t a 3 E i "la in Jeni: Mac heau- mwnliacroft Cheese 'Jiul wands at (3 ll Wed- Factory made 425 lhs..t:heese Dunn} “mm: in mew 1.4m pmv during Jum_ pie T't u'lL-rl adâ€" m'I'Yâ€"mï¬ YEARS AGO July 11. 1917 The unirin Sunday ' 'Z-‘lders/ie names Brian Beer/i as road superintendent Brian Beech. 22, of Saugâ€" ' een Township. was appointed ' Road Superlntendant of Elder- silo at the township council‘s regular meeting last Monday night, Selected from nine applicants for the position folllowing interviews the preceding week, Mr. Beech succeeds the lair Alex Ewart. head of lhi: road department for '17 yuali prior to his death 3 laat Mil). ills appointment was confirmed by hy-laws. ‘ i [250- Acre Elderslie Farm Changes Ownership After Almost 50 Years Mrs. Weller. Arstein: and i “L and Mrs. Gillard. St. .- (arm pruperty Lrans- Thomas. ‘pIUL-d, tviih the Funeral Sr: ’r.’ is heing .acrr huld' :5 in hth in the Eitike Funeral in 113‘ William Home nn Thursday. July :7 .ird .\liu’.ilet m. at "J p.m. hilll burial at Andre“ '5 ticiiictary. if" ). ‘i ‘ l l Mr. Allan Thompson had a good sale Saturday. His car- “ tie were of good grade. Hay 'i crop sold at 53.30 per acre. i .- qua Johnathan P, Weller lwhnathan Phillip Welh'r. Age sun of Mr. and Mrs. ltcd mug, R R. 1, Cheslcy. passed ahay at his home on Jul) .‘ï¬, 151ԠI]: attended Elderslic Ccn- tral School. Ilc is survived by um. ' Sharon. and mo brothers. David and Stephen all at home. He is also sunivcd by his grandparents Mr. and hard, ~ t'lub - LE. Price has also bought a hie tie with neumatlc tires. It ri u vi: so much‘ one that he went to Elmwood arnl hack in an hour. Robert Snell of Willlscmft has a champion goose, it hav- ing lain 43 eggs this season. and mm- [LI Mr. Bearman of Scone has huutht a cream exuacttx. By emptying milk inm it th¢ cream came: out one spout and the sldmmed milk out of the other. I912 It h propust tu c:.iahlish im tum] mail JLlnery ovut mu more lines iti Eldetslic i i i i J mh‘ Mtf'i ' t n! ['12- prnperly. lnish l-ilr 6, has been in the E . 1)'\L'r'llk' Lilli and Bill cunccsâ€" {I ' I T Purchased by \ Mr; Dav'd )fhvin 1 ‘ i .i Slum. v - . , ' 1923. Two - £01.? . v i i’ i. ' “ m ?Il‘:{:i‘:hr;:n Aime been CHESLEY -â€"nl'1uneral 5e - t . ,, I SIXTY YEARS AGO ; ‘ h‘wfl‘ d), 1†wn.‘ as will be held Wednesday in i i i .i . i , , August. i912 . 5' ' ‘ ' ixitchener for Mrs. David Ruth- ‘ ‘ - ""‘E’ be?" “Whimwen 26 or Gillies Hill whoi "‘ ' 1' ' ‘ (WM-l?" The ln'w'e‘pccmd' {rim -'-t- Me A D. MneKav in‘ . ‘ ' i ' i I H int; iviuaed telephone has at "d "H 9 mm? 6 idiad Saturday ar_tlie General {i s r . # _ was, in] L D . m Damn}. iéiand Marine Hospital in Owen“ W ‘ ‘ l' on: i ' 9 4 2 i :15:41 hm‘n put iii operation, mu m “P ’ snund' ' l' i [‘LNthanu- m anemic?†Ti... llirldlelllns disposed 01 lot billion??? “ï¬nger†L312: 5 " I 0 War; a mi. iui ‘ e c ‘ ’ . t it . IU. wncessiun .1. «in May 1 to , , , i Amuti until :..i Lli- HUM"? ills attendzin“vinm;i Caml‘unv Two other irilSMt'd innthlï¬hensgmdeauglhaï¬rlu LIL-[mulltl 1i. i... . . ‘ '11 HF.) “:1 5†“mlâ€- ““â€5* 1" 1†and "‘9 ea“ ha†:oru r.Sahe hads'been employed 1 ‘ ‘ ' LU" " " , “" "P" “‘3‘ u“ f in! 9, concession 6. have been ’ ' . Child . A1 1 i-i .‘.lt .mi tin. r\i|dlt‘\~ 4‘ t ri‘ will rlh'ph.) 'urchnsed by ML and Mrs, may at the Kitchener tens I ! i Society. ‘ int-m .ii rim-mu .mti .1 hurt W'- - 1%†“’HEHngton Harrison .ir Selkirk Ont. ‘ \'-ll"l'l in: III'i (.u in: Bell i.'.i I IIIIli' s-l l hull-V, IIIL'II\AIIIIU1. \t-lll‘d tau. w ill llli' itut’ul I..Il|:ll|.l|illl Wit: .il Ill'ï¬l'l‘i‘l it .n irimni ll Ill uh. littt‘rpriw lad in“! l‘ m ElDERSlIE COUPLE HONORED PRIOR TO DEPARTURE /\u nlitr l r nu I .umtli .iii t um lllL'. In' I'l‘l (lull) ‘ To RESIDE |N pom ELGIN wont .t .mm- hllll m rain. I, 7- “\(‘i lll l Illii‘llt‘. IIIr [IN ‘ "Ir "'l “r‘ J “4 “ï¬lm†um i...\.- w.) i in in. lul it; .. _ um.» Ill I». muntlr tlmt .I ‘ 'C " in 7. Eltlcï¬lw. smot- limit lt'mv hm. Inni' \ nutty)! tu i \H'll‘ w hill 1 It} (“HMS a,†|1|'|I|Hl him [U with it mp rut might; ‘: il .u tutu limitiu pm. liisiintm-Iicuiti ‘ ‘3 "t "*9 “(Miclluws Hail i! f ' k’llil‘siti I-ti l-‘r' August I! i PAISLEY AREA PROPERTIES ‘ ' ' ‘ -‘,’" -‘l- i “M mw-n CHANGE OWNERSHIP ‘ "' ""‘. “W H “Juillli‘hl nf mi» ruining M... \h ..vl \l:~ Muir-u. link «' i't" Lilli-n in tho hnnntot! ', .r “hi iii. tr (him. it: '. r-vttr‘li ruplv I|.u~lr| Slum, was chair. w it I 1‘1 lull l \i Aâ€. v i‘ n im rm inn. ' Airs Pqfl lit t. i \Iv» 1 Him . tItt‘Ii» "Ii “Cc-1y roar . utidrt~ um we: rm ll 'l‘i m‘ m ,. mun-i .\I \Inrlltt mm n can . I†“I... Wt .- rm .\l.i I . †.i' iiiltl Mr Martin mth a bou. “ , , .. . - ""1 W‘ This} alsn \A‘Cl‘l" re. bhvhN'h ‘l'u‘R5 .\(.0 ‘ Wm mm m uphï¬mvrdpm- .t an Il‘l \\ ill-rim}: twiuh ii A ‘ -“"-’ WE!" Mid t‘dkt- plate, A lll'll ini- Ill I: nit-ii n u lint-'- “hurl-,1.- ll\ \\‘ limit .tit-n \\‘-lvl\t'ill|1\lv- - . t\'3i'3l-I' -vi 1v Hui.“ 'lit- hilt ‘Irum a mum: in .l t‘ Rut" felt! to it pmnl beside mi» lntlil ' “‘5 “"Il'v'c‘ near Lake Erie. The new own- ers. whit have l\\'[| daughters and um- stun. iunk passession August 1 lilr, imd Mrs, Wm Middleton will reside Walpole home on lol 13. con, 4 and Mrs. Dick Middleâ€" tin RR 4 Elm and Mr tun Will Burnt/en - The wedding of Bunnie Crawford and Druid Rurhvan took place in St. Andrews Prer- byterlari church ' Kitchener. November 4th l9'12 at 7 p. m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Crawford of Kitchener Ontario. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mn. Wallace Ruthven. Lil. Z Cheney Ontario. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Finlay Gordon Stew- art . The bride was given in marriage by her father The maid ‘of Honour was the bride's Met Miss Betty Crawford of Klwhener And [arm in the former John She married David Ruthveri', ul‘ Elderslie lownship Nov, ii and the couple resided at Gil- lies Hill. she is survived by her hus - iband. mother and father. of iKilthencr, and two sisters. Dun- ' in. Mrs. Ron Nancartow ni Pet- awawa and Belly. at home. i i i Crawford the bridesmaids were the grooms two sisters Miss: Margot and Dayle Ruthven. hath of LR. 2 Chesley. The Groomsman was Mr. Robert Rurhvan, brother of the groom of RJLZ Chesiiey. The Usehers were Mr. Jerrold Hill of Guelph and Mr. Mitch- ell Powell of London. The reception was held at Stories Old Castle in. Kitchen er following the ceremony. The couple went to the United States for a honeymoon and will later reside at R.R.2 Charley. i i i i l l. i