Elgln United Church was scene 0! the marriage at nne Mane Maize and Gorr Morris Cramp. on Oct. 2, at a bride is the daughter at and Alberta Man. at Ft Ft 3. Elaln end the groom is the > at Gord and Meryl Crampoi rt Nelson. 3.6. Rev. Douglas A. Brydon cont cred rho service. The church as decorated with purple pot- led mums and purple and mauve titles marked the pews. Joanna Mlelke was organist and Anne M838 the soloist. The bride wore a French lace gown with sheer net yoke. accented with lace and pearls. Long sleeves Md a hill at the wrist and the Aline skirt we: caught up to reveal an underekln or . organza wtlrl lace trim The skirt illowe-d out to a chapel train and ‘f mohair picture hat.w|th rulIl~ trim and liars spray carri- Feiad the ensemble. Mala at honor. Krista McArr or worn a long gown oi grape can with a too. lneel. hlgil kllne Irlmmad will): line, long Maas - Cramp APPRECIATION NIGHT GARY l-iARRON ' RETIRING REEVE or AMABEL TOWNSHIP Saturday, October 16th, 1982 8pm-lam ALLENFORD CURLING CLUB Program and Dance Music: "HARVEST" Please Accept This As Your invitation illled :iflzvas and tiered Shirl Bridesmaids were Linda Hill. Nancy Pelrunek, Patty Ulrner and Wendy Harwood Their gowns matched tho maid or hunor‘s All lrio alienoants car lied bouquets clI yellow and mauve orchids with baby's breath. ivy. wallets and aople blossoms, The pride carried a while Bible (given by her grandmother). decorated with Millie roses. or chloe, ivy and baby‘s breath The groom were a white lux- edo with a white rose. ivy and baby's breath bouleniero. The best man was Bob Harlan, oi Allenlord. Uehem were Lorin Myers. 01 ' Port Elaln. Wayne HIII. OI Allan- loro. Tim Mliiel. ol Sauhie Beach, Brad Ange‘. at Aileniord. All the men wore gray tuxedo: wllh mauve orcnlo boutonleres. A recegllorl was held at lna Alienlord Curling Club Follow- ing which the couple departed on a wedding trip to the Poconos Mountains. Penn Mr. and Mu. Gordon Cramp. will reside at RR, 1. Allsnloro ~A reunion oi the bilaan family took place at "193' Elsmora Community Cs‘nlre on Sunday when seventyâ€"live members from Buriinolon. saga Beach. Mooretletci, etc. attended. Mr. and Mrs. Dow Phillips were the Host Iumily iroln this area. The oldest gentleman wm lrom Preston with an years to his credit Families were introduced to oat the records straight on tho 'Family Tree. Marilyn. Donna and Barb Phillips provided mustc. The ViSIlIng members at the Shani: Iamlly expressed their appreciation or the Elsi» nore Community Centre as a suitable spot for their lhâ€"unlon The Dow Phillips had their married son and daughter with their families home and Marl~ lyn‘s parents are spending this week with the Phillips Iamiiy They are Mr. and Mrs. Good . Thornhlll. New Dundee. Wa»\o Lunch Provided lrum New Hamburg Village 0! Tan Rteve Arthur Speer. presenls the i 011 In" to Erik Thomson. representative of Bruce Coun- ty l ibnlry Board. [Aldon public «puking winnrr» llrl‘ piclurcd MtIII Jerk Ruit. president. Tilt-y \..ru is“ Huron. Isl; (erlnl VICIIOINIHI. anl: Diane Melts“. 3rd. Also Ill picture llrt' List: Hirsch livid Lise Fenian. Speaking finals On Thursday evening. Mal-2n It, eight linallsla lrom grades 5 to l! participated in the Arlen-Tarn schools public speaking llnala The run branch ol the Royal Canadian Legion sponsored the evening and at line conclusion ol the evening winners were env nounced who writ represent the school in two competitions. Lisa Harrrin oi gradr- is placed lll:,t with a upsech about cata; Granl Ninrinison at grade 5. who apoku aboul ills Iltilo brother, placed ï¬ECOrld. Diana Mauser oi grade at, «no in her speech advis ao everyone to have a hobby. Disc 60 mild In the content. These three speakers will represent the Allan-Tara school In lhfl Bruce County area schools contesi lo be hair} in Chesloy aariy in April. Omar schools OI this area are Gheeley Public School. Elderslle Central School and Paisley Cen- tral School. Lisa Harron was also selected to represent grades 5 and e at the Legion Zone Ilnala held at Mealurd on Sunday. March 14th. Also, going to Meaiord was Lisa Busch who spoke about Laura In- galle Welder. Lisa was a Winner at the grades 7'8 level in the school ttnale. Lisa Esplen oi grade 6 was also named as sucond place wln- nor in the grades I 8 contest. Her lupic was the rebirth oi the Port Elgin Fail Fail. Other conloslants and their topics were Kirsten McMillan at grade 8, The Cowboy; Beverley Barrett oi grade 7. The Ftubiks Cuoe‘. and Kim Fllctlzlrds oi grade 7. Steven Trusccil. Judges tor the speaking contest were Mrs Harold Simpson. Mrs. Lloyd Williamson and Mrs. Dave MacDonald. Principal Wm. Stewart acted as chairman Mr G, WeDDler was itmekeeoel. The school band undel the direction oi instrumental music teacher. Mrs. Louise Sweiger. pro- wded music lor the audience following the speeches. white the lodges were making their docir alons. †Hislury