of ‘ OMB post Gary Harron, issue at Amabel Township. is leaving i3 years at municipal politics this tail, for a job with the provincial govern menl. Harron, 45, a prominent local ‘ Progressive Conservative. who ' ran lor the PCs In Huron-Bruce in the last provincial election. was appointed to the Ontario Municipal Board, ellective Dec. ‘i. He will deal primarily with assessment appeals. Harron said he is "very. very ‘ pleased" with the appointment ,i to the 555.000-560,000~a-year job, out said he leaves municipal politics with "mixed emotions". ‘ Municipal politics has been ' good to him. he said. One ot the active promoters ol the proposed Bruce Energy Park, Harron said he would have liked to push ll some more, stating he expects some I'nalor developments to occur In the near tuture. But Harron said he probably got the loo because oi his ex» perlence In munlclpai politics and other provincial agencies. He is also a member or the Niagara Escarpment Commlsi . slon. Hairon was Bruce County warden in l978 and Is chairman oi the county economic development committee ‘ ’He will not run ior reelection this tall. He wiii also step down v lrom the NEC and as head or the economic development commit- tee at the and at November. 1 Hanan is a native or Elsinore. here he still operates a beat arm with his wlie Yvonne. They live two daughters, Tammi, 19, {5 d Lisa. l2. i The new posting may involve Marjorie and Hector Fraser celebrated their 50th wedding an- niversary Tuesday, May 10, with a family dinner at the Holiday Inn, i Owen Sound. The couple has two daughters. Mabel, Mrs. Alan Cook, and i Jean, Mrs. Bill McDougaid, at Tara, and one son, Jack, of Port Elgin, Harron gets- . l 4,â€"3.â€" ‘i, The Plonll‘ Appreclotlon Night On Friday night a large i crowd was In attendance in the i, Curling Club to give a “Thank You" to Harry, Dorothy and \Audrey Plant tor their many Years In i business. Rose Aiken was chairman oi , the programme and did a , great Job with his "lakes" and / ad llbhlngt Solos were sung by the grocery store Jackie McCulloch, Merri Lynli Alltan and Jamie Gordon Shanna Cox a piano solo, Readings were given by Mrs. i Elda Toilon and Mrs Mae l Alken, Mrs. LUIS McCuliach and Mrs Fluth Jewel sang a iduet, Miss Barbara Eoy a Scottish dance. Mrs. Dow ‘ Phillips sang accompanying harsell on the accordion. Bub land Marlena Crossley and family sang several numbers. Mrs. Bernice Gawain and Mrs. Helen Cox acted a comedy "Piant's Store in 2002'K Harvey and Dorothy Plant were presented with a picture and Audrey a silver bracelet and ear ring set. The Music Making Mums played lor the dance that lollowed the pro- WWW, [a - Our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wllierd Wade and lamlly in the death of Mrs. Wade's mother, Mrs. Chatter- ton. who passed away last Week. Friends, lomily and members of the South Suugeen Women's Institute gathered Friday to pay tribute to the founding member of lhe instilutc. llelen Black celebrated her 9Sth bir- tlil‘lity and was showered with good wishes at the Saugeen Memorial Hosplufl. With Mrs. Black (ccntrc) are her daughter. Jean Black (left) and Rue McIntosh. South Saugeen Women’s Institute Mrs. Mel (Helen) Black. Port Elgln, was honoured on Fllday, March 26, when members oi South Saugeen Women's in» slllule visited her In Saugeen Memorial Hospital, The occa» slon was to mark her 95th birth- day on March 27. Mrs. Black has compiled a long and close association wlih the Federated W'inlen's in. sillute olOntarlo in 1947 while residing on the 4m Concession oi Saugeen Township, she was instrumental In organizing the south Saugeen orancn and sew ed as ihallrsl president Prldi to that. she was associated lor 30 years with the whim SChool branch i South Saugeen proudly presented Mrs. Black with a Lite Membership in December 1957. In recognition 0! her leadership and dedication Mulil~laientcd, she Bnteled a ‘iweeosmuir Con- lesl in 1561 composing words and music ior an Institute song and won honourable mention in the provincial competition. Prior to her retirement to Port Elgln, many an institute meeting and social occasion in the com- munity oi South Saugeen was highlighted with her lively Violin mu5ic. She maintained a keen ins lerest in "12 work oi the local 4H clubs, and was ever ready to lend a helping hand in any old- lects undertaken by the branch This gracious lady, 95 years young, truly parsonilles the ins stiiuie motto, "For Home and ,i Country", as her contribution ol . i l time and talent has indicated.