nunâ€"l]! mu u. an Mrs. Nelson Diebel heads Bruce Centre W.I. r FIRST ANNUAL MIDWESTEHN ONTARIO ROTARY MUSIC FESTIVAL "Yum onponunl to Ipproclutu the mulls-Intent in Mldvu II’II Ouhrlo’fl 1. cunpotlllon I)- I: -Tueaday. May 25th thru Saturday. May 25th -:I saulons daily - 9:00 a.m..1'00 pm , 7-00 pm -3 centres-Walkenon Distrlc Secondary School -Knox Presbyterian Church. Walkertbn -walkorton Town Hall Admlulon: 60‘ per session, or. tree with ortlclal program - $4.00 Categories of Competition: -p|ano -vocal solos and choirs instrumental solos and groups -alactrnnlc organ -al:cordlan. guitar. bagulpes The music will be edludlcatod by 7 uualllled specialists selec- ted tram Southern Ontelro. 2. FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS CONCERT-Frldav. June 4 r 8:00 pm. Walkerlon District Secondary School - leaturlng the top scholarship winners raver $2500.00 to be presented Admllllonz Adults $3.50, Students ~52 DD Your support Is «annealed to make this llrst lestlval a success and to encourage the continued improvement or the more than 3000 muelcluns trom Huron. F'ertrtl wellington. Grey and Bruce Counlles who will be llklrlg pad. {IFZII WARD MALLE‘ITE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS The new executive elected at the 26th District Annual Meeting of Bruce Centre Distncl Women’s Institute are: left to right. Mrs. James Bell. p.r.o.: Mrs. Dan Byers, 3rd rite; Mrs. Gordon FarroW. lst vice: Mrs. Don Fentnn. secretary-treasurer; Mrs Velsun Diebel. president; MrS. Phil Ford. past pres.; Mrs. James Coyne. prov. board dHKlllr' absent when photo was taken. Mrs. John Mackenzie. 2nd rice. The 26â€] Dlstrict Annual DI Bruce Centre District Women's Ins stltute was held at Allenlord Presbyterian Church on Tuesday. May 11. I932. The meeting was opened with a War; sing sung by Mrs. Ron Mc- WJ. ALDERSLEY. FCA LH. VOLLE'I'I'. CA BF. THOMSON. CA R..I.MILLEN. CA (1.". MUNIIOJZA HANOVER WALKERTON Vaur MOUNT FOREST K.L. DEER. CA MASTERFEEDS... - 1,, 'olup Lneunuai ‘ tillAZlE l a. mourn ' 240, IICPA t Eltlllli‘ox ' mime Pres * usso * euoex ' emvsi. -- PRIMEXTRA Knowledgeable Staff, Volume Discounts, 3% Cash Discounts W souuo The tomerl‘tshermau recalls they difficulty convincing lanes to iump into the lake daapllo e “feline. Comb on the Newman and Mrs Don Gowan playing the barrio. Mrs An Mulfle’ welcomed the ladies on Denali ol the Jubllee Cir cle The Flatilicatron or District Direcl'z's was conch‘ed by Mrs James Coyne. An interesting report rll Ilel work during the year was given by president. Mrs. FEB. Ford. who also raid at a lurther meeting on "Yfluuh Lave" organized by the District. to be he": on May 2.5m Speaking on the theme. "Let's meet a challenge." Mrs. Fara spoke on how many penple‘s lives are ailectec by economic condi- trons A; the present time. many vrbmen have returned to work. which makes it diIIlCull tor them to attend meetings. We will have to try to be more llerlhle and dc things in less lime than belore A consumeroroducer relation study has been suanashsn. tenth“ some answers lo the Roll Call. "A reason to justify the Exlle-ni‘e Dl Women's Insilluts In the Future' u "ll 5 Educational teaches us to slana up and speak â€" helps to hold the Communllles together: it's like a therapy ses- sion in true troublod wand and wt: also need the Iellowshtp it gives " Mrs. Robert Perkins played several selections as 5 Diana solo A report of F.W LO by Mrs, J. Coyne, Prov ncral Board Member. stated the Junior Women's In- stitute Convention will be held at the Clog and Thistle, in Owen Sound. this year. Mr. Erland Lee has been ac- cepted [or the Hall or Fame and the Unveiling ceremonies Will be held June 13. 1982 â€" 230 Mn. A display honouring him has been mounted at the Hall. The MacDonald Awards or 3200 Is available to students entering thelr tirst semester at the College of Family and Consumer Studies. UnlvErslIy or Gueluh. Ontario w.l. week is trorn Mav :n to June 4. ' Mrs. A, Zoeller is retiring as Editor of “Home and Country". A new hand book will be available soon, Mrs. Coyne urged we promote and support W l. projects â€"~ one ol wl’ilchisto ra-123603 rT'Eâ€ll15rL:, 1933 The lnlereslmg rep/3N standing committees percent ‘EDOlllrlg Home EconOm-sl De‘ esher rewarved , . through "2 rear Sum-ran Iur tile Dutillr‘g Cams; ha: Gloxlma'ei) 303 in .,r w "Pam: ‘cr all Season: \5 - next 5r out; curring *Mora Outdoor Ll'I‘VQ r...“ c.“ t... Au, the of Ontario Cooking' "Simple Home Repairs '.am1"A New wate or Cooking" 4'? rw: Iorums to be helu ("ls tall GUESIS from czhar OJS‘ presieenr gr Rally and Gre, Bruce Area Chairman 9/9 ‘nlroduzec‘ 2‘ 4hr; one: ‘C’. 52 L:': and b'obghl greellnqs '0 str meeting. Several mus-cal <l'â€":‘t1‘r ‘15:. numbers [3/ Wht’e i "‘“fii‘e glint-r sDea‘rer tor the all&' noon was Mrs La'h/ Mar Social WO'kEr who <’r,-E hyperac‘lve children an: al‘FFCIl |E|lirlg hen the reed tha' we~ can 5c mteh manta us read h :rr terenl ways We should ha.‘ a itelrrba anc are: wtth nu‘rrtrws ‘QTC: ~- A 7 string croser 3n Cu' Il’liakb :7 sugar A Museum report was glVE" Dr Mrs. JOhh MC‘OFE The executive lar the cor-ring year are past president Mrs P a Fern oresrnent, Mrs Nelson Diebel tsr vice nresroenl hm Gordon Farrow, 216 v CE» president. Mrs. Juhrl MaCKEnze Bra Vlcerpresldent, Mrs Don Byers; secretarytreasurer Mrs Don Fenton. assistant 5575mm- treasurer. Mrs Norman Mrdd'eton PRO. Mrs James Bell. assrstani P R,O,. Mrs Lindsay Busch A very Normative report was ' given by Mrs. James Bell wire at ' tender! the 34th orrrcers Con» ‘ lerencs at the Fw I O at the ‘ university at Waterloo “" 0n retiring as presraem M»: a" Ford presented the gavel to A» Nelson Diebel1and later Mrs ‘ don Farrow thankec Mrs For all the work she has cone " year term as are-size- presenteo her with a g-‘t