. Gil'.‘ 3 Hill Wed- nesrlay afternoon drew 1300 peo- ple. The program included ad- dics e: by Reeve Cass. C. J. Hal- Wm. McDonald. Lr. Wilan; selec- at and Rex Sale-m male quartette, music by a string band. solo by lMlss Alma Fraser. club urging tunes by Piper McKinnan. William Pearce 0c- cupied the diair. Winners of the v > . Lyned Ch‘lrch’ races ware: Boys 10 and under. vald: girls. .105. Oswald. John Jessie Milne. Arurie Milne: boys 1‘2 and under. Clarence Hamâ€" mond. Harvey McGill: g I J0“, A “lacneml‘ljiv he Mr. E. Burrows, Mr. Robt. Lind- . received hls early education at say_ ' v u SEVENTY YEARS AGO April 2. 1903 The program rior an “Old Foliks' Concert" in the town hall Listed the following local resi- dents as participants: Rev. C. E. Stafford. Messrs. .Tvas. Hyde and Jas. Bryce. Mrs. Charles Kissack, ’Mcr. Frank Neda-nos, Mr. E. Diokensorn. BA. Mr. Rowe, Rev. Dr. Ross, Mr. David Thoma)â€" son, Mr. Frank Carter, liilr. Frank Strachan. Mr. Robert Scott. -\ ._.._â€". ,___ Mr. T H George reports a l farm sale in Elderslic. Mr. Ed. Dodgean disposing of lo: 27. co1cession 3. to Mr. Oscar Lloyd. ' 5’0 ‘4- Mr. Neil McAlister paid $5.501ifor [he Lachie Munn farm '41 Gillies Hill. His b-o- ‘ i e s Archie and Malcolm who l iniended going west will work i (h: place . i. There were 30 births. 30 i deaths and l5 marriages regis- l tered in the municipath of l Elderslie in 1903. . 1 0n Mission Bradley Su’eiger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sweiger of Chcsley. Voluntary Service with the Mcnnoniie Board of Missions. Marjcry Hopner. Olive Martin: an 5 and under. Gen. Oswald. Frank Hammond; boys 15. M. Sweiger. Ed Tanner; girls. Mary Hopper. Isabel McKay: young men, John TrllOIHESBET. Wat Milâ€"‘ lair: oflficers and teachers. Rani Wilson. Stephen Winch; girls' 3â€" ‘legged race. Janet: McCarinel and lsabel McKay; single men. Wail Miller. Laur Winch. John Thomp- son. Arch Ewart. won the relay .againsi‘. married men. Vic Tan- ner. John Davis. Jos. Dudgeon. John Buchanan; single ladle M'“ -3 Tanner. McLaughlin. Blue and McKay. won relay against. married women. Mesdames Max- well. Crawford. Rabi: and per; married men's race. Lloyd. Yilliam Maxwe' men’s race. Alex Marshall. J. C. - lililne, Elkhari. ind. He is a member of the Hanover Mennonite Fellow- ship. Hanover Oni. Mr. chiger is serving his term as an orderly at Maple Lawn Hunlcs. Eureka. lll.. retirenienl cculer ndniinslercd by the Health and Welfare division of Mennov' niic Board of Missions. Mr. Sweiger is a graduaie ni' Cliesley District High School. Clieslcy. Ont. Before entering service he was employed as a farm hand by Mr. and Mrs. ‘Edward Snider. Cheslcy. Ont. Currently more than 270 youth through senior adulis serve in 50 locations in Canada. the Uniied States. Puerto Rico and Jamaica in the Voluntary Service program of (he Mennonite Church. offices iin Elkhari. lnd.. Phoenix. Ariz.. Ont. has begun a two-year term of i‘

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