Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1978-1980, p. 13

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Award of merit ’ Director of Nursing at Saugee Vg’uestoi honor. for M Elaine presented Miss Matheson with-an Award at Merit for outstanding achievement. “is! Mathew-l has eguestot ooour. Douglas Kreutzweisnr. chair» of tile heard of governors. Abs Is/zg .r (by Mr'i'.M.Gowanlocii) | Vii MEET Mrs. Ru McCulloch was hostess tor I December meet- ing at the? Elsinore Women‘s institute on Wednesday afterâ€" noon. There we members and 7 guests “at. Mrs. Guwanlock read' the Spirit at Santa Claus. r The roll call was to give a Christmas. dessert and carrot pudding with desserts with lresh truils seemed to tie most popular a: well as the ever popular mince pie. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Kirkland and greetings from Mrs. Harvey Wegpler The converters reports were Agriculture - Few drug residues In melt by Mrs. D. Kirkland; Can. Industries - Travel agents have answers by Mn. Richards; Citllenship Bi World Atlairs - The 4-H dinner and Gateway Haven Bazaar end the Sun-Times is 125 year: old ,by Mrs. Messam; Family Atlalrs What's Christmas really all aboth and Consumer Atiuirs - Tips lor consumers on relund policies by Mrs. Caulra; Resolu- tionl ~ Achievement night etlen‘ dance by Mrs. Gowsnluclr; Education - Go io_ college to deck 39hr knowledge by Mrs.~ Jack ; Wind. Hospital Aid - Report the ‘Toaal to Elaine' and l firs. Mesa: lhlnked the Insti- .tute lor paying tor her ticket. .Mrs. Carl Powell gave llpl to out paper in your crisper to lteeo . vegetables crisp. White eminent winners were Mrs. Mes-em. Mrs. , , soon we M". «Roy Md: . -.' . J,_.Xtriuand read the v ' 'ohry train the Bible. w;- Sg; to have the had a long and honoured career at the Southamptonbesed hospital and her many ctr-workers and others joined in a final ‘hai and farewell'. Miss Mathcson expressed appreciation. Ted was poured by Mrs. Lorne Knowles and Ada Malhesoo. the latter a funner hospital ampiayaa. Amn'ng guests! were housev keeping rind kitchen staff more hers oi the Hospital Auxrliary. and Drs. Flock. Mercer and Earl. The staff had previously held Community Supper on Sunday. January Nth at l:30 In Community Centre. Mrs Dow Phillips played Star DI lhe East on the accordion and lullowed with a lavorite Christmas hymn ol her grandmother Shantz. Carols were enjoyed and then the grits lrom the Secret Sisters were distributed. Mrs. Myrci Mesaam and Mrs. Phyllis stavans displayed cram and ornaments tor Christmas. Mrs Wm. Lego who was in charge of the program presented the , I ,4 .w Â¥(i.‘(( «alpine: ll Memorial Hos-nits! Miss Heine Msthcson accepts an an art! of merit'imm the Chaim-of the BoardofGovet-nors. Doug Kreut-zweiser. Miss Medicsan ended 30 years or devoted sen-ice at end of November. A final day tea was much enjoyed and good wisth were showered on the Hold farewell tea for director SOUTHAMPTON-A tame" tea Matheson. a dinner at Saublc Beach Community Centre where Mi“ Mnthrsiln was showered with good wishes and gills and ii handmade wall hanging. oil wishingherwall. Nursing stafl' mcmbers ar ranged this event. In all. Miss Mulhcson's last day at work was. as Mr. Krtuunciscr sold. a mixture ni joy and sadness. 3hr: hm \pL'ill 30 years serving at Saugccn Mentor ial Hospital. he added honor at the napiism at their granddaughter. Opal Anne Smith on Sunday The baptismal seryico was held in St Paul's Anglican Church. Souinampion with Kimmy Smith and Gerald McCullnch as Gauaaranli Guests at McCulloch's included the baby‘s great grandmother, Mn John McCulluch ol South- ampton. the paternal grandpnr~ enle. Mr. and Mrs John Smilh. Mr. and Mrs. Willred Croli. Mrs. Violet Dznhousen. Mr and Mrs. Larry McLeod and lamil‘r. giltsl to Mrs Phillips, Mrs. M, wusona you. Mr. and Mr; Many" “a M” Shun" Mike Smith. Zechariah arid Opal Names were drawn luv the 'Sacrei Sister‘ exchange tor the coming year. A smorgasbord dinner was served by Mrs. McCulloch and Mrs. Carlasan assisted by Louise McCuIIoch. -The Elsinore Enlhulialil 4-H club attended their Achievement Night at the Wiarlon High School on Friday evening. Tammi Harlan did an excellent commentary on the exhibit. Ssiurdey Night Supper Lorraine Dickinson received her County Honors Grace McIntosh. aselslâ€" anl leader and member had attended the Klnrardine Achiâ€" evement Night as she wu in London over the weekend. Tammi and Laurie Harron. Jennller Stewart. Barbara Fhll- lips, Lorraine Dickinson and Grade McIntosh received their spoons and credit tor completing the Project. Grace McIntosh and Mrs. Gwnnloek received their spoons as leaders Mr). Gary Harron and Lisa. Mrs. Doug Harron. Mrs. A. Dickinson and Mrs. Allen Stewart attended. -Mr. and Ma. vfioy McCulloch and tamlly held a dinner in t- oi Teeswaler. ~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLeod attended the Anniversary cale- brallon ol Mrs. McLsod'a bro- ther, Ivan and Mrs Yhnrnal ol Paisley on Saturday evening. -Mrs Jack Kirkland attended the min anniversary celebration nl Mr and Mrs. Jim Kirkland hole at the Traveller's Restaur- ant in Fort Elgln on Sunday adn the guests returned to the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cunning- ham and lamin at Burgoyne ior a social hour -Old Mother Nature can cerâ€" lalnly wreak havoc to plans especiallly in the winter On Sunday. Maurice. Phyllla and Mark and I were to go in the Carol Service out on by the girls ol the Ichool Annlce [by Mrs. M. Gnu-ninth) 4-H CLUB MEEY The Elsinore 4-H club met tor their second meeting at Gowan‘ lock's on Monday evening. They welcomed Carolyn and Susan Walker book Into the club. The meeting opened with the pledge. Tommi read the minutes ot the ilrst meeting. The roll call was answered by the girls telling their best colors. the mints they should avoid and their basic Dolor In their wardrobe Al- though Lorraine was absent due to Illness the glrls decided in elect otiloers as Lorraine was President lor the last club. Tammi is the President and Laurie telephone lady. Secretary will he 'lleating'. The girls decided to retain their last films. Elsinore Ehtuslssts. Grace discussed hats and model» led the hats she made at training uhooi. Tommi cut out the pieces tor a cap with visor. The other girls planned what type accessories they would make Tammi and Laurie served lunch. â€"Congratulallono to Calvin Dick» inson on being presented with an award item the Charles H. May Foundation. Calvin ls a student at Georgian College. a survey technician. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dloklnmn are Caiyln'a parents. ~Mlss Debby Herron was the hostess at a Liquid Embroidery demonstration at the Elsinore Community Centre on Thursday evening. ers. Wm. Leno and Mrs. M Gowanlock attended their Bible Study on Thursday evening held at the home dl M7. and Mrs Tom Middleton. Tara. -Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. Earl Busch mat with Mrs. Sodon oi the Presbyterian Church. Mrs Mercer oi the United Church and Mrs. Preston of the Catholic Church In the Anglican Parish Hall to plan the program for the World Day at Prayer. March and. -Mr. and Mrs. John Blake at Toronto are the proud parents at a 7 lb t 02 baby girl, Sarah Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Guwenlock are the grandparents. (very llrst namesake I have ever had and I am highly honored). -Mrs. Joyce Charlton. Cindy and Kim Charlton and Mr. A McClure ol Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Messam. -thtls Melanie Maiden spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson. er. and Mrs. Orvillo Caudla at Hamilton spam the weekend at Chesloy Lake. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill thstdr on Saturday evening In Owan Sound. On Sunday their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Thompson oi Park Hood visited them. -Mr and Mrs Bruce McLeod look a sight seeing trip to the Msalurd Cullingwood limo on Sunday. Called on their sister. Nora. Mrs Geo. Moore and Mr Moore in Owen Sound area enroute home. Temperatures have been 38 degrees below F this weekend. Beoutllui sunshine and not too much snow blowing I about. lunches ill in Toronlo Wu planned to leave at 9 o'clock so Pl’tyllla and Math le‘l Prtrl Elgin where the show was not deep enough lor her to bolhcr putting home on She reached Line and shoved snow uhoad lo Kirklanri‘s Hill on the 8 Line where she came to a slot) narl way no Altar backing down she managed by a miracle lo not in Logo's with no windshield Wip~ era working In a snowstorm Maurice lolt and ended up by Kirklands with our car slnllcd They linaIIy-gol one car part way through the C Line and they walked home. Mark was the only and enjoying his outing. We had to cull Annlce we wouldn't be there Bruce McLeod ilnaily drew our car home and Phyllis‘ car out in lrani where ll'iey out it going it showed over 5 inches in an limit and conlinued right on all Saturday night so we certainly have a winter wundar- land. ~Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod. Mr Ross McLeod orig lamlly visited Mr and MIS‘Mâ€"r McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson at London vlslled their parents. Mr. and Mrs Edward Dickinson recently AMr. and Mrs. Pat Floss oi Brooktin visited Mr. and Mrs Bill Legg on the weekend. innD‘

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