Wepplen presided and large Report and also had HIEVEY M as; Mrs: ass for the Septem- Itute meeting. opened with the organ for a Ode. The to call was ‘Wh‘it you growl about toâ€"defli‘and ought answe’rs.ol upsetting a aldarherries: ndlng around the line; weeds; ing ants: missing articles: problems. d the scripture and gave the linano ent.‘An Invitation lrom Institute was accepted rid plans made lor attendance. rs. Guwonlook and Miss Grade McIntosh are to be the 4-H leaders tor the hold project. Mrs,-Molntosh is the delegate ntlon and an at to ogtaent tor. Conve’ners remts were given: citizenshlosflt World Atlalrs < .Eruoe Co. mp1: Gail Meson an the Board and Air Canada Is book In the air by Mrs. Meseam: Public Relations - “Kim The inset rs. Leno via launde urnblng area can!!! Home and lirernent age and'the story or . Sanders who started his stnese at 66 years ot age and mlly Alialra - Why boys lend delinquent homes and their e for parents by Mrs. Cautta. cation - September smile, e‘savlng and tar Cultural lvltias - Growing irlendshlp Mra. J. Kirkland. Resolutions Good and members were to telephone their news as their personal resolu- a by Mrs. Gowanloclt; Can- Industries ry .sloros started by Ldo to and ll. is the people who buy brand: by Mrs. Meesaln gave ‘ Mrs. J. MacKenzie gave a Kmade to hold a booth at Mrs. Dick Richardsâ€" ‘nnswell Smith's sale on Satur~ day. September 23rd. We were honored to he the first institute that Bruce Centre District President, Mrs. Harvey Wsooler had spoken at. Her topic was ‘Resoluttone'. Mrs. Gowanloclt presented her with a gilt in appreciation. We were delighted to have Mrs. Pearl Chappell attend with her daugh- ter. Mrs. WeDoler. As Kenny McKinnon says it you lived in Alleniord you are alright and Pearl grew up In Allenlord. Mrs. Cauka demonstrated her beauti- lul needlework and everyone marvelled at the line cross stitch on placemats and the Latvian designs on cushions. Mrs. Gow- aniock gave Mrs. Cauka a small gilt. Mrs. Lil Cowln read the 'Current Events' with Ioca highlights that created laughter White elephant wmners were Mrs. Cowin and Mrs Richard: played selections on the organ Smorgashord lunch was scrv~ ed by Mrs Rlchards. assisted by Mrs. Smith. There were twelve members and seven guests -Mrs. Russell Harron visited her sister, Mrs, J. C. Aileweil in Fanthill to. a low days. -Mr. and Mrs. Berzlns and Evie at Dundee and Mr and Mrs. G. Milics oi London visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cauka -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLeod visited Mra. McLeod's mother Mrs. Thomas at Lion‘s Head. -Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod oi Cargill have been at their Chesley Lake cottage. -Mr. and Mrs. John Crulcksnahk are spending the school term in Toronto. working on thelr M A and B A. degrees. ers. Roswell Smith has moved to Southampton and we hope she will enioy her new surround inga. -Mr. and Mrs Eric Clarke louk Mrs. Clarke Sr. to the London airport to leave tor the west. -Mr. Michael Harron and a lriend are spending a holiday With his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harron and other relatives and "lends before returning to Alberta. -Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harron attended the Western Fair at London. As Warden Gary has been busy selecting Fair Queens and opening Fairs -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eye ‘returned to Hamlltun alter holidaying with the Cowlns at Chasley Lake. The Cowlns and Bye: were dinner guests at Gowanloclu on Saturday even- lng. Maurice and Lil were winners lor the three games at aggravation. -Mrr. Ila Grady and her daugh- ter oi sauoie Beach visited Mr. and Mrs Orville Caudla. -Mr. and Mrs. Gowanlock pald their respects to the tarnily oi Mr. ‘Guy' Sempte. Guy and Maurice had been lollow mem- bers oi the S.D.H.s. Board and while Guy was mahler at the oaloterio Annloe and Phyllls had K enloyed his irlendship. . members to gnunue‘their support ‘of this ‘ project. Mrs. Gowanlock reported an the Hobby Fair. stating that it had again been a very iuccessful year. Bookings are -Mr. rs. ex Duncan 0 Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. Allewell oi Fonthill were recent visitors oi Mrs. Russell Harron. rs. K, Dumeresq of Tomnto ls- ending some time with her lend, Mm. Carl Powell. Miss in Powell oi Alleniord has pent two weeks with her randmothar. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Klrklan I at Ilsonburg visited their mot or. rs. Jack Kirkland on the oliday weekend. re. Russell Hamilton oi Owen um! and Mlss Wendy Hunt it her girllrlend lrorn Vlotorla ent Tuesday alternoon with their Aunt. Mrs. M. Gowanlock and cousin Phyllis Stevens and baby Mark. Wendy. daughter at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hunt oi Ottawa ls leaving lor Paris. France to study French Mr. and rs. Sam Howey ot Harriatsvillo ‘panl three days with the owanlocks and their guests. r. and Mrs Roswell Ard ol ianll. Florida and Mr. and rs. Ross Ard. Katie and Becca ot Terrace City. Mich spent a law days with :hair Aunt and Uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. Phyllis Stevens and Mark visited each day. The Arc lamlly had to return to their ome In Terrace Clty. Mlcn, on inlay. On Saturday. It meme rs oi the clan gathered at the Gowanlock home tor a pot luck dinner and a social get together Many ol the members had not mat ter ever 15 years and some had never met. Guest: were Mrs. Ne.son Aro. her son Roswell and will: Yolanda. Mrs. Roswell Smith. her son Wray. wile Nan and their children. son Michael, wile Donna and daugh- ter Becky. daughter Dianne and daughters Bryn and Kendall Johnalon. daughter Katherine and daughters. Angelo, Melghen and Erin Mercer. daughter Laurie Smith. son Steve and girlirtend Kim, her son Ellwyn al¢ady coming in for next ye‘g's Fair. Mrs. Harold McArthur g e the Financial Statement of the Hobby Fair. Each institute reported on their money made. The meeting voted to give aW’i‘aï¬tï¬ â€˜ï¬i‘vand “’th ch ran Terry. Wecy and Mich~ ael Smith Lloyd and Barbara Hunt, Russ and Doris Hamilton. the Gowarliooh lamlty ni Maiiriro and Helen and'l‘heir children. Maureen Craig Frances an Flori Calhoun and daughter Lori; Annlpe and John Blake. Phyllis and Wayne Sevens and baby‘ Mark and Mr Candle. -Mr. Raymond Trellord oi Walk- arton. called an the GUWanlot‘ks Saturday morning enrouto to visit his mnlher. Mrs Ft Trelldrd who we regret to hear Is in the G 8 M Hospital with a broken ankle. -Mr. and Mrs. Ellwyn Smith and lamlly at Montreal. spent the holiday weekend t'.ltl‘ iherr mother. Mrs Rpswt‘ll slrilth -Mra Elgln Messum Vldllcd Mrs. Herb Messmlt itt Allenlottt where Mr and Mrs Norm Kearns oi Tmnnm spent the weekend The Mossama enlovod int:- ï¬reworks display at Port Ell‘lln Elgin They had to nhrltnri tho 'Bet- Manâ€. Don Whllt‘ In Till. as a swarm ol hives l’ldll ldttht‘t‘ tn a tree neat where Elgih wnv. comhlnlng Phil til the SW-Jlil eventually landed on the hump:- oi tltptt r." and Elgirl t‘ilflvt' norlh Jiltl managed to slitwt llIFlll it" the bumuul with nl t‘lIr-zl results -WI’II|P here the Altts vlsltotl Mrs Lellu Ara zlnrt Ilth Iamrly n' Sauhie Btu:th They rllstt vloltml and Mrs. OrvtllE lhe Roswell Sltlllh Mflnlnlldl Park and the zlon Cemetery in Phyllis s won't tilâ€"Mt. Rnss Jolly. HUS-til Katie Aid 3an Phyllis inoreo r: Wiley lake .rnrl visited inr- lnllltilr Aid cnllrtnt' -Mr alid Ml' .lllt' Dle'lllll‘ rl‘ Montreal rill! Hi and Mil. MCLerlil til Carnill vlsllml M‘ and Mrs flrliu.‘ MCLrititl Mr and Mrs Cldyl. RitJtatdï¬L/tl ttlill girls at Wiarton. hon diliiti" wltl. thri MlILt’OCS tilt Monday â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" ,. 0’ O donations olï¬zoo. to Save the Sight, 3100 to Erland Lee Foundation, 575. to each participating institute and 5300. to the District Travel Fund so that each President has an opportunity to attend the Federated Women: Institute of Canada Convention. it was decided to have more tickets printed next year to sell on the quilt. The District Directors of each Branch institute art to be responsible for the tickets in ihcirinstitute. Plans for the Area Convention to he held in Southampton on October Hill. and thh. were discussed. Mrs. Harvey Wepplcr and Mrs. Dick Femott are to be dclegoivt. Mrs Clilwattltlck has appointed chairman of tho Decorating Committee and .‘ach institute it in bring their :tL’sl. M . Dick Fcnion. Provincial Board mcmht-r Jiscusscd institute reporting. The meeting supported her rccommendamn that than hr lost llupllt‘illlliil. The Rally is to hr.- hcltl at Sauhlc Cnilununtty Centre on October i‘lth Tltc dclcgatm are Mrs. HJI'VL‘)‘ chplcr :ind Mrs. McVitttc. Tho~ ntcclitiu (knot! with D Cunttdtt tind liincli wax \EWCd by Wliilc School lnititutcladict. v