Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1978-1980, p. 12

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memories oi when he usodste go fishing. Every Wednesday he and his tlshlng bills would rent a boat irom my Dad. Torn Ebony and Geo, Williams were two of that group i remember so well. -The 4»H Elsinore Enthusiasts met at Guwanlocks on Monday evening. They decided to hold a work meeting Instead of a regular meeting. They prepared their Invitations to their dinner tor w.i. members and Mother: on November 20th. Grace brought pink velvet dessert so enjoying this with tea completed the evening iMrs. A. Cauka. Mrp. Karen 7 as 'In their. .. Tltl am the winner ‘ 4 allan flirts shot till one; rt 3; oerl ln' . Inters. _ z , .lahhy Milton. Th flanlooke hid Mr. and Mrs, .Ioiin‘Greonttrood and Mr.‘ I :1 mi Howey ot‘ Finite items. we1 Granddaughter Lori- welcomed the grou 'got. The dirt el’torl a... Jenny Hamilton return thevhun ’ was held at ell-total" In Jackson arse. . -Mr. end‘Mrl. Orville Ceudtl ol Her’rrlliorrsspant the weekend at Chesiey Lake Mr, and Mrs. Jack Roberts oi Barrie visited the Candies on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. Goweniack. Mrs. fiuuell Hamilton oi Owen Sound nng Mrs. Tom Piaylerd nl . Elsinore , MRS..\vl.GilW/\NI.OCK fllfli . ‘ . . i . l at The bletnore hnthuslusis me.- (,‘.ilwanlocks on Wt'tl evening. Asmslant. leader Grace Mclntursh planned the menu gave each ’ lurihe‘Fall Festlvzil' dinner am‘ I :lrl her choice at tho [trod she Wished to prepare. Tht: leaders checked “It! bouits and (Llh'L'uSSIEII the questions with the girls. Lunch was served Mr. and Mrs. Dim irkltlnd ot-lttzpwtlrth . called on their aunt. Mrs. Jack Kirkland 0n Sun Her friends will Ix- pleascd to know? .Vlurg is in her twin hump and mulling prowess nn th' mud in recovery. Mrs Karon Sont-‘s Iiitlu granddaughter Amanda paid her lint VIN“. to Chisloy Lillie with her mom :ian lltlrl from London liar ~l.\‘l0l‘ Mt-lissu has in’t‘ll staying with her L'l'titlttlnlilher rind I'l'liiiiit‘d Itrrmt' with the Limily. Mr, untl Mrs. Illiii ltiuiiilrds. Mrs Myrcl MPSAZII‘“. Mrs l. trlttkli Mm. A Million. .\‘lr.s Mntipu lit-luv, and Mrs. It ‘ananlm‘k it‘lt‘l'lltl’d the Siiugcmi Memorial hirspitnl Illizuiir Mrs Phyllis Stevens (it Part lululn imlwrt them. Mrs. ill Mt‘ssam and Mrs. H. ilmvanliick attended thi- Zinn church humor and Mrs. Mcssum .ittcnded the Shuttle with us to apentha weaken with her parents. . -Mr. and Mrs. Gard Redmond have moved lrtto Port Etgln tor . the winter months. . atria} Elglnl Mkeseam and Mrs. . uwan or: attended in ‘ Gateway Haven Auxille Ing on Wednesday nlng.‘ Plans were linelized tor the bazaar, November 27th (mm 2-4. . We went to a restaurant tor a snack alterwarde. The raisin Die the waiter assured us would be trash was a periect example oi . - two pieces of card-board with guk between. resulting in .1 session of load poisoning. Delay- ed our trip to London by e low hours. le3 and learnt -Temml Herron and Velma McCulloch took part in the 4-H Royal and placed 13th and 3rd in their respective categor» lea. Mr. and Mrs, Roy McCul- loch. the Cartsssn iamily. Mr and Mrs. Gary Harrori and Miss Laurie Herron were among those attending the Royal. -Don't target the euchre in Elsinore Community Centre on November 17th at 8:15. -Mr. and Mrs. nay McCulloch visited their new granddaughter. ‘Opal Anne‘ and her parents. Mr and Mrs Mike Smith and brother Zechariah at Teeswaier -Wo are sorry to hear Denali: McRue Is In hospital and hope ll will be a briel slay Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. 'Butch' Stewart on the birth oi a baby boy Ronald James. Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Herry Powell. ~Brlan Mizen Is a very Iortunaie young men to be alive alter. getting caught In a puwari lakeotl. He is recuperating al' home lrom concussion. a broken bone In his tool and multiple bruises ~Mrs. Cari Powell was DRE). arid Mr: M Gowanlock null. Clark at the Ellsnore Community think! . Centre Belrd In appreciation a the "DD donation. the reports lrorn converters ware - Agriculture - Fail care or gardens and a poem 'Brmy Fallow! by Mrs. Gownnlock tor Mrs. Cooper. i EEO. - Rosylyn Garters ilrst 13 months by Mr!- R. Smith; ‘ Education~Alm ol Edueitien I World All-its - Don't Perth: to ered by Mrs. J. iglrkllnd and run: by Mrs. Meeum; Citizenship ‘1 I closing at Rsllunon Reeve at Port Eipln by Mm Messam; Resolutions - Never use the clones 'But who! I do doesn't really matter by Mrs. Gowsnloolt; Hospital Aid - Mra. Makes and i Cheer report by Mrs. Mossam. Mrs. Mclniosh gave the report oi the Area Convention and Mrs. ,9 Meeenm the report at the Rally. it was decided to start the Euchre: In the Community Centre Nov. 11th at 8:30. Biscuits are to be mad by three members lor the Hospital Bazaar. Nov. 15th. ‘ current Event: read by Mrs. Gowsniock as Mrs. Rlcnsms could not be present. Mrs. ‘ Meesem read the Scripture and Mrs. D. Kirklandhsd the new Idea ‘ s Joke. Mre. Kirkland altered to be Agricuiture ori’mener tor the teat ‘ oi the year on Mrs Cooper’s nesiatlnl. Th White Elephant draws were on by Mrs. Kirkland. Mrs. A_'. Moi-loo and Mrs. M, Gownnloolt. Mrs. Gauka. convenor tor Family a Co umar ; All-Ira title In charge . the program and read a motto W ‘Coming together is a beginning. keeping togethpr is progress until Working together is _Success‘.L Several members took pan in at . skit prepared by Mrs Ceuita which . proved both entertaining and thought provoking. A contest on orders and warnings completed l H It.'l7.li‘.il' on ‘nl also. (by Mrs, M Gowanlockl Th0 EISlnfth Enthusiasts 4-H pills and their inader entertained lhei mothers and their sponsors the Elsmuie Women's Institute members at a dinner In the Cummunily Centre on Monday evening Their theme was Fall Festival" and the table centres were candles in autumn shades and colored leaves and berries, Place cards with the 4-H Insignia and dried lluwere on beige cards were set lor the 21 guests, The dinner was smorgasbord and consisted ui lea biscuits, cold meals. coleslaw. lruit cocktail ioai, relishes and pickles. lruli breads. yogari ioal. beverien cream with granola, pink velvet. grape sparkle and tea The girls served potato cheese chowder to begin with Mrs. Elgtn Messam thanked the girls on boheil oi the institutE Jennller Stewart thanked the guests and present- ed the leaders with gills In appreciation. -There were as members oi the Mafia lamin gathered in the Community Centre on Sunday [or a surprise birthday party tor Mrs Lila MthaE an the occasion or her 75th birthday on Novem» ber 29Ih With the exception at two prothers-in-iaw and two sisters-invlaw the rest were members at the sorts, daughters, grandchildren and great grand- children oi Archie and Llle McRae. Captain Fred McRae was unable to attend as he was called back to his boat. Donald Mthangaa in Sturgeon Memor’ ial Hospllal and had to «its the party The McRae tarmly have . oil attended the Elsinu c School. now the Community Centre so Ihai adds to the onloyment. ~Mrs Llla McFlee and Mia Ivan Fenwlck oi Ailenlord attended the party held at the Chippewa Goll Club on Friday evening in honor oi Miss Elelne Mstheson, -Ml and Mrs, Bruce McLeod Visited their son Wayne. Mrs‘. Richardson and girls In George- town on the weekend. They attended the housewarming [or another son Bob. Mrs. Richard son and Brad In Bramales. AMr and Mrs. M. Gowanloclt visited Mrs. Jim Nelson. Donald ‘ Maths and Mrs Ella Treliord in the Seugoen Memorial Hospital Friday Mrs. Nelson who was my school teacher at Elsinore 50 years ago is experiencing her llrsI time in hospital as a patient I look the ‘Anne or Green Gables' quill designed by my daughter Annloe that I have lust completed to show Mrs Trollord. li a quilt gets Mrs lreltord's approval. it has to be good as she is noted tor her quilts. -Mr. and Mrs Gowaniocit spent the weekend in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Caudle. Maurice and Orville took us to the Plainsrnan tor a smorgasbord dinner as our award tor winning the Aggrevetlon tournament. We hair a most enlsyabla dinner although Msurlce's levorite dessert was almost too much tor Marl. c‘m'a '°' "‘3 “"5"” 0" the program. Mrs. Gowantock reso Monday. Congratulations to all .908,"mmamumhmnnnlymg “mam 859MB”)! M's» 59°» presented poppies she had made SlegrlatI originally ol the Elsi- ‘M dun-“on m m, p0" Elm" “a” ‘°""““””Y' ‘Leoion tor. The meeting closed and lunch prepared by Mrs. J McIntosh and Mrs. E plerke was i enjoyed. Asglit oi ounallons was i given to Mn, Mctntosh as this was our that meeting In their lovely home in Port Elgln. - Congratulations to Patricia and ‘ Mllto Smith oi Teeswater on the arrival at a baby girl. a sister tor Zachariah. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MoCuiloch are the proud grandparents and Mrs. John McCulloch at Southampton the i great grandmother. - Meny relatives. neighbours and trlends attended the Wardene' l banquet at Ssubte community ‘ Centre and many more attended the dance in honour at Mr, and Mrs. Gary Harron. - Hunting in the order at the day ‘ and several tram the Oomtnunlly ’ are trying their luck - Mr. and Mrs. M. MII. Phyllis sienna sno Merit at Port Etgln spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Leroy Gmnlook and iamlly ot Goderloh. Mrs Maureen cralg and Jamie Craig oi Palmerston lolnad them for dinner. . , l - At Ill. rec-lithe- Convention the House Le'g'mede by Mrs. Hen MoComb (Marilyn Mclnwo relating the story at their tar beautllui script and with plot ree‘ and photos won ilrst prise. It will go on to the next level oi the Women's Institute toeompete. - It certainly must set I tumult that water-billing wee proving tun tor those who take pleuure In that past-time on Sunday. November 5th, on chasiey Lake. - Brita McLeod attended the wedding celebration at "Mlea' PM! 0' CINIII on Saturday evening. A C ‘ ~ Anyone who “I dirt traileil g‘ on Saturday awning knows t ‘ was a log to be remembered. It i tailed Pea ml‘ log Inf e t J l' ’wmtn‘flr‘t‘t‘ffl'fi' i

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