MAKING THINGS GROW Sun Times photu by nnltg Camp â€" Residents have been enthusiastic about the lme left] Hazel N .Cnre. Ar. West. Ala); Lliallenge at taking on a vegetable garden this Donn-2.x and Old Cdrduwr prepare their uar- year. den in the \rrsu Carr scninr (litmns‘ contra. Versa Care seniors discover satisfaction in their garden By CINDY \\ lTTEN Sun TImPK \ldï¬ l7 pearls Hr al. tree hour; iwttenuw den am it» lilt‘lï¬i‘ , Ca'r r .n Ser‘j m in: l cardran- tux» been fungal. 0\ r in lhr'ï¬ m . illir 7 zlimw: 4th \E- Fm: ,k>ltl(tll‘ u 'Httlllg the H? Hi Jim (L. lied 53v; Drnwn I u<rrl to ham 1 : m at allmrum and I resi- :rm: thtm‘ mt u the d,‘ Br. 10 Ht‘ll natal, was the uriginatur til the ilm to transform the wglected lllnt'El'lJEle mtn a uselul protect tm Hm pallenlS. "They started by picking up all thu want: Chlp< U|\’€l’lng the wl and are now titling the. l- :Mu with top SDll .Hnl tertiliz- er she )dlLl “We bnught spar tl.ll lrml< that are lightweight and an to handle " Lluulrnbe , cabbages. carrots. and 0mm». are planned tar Lb:- rmular garden win 4 Iringr nt lettuce aruul‘rl lhe outside. c- Illillllt-N will be gnmn tn latgc nmarle pats lmpatiem \\’|ll bu planled in the llowcrbed alo he wall ‘ l know more about Wild tlouers, But I ll weed them‘ Be mt Ola Gardiner had a large gar- den at lIPI hnme. Chry’stal Spring Farm "Gardens are a lot at work but its nice to have them." she said. The vegetables will be saved especrally for barbeq’ues and picnics Gwen West says that there are already positive results One gentleman always talked of going home to plant his gar- den and since he started work- ing here his spirits are im- Iimvatl. she said The patients seem to anlny the project as participation has bi-cn high and. adds Gwen. "ev» erv day there is snmeone differ ent." COUPLE CELEBRATES 50th ANNIVERSARY â€" A dance was held recently at the Shallow Lake Community Centre in racngnition at the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marshall of Park Head. Mr. and Mrs. Marv shall were married Nov. 3. 1930. Mrs. Marshall is the for- rnsr Nellie Law. daughter of the late Arthur and Catharina Lawl Mr. Marshall is the sun of Ilia lata Thomas and Ettia Marshall. Their family includes 3 sons and 3 daughters. ‘_Duug of Park Head: Lorna of Calgary. Alta: Bill of Whitecourt. Alberta: Shirley (Mrs. Dan Jackson) Di Strat- i'urd; Bunnie (Mrs. Iim Moore) and Helm (Mrs. Ken Taylor]. both of Owen Sound. There are 19 grandchildren. Guests were present from Toronto. Kitchener. Lindsay. lngersoll and the surrounding area. Messages at congratulations were received from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Premier William Davis. B. C. Sargent MVP. Dr. Ct G. "Gus" Mitgas. MP. Governor-General Ed Schrayar. ' loa Clark MP. Gary Gurhin MP. Dancing was aniuyad to the music 0! Merlin White and Gaod~Tyma Country. oer Remember When? These India attended a sewing clan in hrran annshi sum: years back. Aliyah: with Information about the pic- p lure is asked to call Mrs. Harold Simpson II 934-238, or ‘ Mrs. Earl Busch ll 791-5941.