'Illl. UH) (.HIS‘I~ \IILI. â€" 4m 'wlluwlnvwlU lizarr, Ix mllru hwm Snu‘ l'2|:l.~;.'uw. > NW. ml Iln- ,wr u] I‘ll! Hum. lhv mill L ll. Imm- v»“ 1.1.- In Illh‘Jf'l. IM-l. , m' \‘l-zl l:1JhL’H‘,\, uhu l L 4 7 V. ‘ ‘ Fun! an'I.J| plrlurc elf Pumo- Mum-Jcr Trudeau-s \wh‘ Mung" _ holding lhmr hon lu-Jm pu‘lrt“ wag taken wlwn hr‘ um. Ilm-wnnd a half an, um Tlm Chm-mu.“ day hnlw lu‘rnnu’ tho hrs! (huldy Lulu-ch by a nnme nuniulcr“ m anc «.mrc 19(2‘7. ‘ :12 Thu niu ynd mill dullda‘ ha- ln Paisley Disllict l IUH'I') ‘I l\'l: \'h.\RS AGO i l \lm-z: ll: Um? l‘l’l'ln Walrullr. an rulerme “Iv-ml xu 5‘“le u'ulu‘r Ilu>plc - 01 m.- ‘fr ,mu. m \‘Chmll Nu i‘ ‘ 4th run .ldvrihr Hugh Mrllh lyn “mum-d (hr: chnxr. and Mr Tluvmzn O'Hzlgun gave 2: hu- mm'mL. x nrlim: ml "The Uses uf Ugllncs Anuth u! th nlcl sclllwx’ï¬. .\1r ChrlsbiphC'l’ CruViL’. dlcd n! ‘ hlr. resldenco |n Eldl‘l‘sllu Thurs- rlay 1.14! Orv: I)! Lhe llrsl solders ln [\rrnn. ll Is m that lownuhlp he w.“ kmywn boil, thuuzh he was well known in Elderslle and ‘ Pnlsley Always mo plctuu‘ 0! hcnllh. and with his jovial clls- posltlon‘ hv was known mung the ehlldrun as "old Santa Claus." hi.\1\-l’l\'l{ YEARS AGO l'vlnuur} .31‘ 1907 I _ V lxwkcrby' Mr. Brown has been very bus) 31 \hr mlll all winlcx. Slncc the hexmnlmz of the year ho hns handh‘d vow-ml thousand huiht‘h nf gram. among which Wm abuul 3000 buslmls nl cnrn Fla-41.1771- ‘ I Elderslle Township Road Supt. 37 Years. Alex Ewart Passeslllu, :‘ll‘V Ewml ‘H \mr. lug \ l -'!\~:l-: 1- hu- frwnds‘ 2:: hr 1 1r. ..;,,- ll.‘ :1 (Lu: U In his «:3le :r:l-3nde!d of En \lr Euurl harl 1hr nmulul lnuwshlp building 0,, H» was :lrlukon me tin" m1 hlS had been prcv i( ms \' as mad A naln'u n! E:dÂ¥5.’§llt‘ slup, he \\‘:I~ pupularlg.‘ lhruuxhuul the superintendonl L-t Elderslm for; 3': years. and was speclcd in mummle areav n! 0113510) ‘ . ,1. chlnrm linspilnl, nth-r ;. brlel’ illness Ln death cam? l Inmlh and .v ’11! 2mm! health un» Township, nimpuled in upvn, g M the new ‘ May 20. {.-Huwing dmm [allowed a u-s of brain hemorrhages, township and counlyr Hu had sen-ed as wadl hlghly re- ‘ mad ad- ‘ ministration circles uver :J widel CF PHOIO mlnnzwl 'hu mill Ihc mnntlaâ€"s time: he has puss- nnl In il. i- luvmling :l l’l!.~[lrl‘:lli:al] [mum-t fur the mill milile hv Puuw an A war \ull see it become a mem- mml tn rmul lel- lh il \ms I'unr yenerntinm zugn. ' ï¬llies from the Past] ' l Lockcrby. Councillor Elves lS. xmpmvln-g and enlarglng his barnl ths summer Mr. Dan LIcNeillA has the contract (or the stone work and Mr. H. McKinless than of the frame structure. When completed Councillor Elves will have nne ul the finest barns an the lineQm'! g D yn ago . riled ' ndwo super- Town- known