Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1982-1984, p. 23

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#Tâ€" "T‘IZ TA. EISino (by Mn. M. Gownnlock) WJ. MEET Mrs. Dow Phillipa was host» ass to the Elsinore Women‘s Institute on Monday alternoon. Mrs Messsrn opened the meeting with a poem "I’m Sorry". The roll call was to name a well known woman and tell what she is tan-loos tor and was answered by the twelve members and one guest by namlno Mother Teresa, Laura Secord. L.M. Montgomery. Lady Dl. The Queen, Martha Bislish, Charlotte Whitlon, Maureen McTeer. Helen 5. Rice. We received the chaoue ior SiOD irom the Hobby Falr proceeds. Plans were made to attend Hepworth Institute on Wednesday noon. White Ele- phant draw was won by Helen Gowaniock. Myral Messam, and Veda Kirkland. Members were reminded ol the Convention and the Rally. The short rapods were Agricul- iure - Agritood week set for October #11 by Veda Kirk- land: Family and Consumer Allairs a Vilamln E may aid baby‘s sight by Mrs. Marlorle Cauole: Resolutions - Be sure and get out and vote by Doris Wlliong. Citizenship - Seal belt Crackdown on In Owen Sound by Marilyn Phillips; Cultural Activities 7 Thompson Hall Is opened In Toronto and has the largest organ In Ontario: Joan Barioot. daughter oi Helen (McKinnon) and Bob Barluut has written her second book Ulllllb i Dizkws ith‘anar :ind Torn or inhDJnLr Ihs arrlvai oi . )ellrzv I Drill" 3’; )JflCES. all HosDIidi. August IBM. :1 granowenis are Mr. . .ieriiilc . s ol Alton . . m .mi Aibsll ord Esabcllc l DiC\i“Snll SHE'Cioi lhanlis ’v Dr. ‘ La'TEI‘lii He‘ the Chi Stall entitled. “Dancing In the Dark“ and ths Irst was "Abra" obtainable In Bruce County libraries by But Strong. New Idea. recipe and lotto was given by Marilyn Phillips and lncluded ideas tor using honey. Hospital Aid - Mrs. McHae reported the lourth edition 0' the Hospital Cookbook will soon be ready. Mrs. Massam reported on cards sent to sick and blankets lor new babies. Our birthday box certainly got a lift this month. Mrs. Mabel McCulloch was in charge of the program and read an article on Senior Citizens: Marjorie Caudle read Heather Hlscox‘hlstory. Mrs. McCulloch had made raspberry |am tram green tomatoes and supplied the reclps as well as a ‘Tlsstefi The meeting closed with the Queen and the Grace. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Strong serv- ed crackers. cheese and pumpa kin pie. tea and coiled. -i measured a nasturtlum vlna that has wandered across the patio with huge yellow flowers with wins centres. It is 12 last long and still going Visiting ‘The Wool Bln' lri Southamp- ton to buy some yarn l admired Connie‘s beauiilul bagonlas In a box In from at her shop. Almost as colourlui as the great variety of yarn available Inside. -For some reason the printers omitted my congratulations to Sharon and Bill Gowan on the rain and wind. rteâ€"“andrd'ils y n- birth at their baby daughter, that should have been In last week's news. -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLeod were up to the Lion‘s Head area on Sunday. They visited Howard and Inaz Richardson. clayt Richardson cl Wlarton visited his mother. Sadie Ml‘r Leon and Bruce on Monday morning. -Mr. and Mrs. Orville Candle toured the Beaver Valley area with the thstsrs and Elliotts on Sunday. -Tom and Marguerite Forsyth of Burlington brought the Forsyth history for the Arnabel Hlstory to me on Monday morning. Mrs. Gwen Scott of North Derby and her parents, Tom and Hazel Mitchell oi Owen Sound dropped In on Monday atternoon. Gwen was collecting pods, etc. Unlortun. aialy I had to leave tor a meeting but we had a nice ylsll. So nice when old friends and especially old neighbours come to visit. Grace Vincent and her granddaughter came Saturday to collect some pumpkins. -congratulations to Mrs. Wanda Phillips. wile ol Dennis Phillips who graduated recently as an Occupational Therapist. ri was visited by several from Lamalryto name a low. It besides the mud; AI IndyAnn‘ Sadie McLeod visited -Mrs. Albert Place. Owen Sound. -Mrs. Phillips Is visiting her son Dow, Marilyn and lamlly. The Phillips lamlly attended a . reunion recently. -The Arnabel Historical Society met at the Township cities on Wednesday evening. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Elgln Rourke, Mrs. VI Quinlan. Mrs. Mabel Trask. Mrs. Helen Moore. Mrs. Vera Evans. Mrs. VI chambers and Mrs. Helen Gowanlock. Special thanks to the Board of the Women's Institute Community Park at Sauhle Beach tor their donation oi $1.000 towards the compli- . Inn at the Amabel History. They also donsled 5500 each to the live Institute branches that were Involved In starting the park originally. They are Allan- lord. Zion. Park Head, Hap- worth and Elsinore -chk Richard‘s brother from New Hamburg is visiting Dick fig , ‘7! _>77_' 7 7 r ;’ ct appenlngs -‘I’he Plowing Match at Lusan and Joan. ‘ -We are sorry this community: Richard and Mrs. Viola Smith Is a patient in Dow Phillips. Elgln and Myrsl the G. and M. Hospital. Owen r Msssam with a low extra trials Sound. ‘ Mrs. Myrel hostess at the Elsinore communi- ty Centre tor a shower In honor oi her niece Leanne Klrkiand. Around Iortyriive ladies attended, Mrs. chg played the plant) and lakes were read by several ol the ladies. Mrs. Msrg Kirkland conducted t'wo contests won by Mrs. Herb Mc- Culloch. Mrs. May Walker and Mrs. Helen Gowanlock. Leanna was in- vited to the lront, beautiluliy decorated tor the occasion. and tho gltts were opened. assisted by Mrs. Velma Phillips. with the messages read by Mrs. Messam. The bride's mother. Mrs Hobt. Messarn was i to report that The Wishing We I we could gaze into the wishan well where all wishes Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod at seem to be And it every wish was sntlsilsd that comes to you and mo- Would we really be contented and would the world look swell ll everything we longed tor came trorn the wishing well7 There would never be that Inner Joy when hopes and dreams come true No happiness to anticipate and so very little i:- do. - Always with the good domes somsihlng noi so goodl Mrs. . Viola Smith Is home lrorn hospital and is going to Burlington to stay with her son. Ellwyn. Janet and lamlly ‘ this week. But Mrs. Ida Nelson has Injured her loot and Is in ‘ huspltal. l- Mr. and Mrs. Clemer are building a large home In the Gowanlock subdivision. next to . 2 Birchcrest. The Hutchison cu tags is growing larger too. - Maurice and I want to Brigden on the Friday belore Thanksgiving. His sister Lexy l Gowanlock of Port Elgln ac» companied us. On Saturday Annlce, John. Sarah and Amy Blake arrlvsd lrorn Toronto, Maureen Craig. Jamie’s ilan- cos lngrld, and Dunc Davidson had arrived Friday. Edith and . Sam Howey from Harrlstsvllls arrived Saturday morning so we all attended the Brlgden 'Fall Fair parade. The Brlgden . Fair Is a huge alfair and that little town Is Jam packed Wlth cars and people trorn one end oi the town to the other. It Is unbelievablel Pl'iyllls had any tered various kinds 0! plckles and some crafts. It remindsd me of Tara Fair days when the girls were going to public school and she would race to see it she had won any prizes. This time her neighbours had } ‘tound out she had won and were as excited as It they were the winners. She won the top honours In the canning and won two prizes In cratls also. For the parade she had made costumes tor Mark and Sarah to go In the Noah‘s Ark Floet as a rooster and a hen. They oi the rlboons and bows. Leanne expressed her appreciation and lunch was served and a social Kirkiand created a colorful hat out } I Public speaking winners The Amabsl-Hspwnnh School recently held their public speaking contests. Winners in the Junior group above are; llront row ion to right) - Michael Cheyno illrst). and Jackie Kral. Back i row: Frank Moulton and Tracey Farmln. Below are the senior Ilnailsts. Front row loll to right are: Laurie white and Carolyn Daclw. Back row i are; Elan alumgsnon and Jackie Middleton. 'IRB l1 fl [Vi t were so excited and looked so cute It repaid all her work. Finn, Sharon, Sheena. Rob and Steven France lrorn Port Eigln had arrived and Monday Ron. Fran, Lori Calhoun and her friend Brad lrorn Thameslord returned lrorn Detroit to loin us in Thanksgiving dinner. We stayed until Tuesday morning. The Howey: and Gowanlocke had some long sessions at Aggravatlon. It was a pariect weekend tor twanty-ilva people. a On Saturday evening Amabel paid tribute to Gary, Yvonne. Tammi and Lisa Harron at the Allenlord Community Centre. All the various departments in municipal life that Gary has I been involved In wsra rapre» earned and friends lrom all ‘ walks of their lives, Gilts were i presented to Gary iron the Arnabel Council and elite to . . . h l: 12:” {as}; :1- arfid . thellthre: ufila In the Harron i fl» , el ‘ili ,re mind (0 Li tan Miller by deug ler. . A" 9 3'" 'f 9 “VB away! been ‘1 if. “ I‘d [:1 Ha emeier appealed oP’their parsnts‘ ‘ there when needed. We were i Pegs.» uraham.“ m 2 - 50th Wedding Anniversary “LI-"0151 1° be "1m . 7%, Arrive 3 Celebration. tblativaa and friends to" a “flame and Go Tea". at invites ’Ell' parsnts‘ homef'zus Avenue hasty-Owen und. on ay, May l i

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