Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1982-1984, p. 9

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Muse-ion at in min amnton Nut-mo Home on Monday her vmi war was or the ‘aie MPIVHI Black Dear myer at Jan. Rae (Mrs Anon °Nl lstmatwl _ live granaohilmn alto rnrr. Jul! Inn ‘9" in Manhunt both or Euro and Keith or also surVivud by _ armâ€"=1 iwil areal arandcniidrari =’EUE(L'J)E¢ or one son hi on Back Friends mat ‘ (oil at mu w. Kent Miimv D.wri E=w Chapel. mi Mill Sl'eel l 909m \iadmsdel sew.“ Thursday at 2:00vm. merit were” Port Elgin. >t~ri Eioin alter Funeral .n the client an inter. l Sanctuary Park Ce ) munin is extended to Gil" and Doris Wiltong on the death at Clill's brother, the Reverend Ar- crie wrl‘ong ol Minisie 5 Retirement Home, Beamsviltr. HE .vlll be cremated with A memorial service an Wednds dd» Friends and relatives gathered at the Shallow Lake Community Centre on Friday evemng to celebrate the 40th ‘ wedding ann-versary ot Alex and Vivian Hill. Those attendan ll’le :‘oinner preceding the evening VES‘lVitIeS included Vivian's mother Mrs Barber. her ttvo ‘ #1; _ i r. Mr. and Mrs. HarotdfTrIak. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Gonaslvet. the Hill children. Ray and Gail. Don and Nancy. Marilyn. Doug and Jean. Donna and Don Tedlord. Wayne and Bath ‘and the nine grandchildren. The family presented their parents with an oil painting at the Hill term. by Henry Kuyvenhovan. Among the many girls was one at a tree, with lorty silver dollars. with an adjective describing the Hills with every dollar on II. A telephone call trom a cousin. Ron Barber. and his wife, June, In Weyburn. Sask, was received Photos were taken In Harrison Park. The MUSIC Makln Morris provided the music for the dance. assisted by Norm Gill on the bones The lovely wedding cake. decorated In ruby tones, was made by Donna Hill Ted- lord. It all the wishes were as warm as the night was, the Hills are well launched tor many more happy years. tile. l thy M". M. annnlsck) doth Wedding Annlvlrlary Friends and relatives gather. ed at the Shallow Lake Community Centre on Friday evening to celebrate the 40th tieddlng anniversary or Alex nd Vivian HIII, Those attending the dinner Preceding the evening Iesttvl- itlee Included Vivian's mother l " i Erik Thomser Ill In: 0 line has been on the Boarri oi l’IE Georgian Bay Regional Library syslam tor the past three years and has now been elected C’talr- mart The G.B.H.LS Serves all public libraries In Simone Dut~ Ierin. Grey and E‘uce Counties by prowding trims and c ordinaiing mteriibrary loans and. the performing arts events rhei otrlce ls located in flame The Thornsen s younger daughter. Nina graduated with an Honours Degree in Main and is presently working in Europe and will do some travelling there belore returning home in late September, Mrs. Barber. her two brothers. Raymond and Glenn and their wives. her sister Shirley and her husband Gordon Marnoch. Alex's sisters. Jean and her husband George Straeier and Ivy and her husband Hap Rogers: his slster-In-Iaw trans and her husband Les Streetor: master or i: remony Gord run-n 2" " e. Cramp. Mr._ â€"Still no rain but the weeds atlll ilourlah. On the way to to Lake on Saturday avenlng, t e hydro lines were lined with hundreds of swallows with more circling hoping tor a spot. I never saw so many betore. One of the unexpected happen- lngs at the Hobby Fair was when Paul Ftollinson ol Mid- land was unloading his van oi books he tound a tlny baby kitten among the plies 0! books. He had stayed at his brother's the night haters and the children had been Innklrtg tor a mlselng kitten. Our Maureen took It over to her god-daughter. Dianne Johnston and they led It with an ayeK dropper. Paul claimed it that. night to return to the mother noré afid diElriCt new 24-2-â€" and Mrs. Harold Trask. Mr.l and Mrs. Neville Gonsalvel,1 r the Hill children - Ray and Gail, Don and Nancy. Marilyn, Doug and Jean. Donna and Don Tedtord. Wayne and Bath and the nine grandchildren} The tamily presented their parents with an oil painting oi the Hill term by Henry Kuyvenhoven. Among the imany gills was one oi a tree gwllh lorty silver dollars with an adjective describing the Hllls i With every dollar on It. Al telephone call Irom a cousin Flori Barber and his wlte June In Weyburn, .Sask. was receiv- .ad. ‘ Photos were taken In Harri- yson Park. The Music Makin Moms provided the music for) lthe dance assisted by Norm Glll on the bones. The lovely . Wedding cake decorated In ruby tones was made by Donna Hlil Tedlord. It all the wishes ,‘ were as warm as the night i was, the Hills are well launchv L ed tor many more happy years. The children at Dow and Marilyn Phillips wish to invite friends. neighbours and relatives; to a Come and Go Tea at the Phillips home brothers. Raymond and Glen, and their wives. her sister. 1 Shtriei and her husband Gore :on Mormon. Alex's Sisters, Jean. and her husband George l Streeter. and Ivy, and her hus- band nap Rogers. his sisterrin law. lrane and her husband Les .‘ sweeter master oi ceremony. 6 re :ramb. and Mrs, Cramp Mr. and Mrs Victor Flatzlall were married on Saturday. August 13th. 1983 at the Owen Sound Alliance Church Mrs Ratzlalt is the Iorrner Miriam MacDonald. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs, Wil‘iam MacDonald ot Owen Sound. . J r r . -On Saturday, August l5lh Fioyi . and Martha McCulloch eels-l ;;-\,"orated their 25th wedding i.’ anniversary with a reception " and dance at the Sauble Community Centre. The music was provided by the 'lmpred-. slons' at which their son-ln-Iaw Mike Smith to a member. The guests were welcomed by Roy and Martha and their live children: Patrlcla. Mrs. Smith and her children Zechariah and Opal Ann. Gerald. Louise.‘ Velma and Penny, A emerges-i l bard supper was served at midnight to the 340 or more guests. Roy's BO year old ‘ mother. Mrs. Lottie McCulioch made the wedding cake that. was served Assisting In the. kitchen were Mrs. Clara Eagles i of Southampton, Mrs. Myral Messam. Mrs Dorie Wlilong. Mra. Marlorle Candle and Mrs. Helen Gowanlock. Guests In- cluded the bridesmaid. Mrs. Marg Ball and bestrnan. Rus- sell Ball. Two or Martha‘s sisters. Ruth and Margaret and her brother John Irom Atwood . her aunt Gertie Welck trom i Carglil and cousins from Klt- i charter. Walkerton and For- mosa. Several aunts and uncles on Roy's side were present and Bell and McCulloch cousins by the dozens The family gifts to their parents were a beautitui ‘ sliver tray. 3 watch to their Dad and a watch on a ohaln to their Mother. The grand- children chose an anniversary . plate as their gll’t. Guests i attended Irom Kemptvllle. Sudbury. Teaswater. Carglllw Owen Sound and all the surrounding community. The residing Ii’l Chilliwack. 8.0. Weiss. Austi , at the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital on Saturday, July 15. 1933 Austin Weiss in his 79th year oi Kilsyth. Beloved hits» band at the tormer Mary McRae. Dear iather of Helen (Mrs. Elmer Ceaseri oi FLR. 4. Lion's Head and predeceased by one daughter Wilma. Also survived by two brothers Har- vey and George of Elsinore Predeoeasod by one brother William 01 Southampton. Dear grandiather of Don Caaser ot RF. 2. Lion's Head. Mary- Louise (Mrs. chhard Tanner) oi London. Cathy (Mrs. Murray Addison) ol Tobermory Coleen Caesar oI Owen Sound and Brian Caesar ol FLR. 4, Lion's Head. Also survived by three great grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Monday, July lath at 2 pm. tram the Downs and Son Funeral Home, Hepworth. Interment Southamblun Cemetery, Donatlflta m Kllsytli United Church or to the Owen Sound Regional Health Centre. The grooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Ratzlaft oi Chilltwack. B.C The couple is Iun and celebrations continued at the McCulieoh home to make this a memorable occas- Ion tor this popular couple, tlth... Mrs. Duggan passes Sad news at the death OI Mildred Audrey (Haipei) Dubban ol Pincher Creek. Alberta, on Saturday, May rtn, was. Deceased was in her 48th year. Surviving are her husband, Alan Duggan. and children. Daniel. Trenton; Dale ol Toron- to; Judy and Darcy at home. . Deceased was the daughter of the late Eldred and Edna Aiken or Allentord. Sister oi Eleanor (Mrs. Bruce Wade) Ailenlord; Helen Eauman. Owen Sound, Gordon and .l Maurice, both or Kamble; and Alex ol Flint. ’ Michigan. Predecased by two brothers. Funeral service was held lrorn Eden I Funeral Home. Pincher Creek. Athena. ' A memorial service was held at Allentbrd ‘ United Church on Tuesday. May 3rd. â€"_â€"â€"â€"-1' The children or VIVlari and Alex Hill Wish to invite iriends, neighbours and relatiims to ce- ’ lebrate their 40m Anniversary on firiday .August 19th. tea: at 5:30pm at the S allow . .nilentrc-(LF/ 73" 1a- 9 who had picked the wrong spot to hide hergbaby In. Kills 'n’ Things teacher Cathy Mewlllnney watches Darren McAnhur no Sunday. September 18th irorn 2 to 4 in honour at their 25th Wedding Anniversary, put a puzzle together during anrdpen house held last week. Kids ’n’ Things Opens in Port Elgin Kids 'n‘ Things, an Integrated. non-prorit. co-operative nursery school. opened Mon- day in Port Elgin. with 15 children reglatered. Located at 566 Green St.. the nursery school will operate 9 am. to 11:39 am, Monday to Friday. and be open to all children, handicapped and non handicapped. Sponsored by the Lion's Club and lunded by the Ministry 0! Communications and Social Services. the school has been open- ed to tilt the need in this area tor an in- tegratad. coop program, Allison Black. president. and Judy MacArthur. vica- presidenl. have been working tor almost two years to open this type or school. Kids ‘n' Things, llscensad with Queen‘s Park and registered with the health depart merit. can accomodate up to 16 chlldran per session. aged 2V: to a. Each session to supervised by two parents (or volunteers) and one teacher. The cost Is $3.50 per sear sicn per child It a parent ts helping to super‘ vise, otherwise the tea Is 54. The 00- operative to non-profit, so those fees go to pay the teacher's salary. rent an thelr building. Insurance, etc. Funderalsing oc- tlvillas are also planned to help support the school. The teacher hired to co-ordlnate the pro- grani ls Cathy Mewhinney. lrern Southamp- ton, Cathy has had a great deal of ex- perience working with children. For three ‘ as. as... ’5 summers she worked with the Southampton Recreation Department, as well as volunteering tor the story hour at the Southampton Library. For two years she at» i tended Sheridan College In Brampton in their "Children: Our Challenge" program. which involved working two days a week at various jobs, Including one In a hospital playroom. as a teacher’s aid at a school tor the deer and with the tralnable mentally retarded. For the next year Cathy will be lair. ing three correspondence courses through Humber College on her way to getting her Early Childhood Educatlon diploma. An average session at Kids ‘n' Things in- cludes Indivldual play. a story, circle games, outside play and a snack, About once a month Cathy hopes to take the children on an excursion. to a bakery. the tire depart- ‘ merit, the police department, etc. The facilities at the co-operatlve Include a large, ‘ open playroom with a puzzle-game area, ‘a reading area. a play house area. a kitchen, washrooms and a computer which will have preschool programs on It. The organizers are hoping tor a good response Irom the community. There Is Still some space lett for more children. It you would like to view the facilities please call Allison. Judy or cainy at 332-2313. Also. I you would like to volunteer your time b donate cratt supplies (men's old shirts ‘ margarine containers, boxes, etc), pleas give Kids ‘n’ Things a call.

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