(by Mrs. M. nw-nlwk) W.I. MEET Mrs. Dow Fhlltlpe was host- ese to the Elsinore Women's Institute on Monday atternnon. Mrs. Messam opened the meeting with a poem "i'rn Sorry". The roll call was to name a well known women and tell what she Is temoua tor and was answered by the twelve members and one guest by namlng Mother Teresa, Laura Seoord. L.M. Montgomery. Lady DI. The Queen. Marthe Elellsh, Charlotte Whltton, Maureen MoTeer. Helen 5. Files. We received the cheque for $100 tram the Hobby Fair prooeeds. Plans were made to attend Hepworth Institute on Wednesday neon. White Eie phant draw was won by Helen Gowenleck, Myrel Messam. \end Veda Kirkland. Members were reminded ol the Convention and the Rally, The short reports were Agricul- ture - Agrllood week set tor October 4-11 by Veda KIrk~ land; Family and Consumer Atlaire 7 Vitamin E may aid baby's sight by Mrs. Marjorie Caudle: Resolutions - Be sure and get out and vote by Doris Wlllong; Citizenshlp - Seat belt crackdown on In Owen Sound by Marilyn Phillips; Cultural Activities - Thompson Hell Is opened In Toronto and has the largest organ In Ontario; Joan Bartoot. daughter or Helen (McKlnnun) and Butt Earlont \has written her second book entitled, "Dancing In the Dark" and the irst was "Abra" obtainable In Bruoe County libraries by Bee strong. New Idea, recipe and Joke was given by Marilyn Phillips and Included Ideas tor ualno honey. Hosoltal Ald - Mrs. Moflaie reported the tourth edition ot the Hospital Cookbook wlll soon be ready. Mrs. Messaln reported on cards sent to sick and blankets tor new babies. Our birthday box certainly got a tilt this month. Mrs. Mabel McCulloch was In charge at the program and read an article on Senior Citizens; Marjorie Caudle road Heather Hiecox' history. Mrs. McCulloch had made raspberry lam trom green tomatoes and supplied the recipe as well as a ‘Taste.‘ The meeting closed with the Queen and the Grace. Mrs, Phillips and Mrs.-Strong eeryr ed crackers. cheese and ourno~ kin pie, tea and coltee. <l measured a nastunlurn vine that has wandered across the patio with huge yellow tlowers with wine centres. It Is 12 test long and still going. Visiting 'Tha Wool Bln' In Southamp- ton to buy some yarn I admired Connie‘s beautiful begonlaa In a box In front 0! her shop. Almost as oolcurlul as the great variety ot yarn available Inside. -For some reason the printer: omitted my congratulations to Sharon and Bill Gowan on the 4‘ rm. . birth of their baby daughter. that should have been In last week‘s news. -Mr. and Mrs. Bruoe McLeod were up to the Lion‘s Head area on Sunday. They villted Howard and Inez Richardson. Clayt Richardson oi Wlerton vlelted his mother. Sadie Mc- Leod and Bruce on Monday morning. -Mr. and Mrs, Orville Caudlo toured the Beaver Vailey area with the thstere and Eillotte on Sunday. Jam and Marguerite Foreyth oi Burlington brought the Forsyth hlelory tor the Amabel History to me on Monday morning. Mrs. Gwen Scott ot North Derby and her parents, Tom and Hazel Mitchell el Owen Sound dropped In on Monday afternoon. Gwen was collecting pods. etc. Untortunâ€" ateiy I had to leave tor a meeting but we had a nice vislb So nice when old friends and especially old neighbours came to visit. Grace Vincent and her granddaughter came Saturday to collect some pumpkins. -Congretulatlons to Mrs. Wanda Phillips, wile oi Dennis Phlliips who graduated recentiy as an Occupational Tngaplst. iThe Plowing Match at Lueari and Joan was vi this community: Richard and Dow Phillips, Elgin and Myret the r: and M. Hospital. Owen sited by several tram -We are sorry to report that Mrs Viola Smith is a patient in Meseam with a law extra trlats Sound besides the mud; Al and Ann Lamaln -Mre. "E‘ISinore and district happenings The Wishing Well to namea low II we muid gaze Sadie McLeod visiteo wishing we“ where at, My.†Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod at seem to be Albert -Mrs. son Dow, Marilyn and tamlly. The Phillips tamliy attended a reunion recently. -The A met at Moore. Vl Chambers and Mrs. Helen Place. Owen Sound. Phlllipe is visiting her mahel HIstorlcal Society Mrs. Vera Evane, Mrs, Gowaniock. Special thanks to the Board at the Women's institute Community Park at Sauble Beach tor their donation at 51.000 towards the come“- ing at the Amahol History They also donated $500 each to the live Institute branches that were involved in starting the park originally. They are Allen- tord, Zion, Park Head. Hep- worth and Elsinore. ~chk Richard‘s brother lrom New Hamburg Is visiting Dick Highland nnnmwe :irl‘;i\ nt [1mm vâ€" Local girls win dance awards Thu-c local girls t'L'luI'l'iCLl from ai Pullt‘c Assmiatitm the August 21 Wetoriuo Region nnn rm MM; nlczlnh in int- gnmus in Cambridge whit 2n Bonnie Lt'ini Citm nt South Hutu. sin-m anti Stunt] Ttntin It». and ‘t‘lllit inr MIMI?“ i3 and int-r taut Lnr. Bai'l’uru th RR 2 AIer t‘mt mm Inn nine tnutu. in l’lliv-g. Smut-ti unri Smrin Trillir l'u‘. .md Iltritii' in. Bcgtmnvr, ill and milk! (tilt‘fjiii linine Mtninm )tlliihui‘trt- Inn nnn Ilird plat: rut-mi I" tin Fling .nn rim mtan m Seunn TnnnnJC’ n. ilIC Bcumncrs Ii .IIitl mur Tin girl~ .tm nn .nnm nt mu Snitlliulttxtut C.tliivtvl tit Dang; .tltil Illl’ V'h tie l\llllIC Sthunl t‘l rim-t- in otttn snnnd Elaine McGiIlivary. Barbara Ehy and Bonnie Lynn Chess display awards they received in highland dance competition. And Ii e‘IErV WISVI was SZVIBtled that some; to you and me Would we really be contrile and would the world look lweil It everything we Iongad tor the Township cities on "7 Wednesday evening. Memberel “m5 "om me "ism"? we attending were Mr, and Mrs. Elgln Rourke, Mrs. VI Quinlan, Mrs. Mabel Trash. Mrs Helen There would never inner |oy when dreams oeme true No happlness to anticipate and so very little to do. /P.SIW 14714711411» er vnvd/ hopes and