Miss Janet L Cavlll, daugh» ter of Mrs. Florence Cavlll. graduated from the Suhml nl l Nurslng, Brantford General l Hospital. Janet was in the ' last "thrte year Class" of Ehr’ school.. Graduation cxcrusu took place on Wednesday June Elst at the Capitol Theatre. Brantford, Ontario, Jane! has acceplcd a pointon with 51. logml’: Hnmimt wer FARMER NAMED HEAD or PORK BOARD Keith Weeden 01 RR 3 Palsley l5 the new chalrman M Lhe On- tario Pork Producers Marketlng' Board‘ Mr. Weedcn‘ who has been‘ vlce-chairrnan of the board fur‘ the p35! two years, succeeds, Blake Snobelen of ’J'ltarntesvllle,| chair-man (or the past two years. Q Mother Caf Hatches Duckling/s \ 1r \- luv 1 I my '1'h .mn.‘ \ ll ,\lv n l \lt- [x n. I'll m‘l: lwlml Nu 1m 1‘ rE'J- 'lll' f' w I v 1hr ‘l'l'. .r u». tum.» mm m .nf Hm \lll‘wn .l“"m* tt'wr‘l 'ln . 1 tn nu \l u Hy (Hr Ml- 3 It‘l‘ I‘mlx'mm t‘l .. In! Ill hm ll 'm 1mm“: Thw \U‘ll‘ lmwnltwu m w" ’l but m 'Hl'llll'tl l- ll’ll 'hr 1 M‘L l'fl‘rtlllll‘l a (tum l‘w l-lv lv 7 Pi In luml Hul’ m l m‘llm my up u-m‘ \. t‘\'7vi'[ v.2 I mru tln l-Im l-iv yv hr-r y-ur v it rx m'u "w \\‘--‘ I h, mm. mm m- Mn “nun :w mu- nymph-rt \x’llh hv-r t ur Mle Ru! m [u w l w l.‘ ml um-knm- mu [mum u ml .I‘tmr ll : ll llu ulwn lt'trl u wmmm vgl mp mu. u "I .-r =M m llu-l. Th4 w rt IH mill/Hut l (mu-f ll v w .w ll.’ w, tv ulmrl tlll-lillh, ulul M ml :‘r.- u rrmll [Mm ltv (all :lt‘l lr‘ l lth’ {m l: ‘l'lu u; _‘ 'Im ll ‘ rx‘ l ,-"lrt ‘Hvl' .'I ll ' llt \ll N , .. m- vhm : r l} v. my! lll‘ TII "W L. m let n: w,“ 'l -"M: lint}: ‘l’l ~|u . t'rrl mu mu m ,- l. r - tlm u f'tm ,t cat mu Mm. up “fut: Her der lhn‘ hnrn Lynne Fowler, daughter - null MM |.u‘l\ Faun“ nut-ml) urlldndtml lll'lll Unulpll Lit ll\l.|l llmprml Scluml of Nursmy, FL’l'LIVHH' tlu. (HllL! Mala] lur th-ucml ul Mr, th‘HI |L' nu} .m Arr! lnL .‘Im‘t'gllt‘ll n [lthlElUIl ,u tlu- llcndctsnn (wnvml l HUSleAl. llunllltuu. x Mlss Dianne MacDonald. daughter 01' Mr null Mn. Inc)» M u‘l‘r ll ‘lrl L_l§‘ _. n In» _. um! um. lulx _lt Ll, Hmuluul Ilmmtul llm‘ .l, n my lul 3‘ turn mt ur l nu ll lllk nun .\| .xtlltm mm†l‘ tululh n PIt'xrnllvt‘ m Hy l. rlrlnllllz'. In M wlnm‘ llltllllk ‘lllllll ul ‘tlu-wtv 1‘» ll! «a n t «h .mul- <U.yl«‘3\ .l a, ‘l\,l r :u «ll lfllllll‘Jl .Ier lll‘.‘ ï¬lm 7 Hull lLlHll mllt ‘lospttul lu Llrumptun luv ll‘ r , [1“: -l Em- cl ltlL‘lllLll'lJl leggeâ€"Jac/r/in Baskets of maroon cllunillt- and white gladinm dL‘r‘rIralL‘ll Holy Trlnlty Anglican churvlt, Chcslcy. for the marriage of Ann EUZahcth Jnrtklin, Elrlt-sl daughter of MI. and Mrs. I'.“ Jacklln. R.R“.l l-Zlmwnml, and Murray Gordon Lcmzu, mu u! Mr. and Mn Gordun ulnar. of rum (Iltcslcy. The ceremony wlnch [null place on Scplcrnhcr IE, 1971' al 7 p. m. was nlljctatcd by Rev. 5. Hull. Mlchirl Charlton was organist, The brldc. gtvun ln umrrluut by her father. wnrc a gown ul' creamy crepe, in Al merlun style and a veil uf cream, hand scalloped lace, She car- rled a basket of yellow msc‘ buds and mauve chry<anthc- mums. Fatrlcia Jacklln was maid ul honour for her slster. Attt‘nd- ants were lane Jacklln, rlarer of the hrlde and Sheryl ngtzc. able! 0! the groom. The gltls were full length gowns of maroon crepe, They carried baskets of yellow shasta dalslcs and whlte Chrysanthemums. The best man was John Leggc, brother of tht groom und mun! mm H lull rt ll) Dun}! I/l‘l'l’l Imulu-r n1 lllL‘ \jrnnu ‘ lutn‘ mun Mm-wuml‘ (mu-Vt“ ul llu‘ lilltlt l'ln luulr ‘» ulullnr u-cr thl w“ ‘.l' mmm; anluluu vulnur- ll I‘m 4nd ul‘l wlulo lunllu l'lw j'llllllll Q IllHlllt t Wulv .I lunw \l-l'u'vl wuwu ml lluwt n ll lll'llllh' knll mull-mm m- m t mum and yummy will an lulc lulll<l Al I Imwwnl Cum- tuumty I.‘ urn Illt vuunllg left luv .I llutu ylmwll Hurtlwtn HIulmu .uul lumu n'turmn): will H‘rlllr .ll l‘lll‘.‘ I.II«, thy. (‘hesley gels bus service 1971; lllllï¬lrlh 7 Hrn-r l‘umll | l ll 1‘ I M 'I'ltrtlun \ull um‘lwlmlr n lr‘mlz'l‘ hm “mu- .m lrm‘h I 1mm 1' ,4 ls l t'\ ln l‘lrr‘lm Iv) Hum-\r‘t 'l'llt‘ My; \\lll mnnml u-uh lltr 'I'munmmmu hm tuumu: llnnt hutllllumplnn lhl‘muh lizlulnrr 'lhr‘ ht. ‘.\|ll hr l‘lerrt < “I'M H‘L‘Illllf' rlvul‘ H'un qwrmlum .mnur mu ul lhr Mun \lnll" lhr (‘Vll l'dlll'lu‘lll urmul pasnrnznr vl‘llll'l‘ m \Jnmlnltrr, 1970