Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1982-1984, p. 25

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Surprise party v snout :tx‘ included a smpr \Ilt here no Saturday evening .. ea illnsl‘ 'ata»Arrar\ Commum. t't- url in nmouror Mr and Mrs ss fluidsch Elam Avenue. 4 a can. n the evening. the tarnlly ». a t dinner at the Lido agent int. Port Elgtn tor ihstl‘ ' who celebrated their 25th we l r; .tnnrvarsary The community centre hall was decorated with yellow and white streamers. with the bride's and groom's names and dates 1%?» rm adorning the wall at the room an a small table covered in a lace rlcih, was a silver double trame (cook typel which held the couples weddlng picture. on the opposite side was inscribed EKG! \NtiE Vtrtt'a â€" \lr. and hire. D0 iilL’lt' marriage in Win annllr liltn‘lalcd. Tll. .llrrtt’l RQ\ t ,rl ElCfli’lCC )l at Allen; Shmtn : ullouzh rd. Tlty Joons, tleunorth ll’holo by Thmnburn. Pint l‘.l‘,‘|ttl $674982 l A mock wedding took place, with the party made up at neighbours this caused much marriment amongst the gathering cl relatives and iriands. Gllts Included Apetlo tablewith umbrella. and chairs to match. l numerous other grits and cards oi Congratulailmts were received. A dance lollowed. and to wind up the pleasant occasion. delicious lunch and mtrashmants were served. Mrs. Davidson was the tunnel Elsre Taylor oi Hamilton area. Guests were present from torontb. Hamilton. London. Win- nipeg, Alta, Mealord. Owen Sound. Port Elgln and tha sunnune ding area. i _ .l ‘7 v ; Alun Cll'rl)l)l'.s are l it tried L‘hui'ch Pan ll‘the is it... lOl‘me.’ daughter h. \ir. mt tire, Cecil ‘fl’rxlm is 3 .mn of n . .lnrl M, . .. > WElsmore The Elslnora vlrornen's Ina stlluta met at the community Centre on Wednesday evening l with tollow institute members trom Allentord. White School and Zlon lnstltuta as guests. Just when the ladies chose the most comlortabla chairs. they had to choose a llgsaw place .wllh a word on which had to be titled to term the words or a song on a paper plate. Thel groups sat together and know- Ing they would have to sing that song. concentrated on remembering words and tuna. Mrs. Massam welcomed the guests and read 'Llstening Ears'. The roll call was to name a lavarite book - A Man called Pater, Catherine Marshall's books, the Anne books. Daniel Steel's books. ‘l heard the Owl call my Name “Papa’s wire; ‘How Green was my Valley' were some 0! the lavorltes but over hall at the 45 ladies present read magazines not books. The cho- que lrom the Women's Institute Park or Sauble Communlty Park as it is now known. was receiv- ed. This ls in recognition of the Financial help 5 lnstltule groups gave to start that park and the many hours spent painting tables etc tor many years Mrs. thtong announced there will be 3 Yard Sale and Bake Sale at the Community Centre on July 3rd. from 10 am. on Convener reports were: Agriculture Beet prices down by Mrs. Veda Kirkland: Famllra Consumer Attalrs Aspirins made saler by Mrs. Caudie Resolutions: Books on the Con» stltutton and where they may be obtained by Mrs. Wllfong. Education: Music program sav- ed at Saugeen but other courses in danger by Mrs Smith; P.R.: Canadian dollar hit a new low by Mrs. Walker Mrs. McRae reported tor the Hospital Aux- iliary and Mrs. Messam tor the Sunshlne. The song groups did their stint between acts. Mrs. McVittle had her trusty Kazoo and led the group and Mrs. Emi- ly Walker played tor her group but the other groups were good sports and did it ‘oli the cull'. Mrs. Marilyn Phillips played the Tennesee waltz on the ac cordian and played and sang ‘l want to go back to the Prairies' . a only Marilyn can Mrs Beatrice Strong was in charge ot the pro- gram and showed slides or the ‘Gethoring of the Clan'. Her guest, Mrs, Esther strong at Southampton demonstrated baskets made irom Pine Needles. Look tor her booth at the Hobby and Cratt Fair on July 5th as they are a work oi art. Mrs. Emlly Walker played ‘The Queen' and the Grace. Lunch was served by the Elsinore ladies and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Borden Fenian, Mrs. Evelyn Weppler and Mrs. Lottie Markei expressed the apprecla tlon or their branches tor the an- "l and district ners ‘ |oyabla evening they had had. l The Grandmothers mailingdt i the Elsinore Womenle Institute . was held on Wednesday evening ,at Gowanlocks with thirteen l ,mambers and selven guests ‘firesantod wllh corsagae. Mrs. ‘lMessam read a poem "Today and Yesterday", The roll call was to name three wlshas and l most answers named health, llworld peace. etc, The branch ‘ received an lnvlratlcn lrom the ‘ White school branch to attend i lhelrseptembar meeting. Acard ‘was signed to be sent to Lll Cowin. The shon reports were. Public Relations - Rural woman ire studying more; Agriculture- !oniinuous planting dt corn damages the soil- Canadian In- dustries - New glass bottomed boat at Tobarmory tor taking ‘ourists sightseeing In; Family lnd Consumer Aliairs - An arll- I la on salt; Education - Grade 12 students build a replica at the lighthouse at Lion's Head: sun shine report ot cards and gitts The white elephant winners were Myrel Messam, Mabel Mce Cullocn and Karen Swete. Mrs. Guwarllock introduced Mrs. Jean Fenian at Port Elgtn who told oi attending the A.C.W.W. convention in British Columbia. she had literature and many gltts trom members ‘ tram all over the world. it was in» taresling to tlnd that the In. t slltute that hosted Jean on do. day was one Joan Rlflham's mother belongs to. A donatlon ll tor mileage was given to Jean in ‘ appreciation. Lunch provided by i Myrel Messam and Helen i Gowanlock was sewed by An- tnlce Blake and Marion Gowanlock. Small gitts were given tor lucky plates and cups. June Gallie won a gltt donated by a crattsperson, June Ander- son Mrs. John Walker gave the recipe and lake and showed a dish cover to carry a dish In. do“ at the incidents at the in- tute meeting was - the tirat ’ ur ladies were all named argaret. Klrland, Angel. Simp- n and Frizeli and the next tour I had met names beginning iih ‘J' - Joan Dickinson, June allie. Jan Sinclair and Joan tot-aids. very nice to have two rmer members present, Marg lrkiand and trans Patchcll. Mr. and Mrs. Ste and ohlldran ct rakand t‘ iren " l l area's-trad".er l l l l l l The Hapworttl Women'l In- atltute entertalned ueata lrorn both Elsinore and ar W.I.‘a ton Wednesday, October 8th ‘ when approximately 30 Iadlea l anloyad a noon luncheon which was toilowed by our regular meeting. Guest: were greeted by the prelldent ot the heat organization. Laura Hiila and aha opened the meeting with a anon poem "Smile." Roll call we. anawarad with each lady ldantltylng heraelt and stating her home Branch, than talllng oi something tor which she was thankful. There were a law individual reasons tor being thanktul, but the malorlty tolt that there wara lust too many things to be lthanktul tor to single out any yona in particular. The secre- taryvtreaauror, Martha Banâ€" nlater gave the tlnanclal report iand read the minutes or the lpravloua meeting and corres- pondence. Beatrice Hendry was named to assist with registration at the Diatrlct Holly at Sauble Beach later this month. and Betty Sznkall and Winnie Klageo will be our delegates. Mary Dler. tor Heedlutlons read that we should resolve to not let TV Viewan take tlrat place in our lives. and tar Twaadamulr History. Laura Hllla read a comical poem about “The Good Old Days," Helen Jonas opened the fl rogram which she and Olive lnclalr had convened with her report Inr Family and Consum- er Attalrs which like Laura's report was rather humorous but so very true In many Instances, it listed the various racoilactldna ot a mother In regards to her tlrst. second and third child such as weight, Isanltary precautions, whom reach was named after. etc. Olive Sinclair gave two read- Ings arid Beatrice Hendry ran» dared two baautltul solos. A contest naming baby animals was won by Helen Gowanlock and the lucky chair was occupied by Colleen sweet. with both at these ladies coming from Elsinore. Betty Szakall played the ac- companlment on the piano for the singing at the w.l. Grace. and Ode earlier in the meeting as well as tor our soloist. Betty also played a musical prelude ‘ while ten ladies trorn our local ‘ group donned some crazy hats and ameaaorles for a tashlon show which concluded the program. The Lord‘s Prayer was re- . peatad in unison to bring a l vary enjoyable atterncon to a ‘ olnae. Weller-Kirkland 51. ‘ lVlr. Margaret Leanne Kirkland. daughter of and Mrs. Robert Kirkland. RRi Aflenl'm-d. 'and Rod R. Waller. son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Waller of Toronto spoke their marriage vows in a candlelight ceremony in the Praehyteripnmchurch, Allanfard on Nov. 7. Rev. Williani loubart dtficiated with white chryaanthamums and paw markers forming the setting. Mrs. Gerald Walker was organist. Soloist was Mrs. _I<haneon Wong. â€" The bride chose, a .gown of patients rosebuds in bridal ribbon. Mr. Kirkland gave his daughter in marriage. ‘ Th'a attendants wore mauve polyester: gowns with‘chift'on draping bit the ekirta._ fitted bodinea with draping on the opposite side. T-straps and clfiffoa capalata tied at 'the back necklinaa. The guwna tiad'at the waistlinee. They cemjadgttnk roses. white chryeamhemuma aidemeuvo [meats and wot-a from and baby's breath in their hair; Mitre Paula Kifllend: was. maid of t7:-n=n-â€"r â€"u -

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