Mr. and Mrs. Ms] Davidson Davidsons mark anniversarv A happy occasion was observed b‘on’§rlnr*aay7bmmbarte at rare United church hall. where . members of the iamlly of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davldson honoured their parents on their sum wed- ding anniversary. at a "Come and Go Tea". and open house. The room was decorated with golden streamers and wedding balls, with small tables set up. covered with appropriate table cloths and centred with golden shade baby mums in tiny vases. The celebrants were untied In marriage on December 12. tech. by the late Flev. Harald Hackart, of Allentord United Church. at the home oi the brides parents. the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fanton. ot Allentoro. Bridal attendants were: groomsman. Mr. Graham Chambers. of Allanloro. and twin sisters, Flata and Greta, the later deceased. Mrs. Davldson Is the Iormer Mona Fenton. and Mr. Davidson is a son at the late Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson. y Followmg their marriage, the couple took up farming in Amanei Township. on the homestead oi the Davidson tamily. They resided there and raised a tamllv, retiring in the year 1972. when they moved to Tara. and look up residence in a newly-built home on Hamilton Street. The couple have a tamin at tour boys and one daughter: Gerald, or Owen Sound: Ross. at Tara; Betty (Mrs. Paul Fitter), 0t Kllsyth; Merv vyn, ot RR. 5. Owen Sound; Wayne. who resides on the tamlly homestead Iarm, FLR. 3. Allentord. There are 14 grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have been active members at Tara Sunset Club. Farm Forum. atc.. with Mrs. Davidson an active member at the Women's Institute. The couple are members at Allen tord and Tara United Churches. Li Dancers earn $1, 612 FORT ELGIN â€"'â€" Studisnta bungled for dollars at Sensual; District secondary school this weekend and raised $1.812 for local organizations. " . i. ' The dadcaethan started at] p.m..l?riday with 27 u eauples on the floor but only 14 count†managed to flip. flop and fly the entire 24 hours. ‘ I The couples who raised the most money were »’l'ammy Barron and Kevin Wappler, $196.80: Patty Eaiitghall and David Grassing,5123t60;Dduna Byers and Mike Wallace. 3102.96. i .r' The money will he divided among the Port Elgin . library fund. Meals on Wheels and the Seugeen ’ ’- Memorial Hospital. l [ Heaven Maggie would ureter a Many nongratulatinns gills. cards. potted Giants and messages. were received. in eluding a lamin gift at a portrait book oi their wedding picture and a plaque on the opposil side whict reads 50th Wedding Anniversary Melvin and Mona Davidson December 'lZlh. 1931-1951 Two designs at a couple oi wed ding rings entwined and the hands together, set in a golden tlnlsh. made a lovely gill from the couple‘s tamily. Greellngs were also naceived from Lieut. Governor Ed. Sohreyer. Prime Mlnlster Pierre Trudeau, Premier ot Ontario. Wiliam Davis. and Provincial Conservative. Dr. Gurhin. Guests were present trom the surrounding area. Alleniord. Port Elgln. Walkerton. Owen Sound. Hamilton. Milton. London. Kilbrlde and Mississauga. Congratulations to Mich and Irene Harron oi Calgary on the sale arrival at a son. Mat} thew Michael Douglas. lg, brother lor Amanda. Aunt Laurie i Harron is looking alter Amanda. \\ and Michael. V:- .i >Our'aympethy to the Willard Alken family on the death 01 Marilyn: grandmother, Mrs. Clarence warmington. I‘m sure Instead of a harp In game at euehre tor s ï¬gsrtalnly‘ loved, playing cards'.‘ a -r-r--r Some 500 guests joined Helen and Maurice Gownnlrmlr in celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, it began with a nome-and-go tea at their home R I Allenlord. followed by a bullet supper on the lawn for about 250 guests. A dame at the Allenlord community centre concluded festivities with guests present from as far away as the east and west coasts and paints in the United States. "We used todanca in the Elsinore store." recalled Mre Cowanlnck and that‘s how the couple met. Their- ï¬rst date was Feb 13 and they went. by horse and butter. to a dance in Parr Head lliruugh a bowling snowstorm. The tact that she lost her hat. and me home nearly went off the road. wasn't a deterrent. Mina Helen Smith. youngest daughter ol’ the late Mr and Mrs. Frank Roswell Smith. and Maurzce Cow/smock. sun at Cenrgn and Ruth Cunningham Gowanlock. spoke their marriage vows about ï¬ve months later. mi [uly 25 They were depression years and one of tnair anrii homes was in little log house which they rented for $20 monthly. Mr Guwanlucl's ml that“ died when he was an infant and his father and wile. Margaret Culvi'ile. went was! 10 live. The newlyweds decided to make Manitoba their home too. but aafln returned to Ontario. AI Saull Ste. Marie 500 miles from home they had $7 and a minor car estident Their last 25 rents went for gas in Meeiord The Lolile still resides in the huma where Mrs Gowanloclt was born. When she was atrirkan with cancer. in 1960. and given lees than a 25 per cent chance of living the year out. the cattle were sold. At the date of his retirement Mr. Cowanloolt was parks superintendent at SuublH BEEC‘II Mm. anenlnri wee active in an wnrlr lur 15 years and would still be at it except that she ran out of girls Former 47}! members from as far away as Newfoundland called to extend anniversary greetings. She has been active in Women's Institute is a former district president and Currently secretary ‘il Elsinore in She is secretary of St. Paul's Anglican Church senior AGW in Southampton. and secretary of Gateway Haven Auxiliary. She is nonvenar oi the annual women's institute hobby and craft fair in Southampton. She quills. has an antique crunt Lalluction. dues unwinding. and opens her home In triean relatives and psnpla in need Mr. Gowenloclr is known for his cane \vErlt. is n lm‘mar chairman of tho Snugoen District high ECJOOl board. is on the Elsinore aommunity centre board and. according to his family. 9 world's greatest granddad and tether." The family includes Maureen. Mrs Craig of Palmer- sto - Franl of Seckville. Nova Sootin: l.any nl' Gridaricli‘. Annice. Mrs. John Blake 01 Toronto. Phyllis. Mrs. Wayne Stevens of Brigden and Frances. Mrs. Ron Calhoun oi Thameslnru. a foster daughter. There are 25 grand Children and six greatâ€"grandchildren. Mr. Got-Innlnizk has one sister. Lexy. Mrs. Gowanloclt has a sister. Mrs. Agnew Ard of Cleveland. A sister Dorie, Mrs. Will Hunt. and a brother. Roswell Smith are deceased. Pouring tea at the event were Mrs. Edith Howey oi Heri‘ietaville. Mrs. Viola Smith of Southampton. Mrs. Agnes Ard and Miss Lexy Gowanlurlt at Port Elgin. Messages oi congratulations were received [ruin the Covernorï¬enoral‘s ofï¬ce by telephone. loa Clark. Gary Curbm with MPP Eddie Sargent in abundance. Gary Herron paid tribute to the couple. on behalf of the community, and Ron Calhoun on behalf of the family. Highland dancing and aperinl music were featured in Line evening. Family members played and sang as the honored couple danced to The Waltz You Saved For Me. Mrs. Gowanldck'a favorite song. How Great Thou Art was sung by her daughter. Phyllis. “And everybody said it wouldn‘t last." laughed Mrs. Gowanloizk. + + + There will be an opportunity to meet. "The Kids on the Block" on Aug 4 at 10 a.m. at the Flesherton library. “The Kids on the Block" are Muppeije puppets. not all of whom are blessed with handicap-free lives. One is blind. one has Cerebral palsy. one is mentally hen- dicappad. one is deaf and another has a learning disability. The handicapped puppets talk to the other Hds on the black abnut their disabilities. After the dialogue there will here question period and a workshop to learn just what it is like to be handicapped. needn‘t-semi m