“FOREWORD†I am so glad to hear that the \ancn's Institutes of Ontario are going to conlpilv village history books. Evrnts mow very lust l]()\’l’fl(.lfl)’3; houses ure pullud down, new malls are made, and the aspect of the conntrysitlu changes com- pletely mmelimcx in a shurl timc It is :1 must nxefnl and satisfying lusk for Women‘s Insti- lute memle to sue that nothing valuable is lml ur forgotten, and women should he nn the alert alwn s to gumd the lrudiï¬nm of their homes, znnl m sou that water culmn' :«lx‘dclws and plinu, pnexm 21nd prnsr legomlx‘ should ï¬nd tln-n- way inlo thesv lmnks. The oldest people In the vzllngn will tell us laminating shnies of what they remember, which thc ymmgvr nmnhcrs can wrin- down, thin making :1 bridge between them and m'mlts which happenvd buforc lhv)‘ \vm'e hum. After all, It IS [he hislm'y nl humanity wth) i\' conthnully lxltcu'sling to ux. uml ynnr Villagu histnv'ius will he tln' husis uf accumu- l l.|L‘l.\ much \‘ulnul b} historidns nl tln- future. 1 mn prnud to think that yuu th Lulllul than] "The 'I\\'Pml\mulr Villugv llistm-ics". n\\’rillvn l)\ LGlx' "Furmlsmuir. l-or‘cl 'i'l'erlclsmnir of 13]s‘.j"iplvl (1175â€"IQMJ) -,. m‘ ‘ -r-v‘ ,l-'~ wr‘ unlm ‘Holu‘n. he x'mi'. ‘ln‘lm‘T‘D‘vl‘ï¬lmarl1V l‘r‘mm)†For hln \ Vltlmz.‘ \ 3.1le“ "Hi‘RPd % r ' 5113f“, 733051Ww1lw‘ 'no ninth-L". 73mm in [c Tlï¬rn",1%m (To l , , i 4,. l ,, ‘ rpv :;‘ l anl lunar: qt. rl w «111:1 x , ~ . w Mn!» 17; 1,11 m ll, mm mm m ( mm 1' lnr‘d l wrrnmh l'l‘ll"ill.fv' ‘HT'Nl "‘I‘ T Lny‘rl NW?» N ~ ‘I m} l c m, rum llli'll nu] lfl'vW‘JT "13' 'l l†.lnflarplv -Vr-\"1"7’|Prl l1" “1“ m, llmrrvnm“ Um?- nr’wr' liEm 1‘fl'l w“ hi“ WWW l H l ‘7" .