By ANN WY . Family Urn-amid "the most important thing in the world is still human eings. No computer can take their place. wareness‘f ust negel' lose sight at values and standiards d must engage in stimulating. exciting. creative any 'vities thaf'will keep us thinking. working. experimenting and experiencing. . .by drawing attention to good lhntrition. self education and good citizenship instead of being self satisï¬ed. negative and doubting." Those words .wera spoken by Mrs. Clarence Diamond of New Hamburg. president of the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario ., as she addressed delegates to the 20th Grey-Bruce area ‘ convention which opened Wednesday in Southampton. y “Some years ago it was said. if we give ourselves and ‘uur talents Without the thought of getting something in ‘returo. we have taken the first step toward peace. What has this to do With the Women‘s Institute?“ queried Mrs. ‘amond. “That is what its volunteer members have been ‘1 nine for Ever 31 Years. What other organization has. as ‘: objective. the development and the potential of its merri- ers. the nutrition and health oi“ its family members. the aoord of community service and community betterment; as experienced the spread. out only through our own F} ountry but into over- 70 countries of the world and now as a membership of over 8.5 million. Women's institute ‘ as opened doors {or thousands of women to share their talents and training with others at home and abroad. has reated cultures to give character to women‘s lives. she aid. “In whatever marvels the earth may yet see. I firmly ‘ elieve that the W1 members. staunch and well informed, re capable and worthy to stand at the speaker's rostrum 1 f the community and the world and help change the cour~ of history. for family lite only fails because humans " Mrs. Diamond said. The speaker made reference to a remark attributed to Adelaide Headless. the founder of the women's institute. "No nation can rise above the level of its home.“ This here ‘out the theory that the family underlies the welfare of 'sooiety. “That is still exemplified in the WI motto. for Home and Country." said Mrs. Diamond. "Faith in our WI organization andwbat it has achieved ‘ in providing educational progt’ams. helping people help themselves, raise standards of livtng. eat better nutritionally. become better informed citizens on current issues. is building bridges of understanding. “In programming we have to take into consideralion inâ€" . dividual communities. resources in terms of people. talen- ts and facilities. listen to ideas instead of being mouse» trapped by tradition and custom into thinking that only ' how and what we did yesterday is sufficient for WI today and tomorrow. “The future of WI is not in the hands of fate. it's in yours and mine." she challenged. “We can't travel old courses. the rate will be so deep we can‘t crawl out. it we project our objectives it will he an invitation for others to come andioin us." Mrs. Diamond said. Mrs. Jack Kirkland has been recuperating at the home of her srster~in-law and . schooldays pal. Mrs. Jim Kirkland, Zion. atulations to Patricia and Mike @551th Teeswater on the arrival of a baby girl, A sister tor Zachariah. Mr. and Mrs. l Roy MCulloch are the proud grandparents . and Mrs. John MCulloch of Southampton the 2 great. great-grandmother. y (ï¬ends, neighbours and relatives attended the Warden's Banquet and many ode attended dance in honour or Mr. Wm. Gary tfsi-ron and daughters held to Community Centre, ,Th'e Elsinore Enthtsiasls ti-l'girls met at 'e Gowanlock's on Monday evening, As two 0;, emigre could not attend thegrrls r to on none the cooking planned ‘hntdjhs next meeting. The girls tilled out Lathe otteslionairres in their books and ‘ discussed gelatin and jello. Mrs. Gowaniock had prorated the colourful Fruit Cocktail ,_ that“ and Tammi brought to? bisfluflï¬ï¬' l These were enjoyed with hot chocolate. l Hunting is the order-tit the day and several ' [rent the community org trying the luck, , . .. t the recent Area Coqyénï¬o‘fl the House 1 ’ Izgï¬ade‘by Mrs. Roi-“McComb (Marilyn ' I ' it) relating the 'story at their (arm IS . in] script and with pictures and photos - rich firstprize. it will go on to the next level , . éï¬iï¬e Women's Institute to compete. t / 'I . r g at. ~"Wornen1a Institute must continue to awaken publiot‘ aus' ‘stilthrimbet one: WI p’ealEer -‘ sun Times nhmr WI â€" The two-day CFPy-Bt‘uce area Women‘s Institute convention opened Wednesday in Southampluu Above. left to right. discussing a report are Miss Molly McGhee. director of WT home economics. Mrs. Francis Gemmell. outgoing president; Mrs. Kenneth Spence. incoming presrdent and Mrs Clarence Diamond. president of the Federated Women's institutes of Oniï¬rtfl Southampton hosting area WI convention Learn and grow was the theme of the two-day Grey-Bruce area Women's In- slilule Converrlion which opened ll‘l Southampton Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Fenton. chairman of the Bruce County rally. extended a welcome. Greetings were brought to the tvomun by Rev. lack Walsh. The president. Mrs Francis Gemmoll ot Ripley centred her remarks on the theme. Learn and Crow and also on the Federated Women's institutes of Canada lhemo For 197849. Strengthening the family Unit. “The Women‘s Institute is an organization dedicated to developing bel~ ter, happier and more useful cilizens and to help them acquire sound homemaldug skills l to create a_hoalthy home background. It is I up to us to carry on this organization. "We as adults have to learn who we are. l learn to he at peace with ourselves. learn ‘. the eifact we have on others and open our ‘ minds tonewexperiencas. . “Home life can be compared to gar- dening. The house is the sail in which young human life is planted. The pï¬rutlis are the l gardeners. . "You‘ve heard the saying. the hand thnl l rocks the cradle rules the world. Take time to rock that cradle and hold the role as a mother in high esteem. "The hand Is the hub of your family circle which encircles your family and reaches .out to your community and the world. Wield litwell." she said. Mrs. Gemmell outlined ways in v.-lm,h li'rlmen's institute develops Character and ruspunsibilily andslrengthens the [amin \ung leader for tlw dav was Mrs Litter- nu Broadl’oot. Mrs Maurice Ummnlocl imnpianisl lv‘ -oorts were given by Mrs Grant Cm 0. Mrs. Orland Magwood and Mrs Mulris Rennie Mrs t ruy Radhourne gave tho l'weedsmulr curolur‘s report. Mrs Ltil' d1 ‘l‘ottenham reportrul [or the |unmr mr slitutea. lho Federated Woman's institute of On~ tone board of dirortors gave o press-or tolmn. Let's plead our vase. Niles Molly McGhao. director of the home economics branch. FEle‘ted on changes Imr plomanted and changes upcoming within thehretnch. NINE Barbara UcVissohor and Mrs Denise Edwards. home economists itlr Bruce and Grey Counties FBSIJELllVHlV. highlighted the 471i work and short courses. Bruce East district conducted the in mamoriam. Entertainment was provided by Bruce Centre and Bruce nuth distrvt'l Mrs lim Hyatt of Oliphant. a life member before Grey-Bruce area came into being, read the institute alphabet. Mrs Francis Cemmell was chairman for the morning session. Mrs. Kenneth Spence conducted the afternoon session. The opening day concluded with a banquet and variety program.