. Brnldfunl presents n priu to ï¬rsl prize winner, Bilbll'l Eby, nl’ Tll’I. Second place _Is won by Damn: Monkmln. (centre). : ar-a girl wins public speaking . .nnual public Speaking (951 for elementary snhonl ems tnnk place at Arran»_ a School on Tuesday after yr \lwil ‘. Schi-t‘k " " Vlub . .ns 0:111 were Chesiey, erslie. Paisley, and Arran- gira. The princinal. Wm. Stmv. welcomcd everyone and imipduced the chair person‘ Louise Broadfmr. who was enting Tara and‘ Arran' V Mrs. Broadfoot spake mentioning what a great > 'rtunity this was far the g§§g students who had been chasen to give their speeches perm,“ Gum_ Grandparents, from their respective schools, New 23211,“). wumm My Hams and r0 ahvays remember that the Huh,~ school days wars the best days. Judges for the public speaking Th: winners for the da, were were Mrs. Bernice Gowan {rum Barbara Eby from Mam-ram Allenfm'd, Mrst Chisholm from 5d.le Her [spit was “How [B Port Elgin and Rev. Terry say a speechw‘ 5mm mace cheney from A115nf°rd- Their went in Darlene Monkmnn who task of choosing the winners “as spoke on "The Amazmg Egg." nnl an easy onci There were eleven speakers in all and each specéh was very interesting dn'n We“ Pmsemcd. Some of the minutes long and Bath Contest» topics were Guais, Terry Fux. ant “as “Iquier lo read a Mv Paper Route. The Disabled POGHL as well. The speeches were from 3 m s