Arrnn native Ken McKinnnn of Owen Sound had them ‘rolling in the aisles with his ‘ 'nersonal stories at Arnm ‘ history Monday nighl. .mnaa 'Traildrifters’ Snow Show Ir’81 a success Over 600 people attended [the Port Elgin Traildriftcrs Snowmobile Club‘s “Snow Show ‘81", Sunday at the Lions Club Casino to get a ‘ preview of what‘s new in win- ter recreation for the coming season, Outdoor enthusiasts came from all over midâ€" wcstern Ontario. Featured at the third an- nual event were displays of all i major makes of snowmobiles, represented by local dealers ï¬ . _ y,m,th'-." I 5,,“ 5., -‘. Besides. the actual machines. displays also included rhe many ancessories available to snowmobilers, from colour co-ordmated helmets and suits, to socks and spare parts. For those who would rather ï¬ght the mow than enjoy it, some dealtr' aler in- cluded snowblnwers and pot» table heaters in their display:, The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs was n, r ‘ ternnnn was the scitctm ‘ patrolling cottage areas. Yi- l represented by u dlï¬plnr looked after by l P / and Beth Galloway of Mm Oman: One of the hr. w: m: at Irv 04175.11 display 438 a pa" phlet put out hy l he Minlwv of the Allblrw t (rent-r4 outlining change; Ill 1: Trespassing Aat an d the "; rgupter‘5L Liilly Air. '. A visual dl‘» a Y my tv Ontario Prmtnnal Poll! dealt wth snuwrunbi ‘1. Lalc‘ and laws governin, 2 the: operation While mrm‘ ' lnrtl' at the munmnh. e ’ rérr tional vCthiE O P P have i it innw'nnhilc to wnrlr on things as rescue worlr are not acwsibl: in wn. er months by the regular pat ' "1 car The highlight of the a ‘ Miss Port Elyn Trarld 1981i The eight contesta were Judged by Port El Mayor lan Jamicson. Millie Farm: of Millie's Cosme'wt Studio. and Bob Farrell Tn: competition included a modelling of Wll'ltef app" and regular fashions and a bncf speech on some aspect cf snowmobiling Miss Traildn'iter for an: con-ung year iS Barb PthlE’ 16, of Allenford, L Phillips‘ speech was on con servation and included a collection of garbage that people had strewn about the countryside. The winner “as crowned by last year’s M455 t Tratldrifter, Liz Reynolds. of Port Elgmi The ï¬rst runnervup in the contest was Linda Keenan, 15 and the second runnereup was Cynthia McNair, 17. both of Port Elgin, The list of can- testants was rounded out by Karen Gore. Sandy Berner, Kelly Cassaday, Anita Shrivastava and Sherry Arm Gorra. Winners in a draw. spon- sored by the Traildrtt'ters, wereâ€"Ken Hilbig of Port Elgtn, S300; Iris Kelly of Southampton, $100 and Dave Chappell olPort Elgin, 350. ‘ Th: III]: at “Miss Traildrifler 1981" WIS decided HI In: Port Elgin Traild‘l'll‘ler SMOWMObiIE 1 Club‘s “Snow Show ‘81" at the Cnsinu Sundnyr Eight contestants vled fu r the honour with lfl‘yenr-old Bur-han Phillips (sealed at left) of Allenford tnking the title. h. liSti Phillivs hikes t over the title of Miss Tmlltlrlftu from the 1950 winner, le Reynolds; who l is s Balm at right. I The ï¬rst runner-up for the title of Miss Tmildrltler ls Linda Keenan (stnnn “nu N High“. 0f \ Port Elgitl. III! the neéond runner-up ls Cynthin Manir. also of Port Elfin. l ‘m.