To represent Bruce Kathy Weppler is new dairy princess? stm Timm plmlu by willy Waterlun Dairy Princess Kathy Weppler in her parents dairy barn PORT ELGlN â€" "l'm very surprised. And very happy " ‘ Thai was the reaction of Kathy Weppler, 16. pl RR 2 Port Elgin alter she was crowned Bruce Counlv's new dairy princess Salttrday Kathy was one of six contestants vying for the title beltire judges during a dance at the Teeswaler Cmumttnily Centre sponsored by the county's Holstein club. She is a Saugeen District High School Grade 12 student who likes English and home economics. Kathy is the daughter of Harvey rind Eve: lyn Weitplrtr who operate a Hulsteln dairy" farm just north of Port Elgin. She said she helps out a lot with the Ho]â€" stein datrv cattle and is in 4-H homemaking and the thin; club. It was the lirst time she competedr She said her sister Karen. 17. now altending Cenrglan College in Owen Sounrlr competed last tear. With the crowning. she succeeds the 1981« 82 prtncess. Dianne Clark, and goes on to a year of promoting milk and dairy products in the couniv. In August. she will travel tn the CNE to rnmrtete in the all-Ontaria dairy princess contest. Joanne Bregmun. Ioanne Grubb, Nancy Henhoeffer. Anne Hundt and Ianice Need~ harm, the other contestants. were interview along with Kathy ln Teeswater on Saturday. The event was alsn sponsored l:_\ the Bruce County milk committee and the HI‘HL‘E Ccrunty cream producers. Shortly after the interview, the si.\ went to dinner at the Teeswater town hall, then on to the community centre where they gave speeches during a dance The crowning of the new queen followed. Volunteers work hard to beautify village by Jane ’Jahie The annual Slar‘ling oi the Village Mower pens has now been camcleled lli Tara. "anks to the Tara nofllcultural Sliclalv Thls soctev/ nesewes a lot at crect t tor then continued eltort ever the years i: keep his village looking beauttlul Twp new planters have r putt‘ tn the memorta I park pr‘ng arllj they are nzw Jl mth their geraniums and 'louers. Mrs Louise Broad- - who rs the heazl of the flower ml'l'llttee reports that there any writing wurkers [hts year HE‘EIN] Louise plant the twelve ‘l’w/er beds that the society main- ’ains were Mesdames Faye Mac- Dorialcl~ Hazel Miller, Helen M:- Curdy, Marg Puiahl, Mary Patten son and at course Louise's hus- band. "Broady". These people planted 323 geraniums, 15 boxes or other plants. and 14 new trees. Two hundred tulip bulbs have been order to: latt planting. The flower beds wlll be weeded and watered during the summer by mere volunteer helpers. Mowing at the lawns in the parks Is being done by the Scarrow buys and the Dlebel boys. Volunteer canvassers will be calling cut you tor membershlp In the near lulure. Please glve them your support. They deserve it.