HARRDNâ€"Ebb aria [nrrlp irfl * aiuasec to annuunce the arrlval nl liner: second rnrlu. rummy Edwem Joseph. A war nrulniar lcu mulls“ Lirnn Barri at Owen Sauna (3th Husvlral on Marrn 2nd rm weighing ri al rim 2 ma Hem" ulanuuarertl: are now and Lll Hdrrlzll ur Elsimre aria Gard and Meryl Creme 0! Furl Nelsot. B.C Haunv larval . ururmnarenis are Mr: lsabtl l-iar ‘ rqrr Southampton. Mr Joseph Srirulir. Scullramntoti, Mr and ' M’s Bryan Creme. Mmlora aria l Mr and Mrs Edward Eonharn. Drauqerlll? Svetral Ina-ms In Dr Rees: and CBS slall Deaths KEARNkLaura Evolm er ‘rororr to on Sunday Marrn an win my lormer Laure Evelyn Messan, at Town": in her btsl year Dauun. ler ol Ethel Hussein nl AllL-rllurd. Beloved Wile or Norman reams at Toronto Dear mornnr r.l [Arlene (Mrs Jim Pumiei oi WalrzrlDO and Patrm-a lNlrs Duun 5n. arena or snaron UH†rrrrna molher ol Sandra uriu Ehslle'r warcon and bran and van Fur are our snicr nl Elem [Nissan in Allcnlord Fur-ml may (all al lnL- vaui H but an Funeral Home era. on it may r/iarrh iiln alter IUD o m runuml Wu icu in rm,- (Haul-l mum-may al 2 so am inlermem mum/A rn mclury Tara : Miss Paula Klrklarrd and hurl Another, Mrs Robi Klrklarirl.l were in Kllchener wriere Paul .inderweni surgery on her llti. We sure hope ms is the last nrdeal she has In {)ll through in rumedy inal miiiry hunt a car u‘ cirleni several yum Mr There erI “E 3 Emma at lhe‘ [ï¬mrrliirlily Centrr; rill Friday. .mnrriri Our newest granddaughter.l Diana Slevons. paid her llrsl ' wsrt to us over the Easter weekend. Accompanied by her Mom and Dad and brothers.l Mum and Jorlalitarl. Ihev arrived l lrom Brlguan on Good Friday. Annlce, John. Sarah and Amy‘ Blake also came lrorn Brludan is Annlce and the girls riau niade with Phyllis and children NhllB John and Wayne had gone tn Myrtle Beach Maureen and} Dunc arrived on Good Friday. rariy Salurday morning our i'lrandaughler, Trudi. and her Husband, Austin Baird. arrived JllEr drivlng so hours slralght ‘llrgugh lrom Nova Scotla. other must durlrrg ins weekend were Vllns Marllyn Hlll ol Kltcheheri was Eonnle Young or Ramsay. r. and Mrs. Wray Smith. Mrs. alhy Mercer. Angela and Scull. n and Mrs Guy Johnston. n. Kendall and Luke. or oulltartlplun, Mr, anrl Mr: Hon rehcs and Steven. Mlss Lew owanlock or Port Elglh. Mr .J. Fenion, Emlly and her hit:- band or Milton and Jewel ol Lori» l don {So nice lo see these two i l lormol 4-H girls or mine) - Maurice cooked Ms specialty, slurred pork chops. lor our Easter dinner and Ron France was his asslslanl Mr. and Mrs. Pal Floss cl Brnuklin and Mrs Madge Legu came to see us Easier Monday. Saturday morning [he Amabel History Society met at the Amabel Townshln Building. EIan and Marg Rourke. Marie McDonald. Vera Evans, Viola Chambers. Archla Blue. Barbara Buchanan. Marlon Ferrls, Shlela Gatis. Annlce Biaka. Murdoch McKenzie and Helen Gowanlock attended. Al Lamaln broughlhma a box at Elsinore cookies he bought In San Anlorrlu Taxis Our prayers and good Mahdi are wllh Dow Phllllos. who naag?‘ surgery this past week in "it; Owen Sound Hospital. “31 Sorry to hear that Butch an ‘ Luella Stewart's son [tad ME rrllstortune to lost part‘ or hl lingers in an Incident wlth is. saw. . i M Plug: 6A. The Inuit! ‘l’lnn. Wmnndll. AMI I]. [m Currie - McIntosh Tm. arraiiflarrierlls or rose. 1. IIK am. mills lllj‘helï¬ lnrrned mu sulllr‘tl ill Triliriia Mumnirai Praï¬hylalian Church. Part Eiqln, an April 7 , lor lhr) marriage or 'Jlrl'ro Elii'rilrrjlli Mclhlosh and Jamey Frurlizrlcy Currie Grnce [aliie flauqhilirolï¬afl Mclnloah. .rl Purl Fiiiiii. .iriu lllh lalDAnqua li/l 'Iloih ari'l Jim is Wm can ol Caliln’lflb Cirillo, H“ l. smi-nuinpiim, and lhr: IEilc Elqln Crlrrla H v Null PACCIrlnbll: or llr.l<l‘-‘l1 arirl Marilyn Mchirm. ui-.i.-i iil l'il‘ liiirirg was atom ist .irui Lin-la ltirrgwull was solmsl liru llllllrr. Wlllr was glyari lll llllllldlï¬' liy riur Ilrather. Jollh 'll l'llrl'll how a lmlvastur n. urlri/ inn v1 tr. lilrnij hurliru .l'l 'Illlll“‘l(l|lil lt . rl u. lrlli ii. r. ilir] ripriii r..ir.iiini1 .iurlr lllv lltl’li"r' ri.-i irririimd lhlnu liunrlar ll ‘rll‘K‘Vt‘j an] ll’lu lell,i|.lllr)l‘. mm acrnriiuil with l... r rirlllilui limo marimrl til 3 liiii l in. ‘tllll tun shirt .inla lli-up allhlrt lillllt) uwlrluil illlllllltl Tiir- lii:k ‘11 "In :lklrl l ll 11in Hull“ l' lly Chrrral lralri iinl hk‘u’lllll'll was a Jiillnl cap ril luco .iml til-ills flnLl iihlrl llr lrlll Steve Smith plckcd up two Innis It the IWIMS hung“: a! the Southampton Slim hockey duh. this put Sunr- dly nlght. SIIllh received len‘ls [or nearing the rum place her three quarter length yell She carried a Cascading bouquet ol Easter llllas. pink roses and white stephanulis on a background or green leaves. striped wiln willie uahlce Seabnrn was mzldolr honour and Vlckl Fowler and Lois Fatherby were blldsmaids They all were sleeveless. mlsty pink Jersey nowns. Wlll‘l biousnn nodicea and galhered skirt A sheer printed blouse top wllh e sland up collar, lung sleeves, rullla al walsl and a DBDlum below the walni was worn over lhe gown They car ried cascades nl pink roses. vrhilu daisies and rubrum lilies in light and dark pink shanes The bag! man was Harald Shulm and lhe usher: were the nronm‘u brother, Brian Currie, JAl‘fI Jim Folhurby. The groom a 15 his altendante all were blue Iumnns ‘lnrs Reception win tlsld at Maple square Hall with the bride's mathar receiving in a rose gown. asslsted by the groom's molhar In a deep Dlnk guwn Folltrwlrig a waiting lrlp in Niagara Falls the couple look up lusldenco in Any) Township, w. '1 loll: In! (or mull: the most points In I xenon. l l l l. I Phnlnhv P'mele RAlTS" On Saturday. July 12th. Emily lee-Ann ham: and K3 ' Merl: Innis exchanged yaw: in the Allenford United ChmE d). The bride la lhl! deushter arm. and M1111]. Fantnn at Allenfot-d. and lh'a groom‘s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Innis residence in Milieu. 0m. at Burlinxtm . The muple will take up -14V Msaford x 954mmth IVEIHS #lf - THE Wilmer nl Ill? Nuth Devin W.|. Bulterlly Quill amw ms N0 145. Marilyn McComti, Owen Sound. I), l Munnc Assnrlnmu I null caller Frnnu-s. AI Saulhv «melon on Thursdav. Manner ll. rm. trig lormr Einunor Lrnn ul cmme hill in hit! am rear Selena wrl! ol the late Lame Bail: Dear maer 0! Carat min. For! Lmuel soulnummon. Be"? Anne at cniuncm Hlll. Linu- (Mn. Murru wulm. RR. i. i Dunn-rum. Bonnie ul swrrump l in. Jerry M Klmardlm and silt . MPH! Eluln i-sizr or Min Mar. l war-l Lynn a! 0m Sound. Rulh - [Mrs Gear“ ntul at Owen Sound and Elm Lrnn or Itimarl. Aim survived Dr a mammalian. Preduum by l mini am am i . mint! mande Frlend: may call at Inc Paul it Enteum Fuucral Home. 7.†ailer I El“ ‘rrdlv. Funeral lece in in: chattel ll I an SlNrdOV. Number MIL In i ll mull. Nlllcrlsl Cemcltrvr Tl . In lieu ï¬lm “Ilium l ll) "I OMIrlo Hun Furl I)! IN cm In! arm lump-l Nultn i team would I MIM Mr. .md Mrs. Mark Hough were married on Saturday. July Z-lth 1982 in St. Peter's Lutheran Ch h K'l A or. Ontario. The brilli- ls the um ‘ “:hen daughter of Mr. and Mrs, chenur and lha groom is th chard Hough of Could Lake. The r. former Lorie Tchabushnlg. Frank Tchabushnig of Kil- 2 sun at Mr. and Mrs. R» nuple ls resldlng in Farmer ol the Vur Mr and Mrs, lvan Matches and Mr and Mrs, Borden Felrron ailended lhe Bruce County Federation or Agriculture Bzh~ quel anc annual meeting in the Ripley Communlly Cenlre on Saturday Borden was presented wllh ll’rc Fast Frasldenl pi" by secretary Mary Harvey. Brian and Gisseile Ireland presented Borden and Jean wilh the Bruce County Farmer or me Year Award congratulaiions . 7 Mr. Maurie. Gamma grill. Chaalay Luke um had the rrtiatortunc to loll I "no brad bull on Wadmdcy llll. Mr. (Sow-mock had turned the bull out to pull"! when the bout broke away. Mil-mtg into a ï¬ght wlth I nelghbour'a bull. Artur semi dmlcuil'y, tho Inlrnlll Mun-muwmauuilm ulnglodboektotmewmloclt rurm. Whlll Intulng tn. lm. in. lnlrml my dropped dud. Thu bull III- mun-133w.