um, WE no“. i s b contact with an and be aware of the actual trouble and danger, and wasted no removing himsc lot the accident. Upon arousing the residents usually strong north wind night and two pales suppurllng the electric the above mantiuneri result [act Lilal Wilfred happened in be wearing rubbers and gloves at December 7, 1921 While driving borne late last Friday night with a horse and an experience that he won't want to have duplicated during the remainder of his lifetime. As he came opposite D. McKenzie's on Goldie Street. his horse sudden- an endeavor to assist the beastV to its feet, as being a dark night he could not see- what the trou- ble was. However, in groping in the darkness, his hand came in electric wire inunediately became time in and procuring a antem, it was found that the horse had been killed almost in» lanlly. There had been an unâ€" that wires had been lawn down over Ihe mad, with The lo Lhn time probably saved him. 196! Don Mchrmid has purchach r 16. Can. 6 from MLI-‘rancie Legge. Mrs. A. Ewaril, Mrs. Archibald Ewart. 88, died Sunday at [he Petersen Nursing Home. Owen Sound. where she had been a paricnr since September. Mist Ewart wax the former Edith Alice Muir, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Stuart Muir. She was born in Elderslie Oct. 24. 188.1. in l929 she married Archibald Ewan of Elderslie. Tawnship and they moved to Owen Sou nd He died in 1952. Mrs. Ewan was a member of Geneva Presbyterian church and later of Sr, Andrews In Owen Sound She wa: also a member of Jubilee Rebekah Dodge in Chesley and then the Rebekah Lodge in Owen Sound. Mist Ewan is survived hy a brother, Russell 0! Chcslcy. She was predeceased by a brother and a sister . Funeral service was held Wednesday from the Ellll-(E Funeral Chapel . with Intel'- went in Chcsley cemetery. bum. Wilired Grant met with. SEVENTY YEARS AGO Max-ah 20. 1902 An Old School of Frame Cameron M clniosh North of Chestey. in Rruuc County. Stood an old schoolhousc of “Jim: in a splendid farming district Where brave men and women I (“lit in the forties and the fifties To make for thexmelvcs a mine . This whom has in Union Sccnun Since homes in both limits and Crvy u from me Scene ‘Came together tor their children That they might not {all 4 Pic) To an education hingeâ€"pnng- Down life‘s cvur winding wily. Here (he Hares. fiuggs and T‘lmnmms, Maxwells, Blacks. McKinnons MR Legges, AlItDunalds, Kyle; and UuI-uld» } Pollocks. Moore; and Ewan: I:n-\\-~ Helped to build a County lmmun Line the old up with the n nv, The Muhnnclls lived hung Jim in the piping days of old And [he Stclnhum, ('lrn and I iIIIlm‘llI. Cierurs and McNeils, all told, when lheru we to no Jets ur .Iuim And nu wnrld wars lIuI ur wold Buys and girls war: [how of [lil‘llllit'I Them through all agc nmups Wl' muuln For four years saw (hum Inukl- pray“ ‘ And [heir youthful Spliil naught As they climbed [II higher level: And Fame [0 their Liunmy hmnuhl, : This would fabric «and fur dcuudcx l But as years rolled on npaur Built [hers war a modern murmur Wllh .1 new hrick look and law On this old wall lInuwn mmu That looks carrh buyund and Wire. New [ethniques and LcaLhcn' llmons And wage schedules at long last Should indeed prove a grcal blessing Not as in the uphill pail When our teachers taught for nothing“ Slaves w every whim and blast. All these names and Olliers also ‘ Writ large in our country'; lore Shall live on as we man.- mighty Grow from sea m sea and shore" Roll out mgged frontier northward Where our future is in store. Ms»: , 1:77 4,. CONES‘I‘OGA GRADUATE 101‘ 0! Mr. and Mn ll Wu l ; Minn nlargnL Rulhwn. mug-h ‘ I l Rnlhvr-n, mt Z, Clllkil‘fy'. grad-H latcd earlier thla ICnnestnga Cnllr-Izu I»! .‘lpph er. Mils Ruthvcn uhtuInI-d degree in criminology from l community and family stIIIli program at the collegci nmn lh {rum Arts and Technulngy, Kill‘hi'n Sn hill) ill.ln[ .‘Inun Jud rim; And a [uni hmuru‘ bright Coupled Hill? :I “~qu .‘PIL'HKI lli \I’he-ruin might ls huilr on rIItlIl i‘ln llL'\\ \l linnl shunhl lIlu: llll' which llglp hnnp til the liliucr light IlIII nu .hix \\|Icl'L' um [he L llllllit‘n Whom nu l.ll|L:|Il low.- I'c.†.IIIn‘ El’lll‘ .Illdur «mu .ull lllll'u'r l UII illli IIIIIIIIJJnl- nrh lit-Inn, \l'llllv: Imm- uvlllcrs Ilium Ln \uunmul \\’Ilg‘r\’ \‘JIIInlIII IUJII n HUN Iv,flu. gFormer Resident Feted lOn Ninetieth Birthday About fill Ii'lnllvw- r I’l ll'llflltl‘i Hill at Hui humv ur Ilr :InrJ Mrs Kellh \thnon un Sunday, in him“! Slorllill: Frnm‘r. .I l'uInIIvI‘*‘l‘)'lf(‘, nmv «if i‘url Elmn. nn I‘m ~ with hrruwl/ ' Mr- F‘rlinfl’ i. ‘ lTr and Mr 'nn ii “11' lllll' Jnim Fruwr of tlullblnru', Al‘lur iIviIIlleâ€"lllll lln I-Iim. 'erI m [llllllvlilnl‘ Sl'hlull, _ lll h r ,IppII'IIlII'I‘d m llu" [mm-I II.â€er u-IIh Lhr: lnrr wII-I u..." Stu-ll. Im-II wulll In Wham-n) (uni-tn, wlmn- hI- pmrixmi ll'lsl JIImlI- In Sm‘L’rnl cunlru l uummnu: I.. i'quiI-y In men, llu- 1‘llll‘TL‘l! into a [)DJUII‘YHIHJ)‘ mm hls l)|'l!lill‘l’. ('lmII'nch lle l-Dl'rnll‘ nu,- rm“ Ilunhuum I mu- IIII- Dryilllv “Hyman: Lillâ€"r l.-I. in mm Im mm iruum‘xx m ‘\\'Iu.l:u.r .1an mummy†I..- rvllrml I.. Inâ€: Ich w Alu in |1|57( IlIIA'I(-\llul m ll|l]‘ri:" \lI Cr ‘tilil r. UHlIlI \t'ilhI I’II- i'nrl Elliâ€. wuiur “myâ€; “r. clics u. H(‘ h S lwl-n :I llll‘nllll'l‘ II lwlh .‘Ulirnm [UHF 'mrl Ald- wuilil Mummu- lluililm nt' l‘lllrll‘l' iHI nvl-I 5U \‘I‘um. . r-Il :1 hr] J