Elsinore WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, [1829] - [1937], p. 7

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llll l ' PASSED FRIDAY [Esteemed Resident of Arran ' Twp. Passes at the Age of 55 Years ‘r Miler an illness of less than two ‘dilys delih name to Mrs. Robert speura, A. Well known resident of l the township of Ann at noon. Pri- day. Mrs. Spears was if] her usual health until Wednesday evening. when she tool: ill. live:th was done for her, but to no avail. The .news of her passing calm as s great shook to the many friends oi one family. Mrs. Spears was devoted to her family and hair. and was nEld ln high esteem in her community. She was 55 years of age. and death was due to peritonitis. Born in Ireland. a daughter of l the late Mr. and Mrs. James Find- .ny. sin came to Canada when a luohlld. and resided widh her parents .st Red Bay, Bruce County where ishe was united in marriage in Mr. l4 Spears. They made their home nem- woman for about five wars and about thirty years ogo came to lArrori when they confirmed on re- l side. we. spears death ls deplnr- . l rd norm, in enjoying good health ‘ i' r fléejnnt, few years was slwiys l Vim ni, with a friendly smile and . greeting to all who came in con:- i _ I ,wiigh her;- Mrs. Portsus whose ,ldan name was isnbells Under- wood, virus a daughter of the into 1. and Mrs. Andrew Underwood. god was born some 6! year; ago on tile [arm which she residad at time or her’death. She wns united ; in mariinfinzthlrtxâ€"saven years ago last January to Mr. Thou. Pol-tens. : who remains to mourn her loss. in ,hor'jirihood days she took ' an Active part in in. iielimdlsi. now the United church at Aria i ; Wright, in this church she was a l ‘51qu member. She sang in the ‘ 4 choir some years ago. She was also a. member of the Ladies Aid ever since its beginning._ in her home circles she will he i sreotly missed as a devoted wife 1 and I lowing mother by her hus- v hand and three children. namoly, . Andrew of Rivlw: (Ella) Mrs. Geo. Llnd, Arkwright. Ind Jean at ' home. throelzranrlohildren and one . sister. (Elizabeth) Mrs. Gen. White or! Ari-an. who alone is left out of i a family of nine children. The funeral which was held on . . Saturday wns largely attended. A I 3 short service was held at her late ; homo and afterwards the remains were token to the United church. where liar pastor, the Rev. R. R. . Elliott. held In impressive service. ; He spoke very highly of the da- _ narteii sister. The choir rendered tho anthem, "The Home Over thorn," and Mrs. Clarence Blair sang "No Burdens Yonder." The floral tributes were beauti- ful. including Gates Ajar from the family. pillow tron: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Underwood. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White: sheaf from Miss Ellen Underwood. Mr. T. .T. Underwood. Mrs. Babingfon and lliss Elsie Findlay 0: Owen Sound: sprays. Mr. Ind Mrs. Rog. Crawford, Mr. and Mil. Matt. Crowford and fam- lly. Mr. end Mrs. John Sohoelor. Gowanlton and Ladies Aid. The pallbearers were Messrs. Matthew Crawford. Rae. Crawford. Melbourne Willis. Wrn. Vance, Sr J. B. Underwood and Eldon Gslli-l ller. Interment was made in Term cemetery. l The Lole Aid met at the llama of Mrs. John Cruiokshlinil on Dec. 3m. with a good attendance pres-l ant. Mrs. Alax Vance took charge' of the opening. exercises. lira. Matti crawrord took charge of the bud-l ness part. Donations were receiv-l ed for the mission hole to be sent' to the Indian Mission for Christ mas. s very fine display was re- ceired. At the close the hostess was assisted by several ladies in serv- ing lunch. ' Mrs. John Schaefer. Mrs. 'Eurl hoston oi Fordwlcli and Mrs Eton Era” of Durham and Mr arence Blair o! Preston attend-3' l l. r l l l l ‘ l i l . l l so by friends and neighbors wlm , whom she has been emaciated ior many years. she was dm'outly re- ligious. a' member of the Esptis; Church. Besides her husband. Mrs. Spears is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Zedlc Cunningham of Southampton; Miss Ethel. at home: and three sons. Ruben of R. E. No. 1. Owen Sound, and Russel and Gordon. at home, Mrs. Spear-5’ passing is the first death in n family of ion. The surviving sisters are: Mrs. Ala hart Femrlck of Regina. $3515.; Mrs. icharies Hear-n oi Renifier. Men: and Mrs. Saran Cunnino‘rnm of Nd i Bay: and five brothers. semuei and Robt. Finlay of Renwer. Mani, Alex snder. George and Arthur oi North Dakota: James oi swlit Current and Wm. J. of Flint. Mich. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. F _ r 7 l TARA .MRS. Jls. MCKEE ‘ PASSM DERBY Highly Regarded Resident Spent All But 5 Years of Life in Derby Twp. . TARA. July ziâ€"The death oil Mrs. James McKee. which around at her hm'nE. “Hill View Farm." Derby. on Monday. 22. caused deep sorrow in the community where she was well known and ai- iectlonntely regarded by a wide clr. oil: of friends. Her kindly pel- sonality 3nd helpful interest will be greatly missed in the United . Church. of which she wr.-. a valued member. and in the social activi- ties in and about Kandy. Mrs. McKee was Ann Jane Scur- mw. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Soon-ow oi Derbi‘. where she runs born 66 years 0. There she resided all her life but for a period oi five years, spent iii . A4131}. sorry-lime yam ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Mg-l Keir. who with their family of three . daughoers and four sons survivas. The family are: (Mamie) “is. John Embark. sulllvan: (Eva: Mrs. Clifford Strung. Arman: mg Ruby at home: William and Russell of : Bart and Lyle at home. and the following hmti'iers and sisoen: Mrs. John evens land Mr. Wm. Scam. Morton; J. G. chom.‘ Tm; Fred Scam. Ari-an; Mrs. Ralph Riel-lords, analsworth: Wei- son Boar-low. modem. Bash; L. W. Scam. Tara; Mrs. Louis ww- pler. Randy, and Mr. Norman Bear. row. Owen Sound. To! funarsl will be held to Torn Gemetary on Wednmy otheme. W l l l l i l l l l i l V The" Pinhead nwa‘ l herb. onITuellday, y "‘ “my, .u. . A . Rm 0'! his loo. Pu] mm at m l l l l l i innings a] years of his with deep regret of the passing oi Mrs. Esther Matilda Burt, who for over forty years was a resident of Wlsrmn out who passed away on Friday mornng Joseph Blaclrshaw. with whom she had been making her home. year. has been ailing in health for some time but the end some rather suddenly. born County and was a daughter oi the late Mr. and Mrs. John Parker. She was married when she was 28 years or age to ChaJles Burt, who predeceased her some Surviving to mourn her lccss are one son. Ephrinm, of w'larion and five daughters. Mrs. Don Lowe oi Streiâ€" Mrs. Mrs 341.5. Joseph Blackshsw 0i Kembie. One sister. Mrs. Than Jones of George and Frank Parker. hem of Norman and Thomas Parker oi "She also leave; to mourn her 92min; [no grandrhlldren and live great i grandchildren. day alizmoo'n at 130 nm. with a service at the home of her daughter, iMrs. Joseph Blackshaw. and inner: - Barbara Louise Trelforrl. .fflug‘llt school at lBESldCS her husband =he ‘ B.A.. os Arkwright. School lofa PASSES El FRIDAY ormer Well Known Wiartorl Resident Dies at Daugh- ter's Home Near Kemble Many residents oi Wiaroon and he surrounding district will learn near Kem’ole. at he home of her daughter. Mrs. The ate Mrs. Burt. Who was in her 88th Deceased was a nailve oi Paler- l l l years ago. lord. Mrs. Harry Harding or Guelph. Wzil'red Smith of Park Head. . John Foreman of Aileniord and Norsood. Onl.. and three brothers. Myrtle Station, Ont.. also survive. The funeral Will be held an Lilith .ment in Bayrlew Cemetery. MRS. HARRY E. BARCLAY One of the saddest deaths which has oceurrorl in this community for somctlm: tuck plncu on Friday after- noon 01 last week, when Mrs. Harry E. Barclay a bride of only seven “'etks W11 called in the grout be» ‘ ynnd. ' Bi Barclay who was 2ft years and 7 moni'ns of ago, had been sick only a few days, and lrvr pass- ing has cast a glwln over :liis ills- triut. Of a hriglli and viii-i:er difr position. and a favorite in social and church circles she nude many friends to whom her death is a. distinct loss 5 Mrs. Barclay, her maiden name luringl “as Led to Mr. Harry E. Burt-lily on, Decembm' 24th lust. Silo was .1 grail note of Sim‘lfnrd Normal School. and lleillel and Ark- wright. She w an :lc[l\'€ worker in the Anglican l-hur Hell]: in nlemhel oi the A. Y. P. A. and the choir leave: to mourn her 1935 her father and mother and following brothers and Sisterst Viola, Maymr. Ruby, Buelah. Laura Clayton and Maurice. The remains were taken from her home on Con 10, Arron to Christ Church. Inverr may, on Monday afternoon. at 3:00 o’clock where an impressive service was con vied by Rev. R. J. Murphy ed by Rev. P. Reilh. The church W»: crowded many being un- able to gain admittance. As a mark oi esteem [lie Tara Public and Con». tinuation School, Bathe] School nnd were closed the ,fundral. The sympathy log-go circle; of friends goes out to t e bereaved ,ifelat'ives. The funeral 'w'svlleld on Monday. in» torment. talu‘n , “loco in Tara Ceme tori. r for , ._ 4-777 ' mill" " R3. Rm, SPEARS i ills. ESTHER BURT iii. Well Known Farmer in Best of an old and,.hixhl_v respected resi-‘ dent, of Arran township. occurred Willi mnllng suddennesfl Tuesday morning. Kennedy had been usual good health. Monday 2- D~ ing. and had attended lb:â€" [llur'l'itl ,oi the iaio Wm. Sheers, Monday iaiiernoon. the funeral. ‘faniily. spending the evening ii: the .usual .rerr heel of morning. that her husband was. lunnuluroily, and invemgatevl. n Death was attributed in heart lroua his The detr'ased was ll 1 i ii i ill. KENNEDY ' ” 0F ARRAN DIES VERY SUDDENLY 1 l i I Health of Monday Evening Tb“. d§3ll1 oi MLJ. E. Korinadfi'. r earl? Mr. h The ion soloi‘lng feturnlnz' from up with the Upon he sat manner. apparanzly in the health 4.30 'n'clmn’. Mrs Kennndv ...... u- ...u.‘._â€"._ â€" v ‘llh? nali.ed fir-1min: HE tidied away a for minutes later. About fiizy two ears oi age. The late Mr. Kennedy v. liGI’n n ihe township 9i Arran. ..lmui in) two years ago, the son a e, are .Vir. and )‘!3_ Wm. Kennedy - 1He had spam praciicaily his Qnilrs liia iu um Lllstrl-tl. where he was . Iweil and favorath known. I T ‘eniy rim: ,ellrs 3:0 L‘lr= deâ€" c' rd was lied to \ A‘Eillie J Barium. and she. culldâ€" , ‘ren, ourvlvc. The chiirl. .Tara. rlhur. Di Deiroi'. ‘llfiorri. . e rind Elmer. ull ai home. Til hwlllETS. William. 0: {Haired}, Allan. and Charlie. of uwfâ€"u' a and nine aislers “m. Kain. 0! Tara. oi )lonirral Rockford. Mrs. “’nl. Mrs. Hail} E onio Bliss Maggie I line Owen SDulid. .‘ilrs. Rabi. TY Arnn Mrs. Ed. Biggsr. T1 .\lr> Arcl‘ilzv Espllu (it Arrari. also have Tho iunerai arrangnniem. S W’ELS jOHN rim-(ism c'i l‘l’Illl lie n1. ' havl' . we. , ul Hugh m-n ‘isler Gou'nnsmu-n. a Road}: Ont. . be. . lcxavxdry‘ Ran/is at"! or :E-ru- 7" .ail Order, lion (0 imrnc - Thus. Alxrllr-i resenting T chief mourn 1'21: lamil} u .o Mrs. a son. sislcrl 3i.- and .\ir.= :rn. \i mw. Mr l3'fllt‘ H. Moral. and \l . M. Crawler . Hf Owen >ouiirl‘ Mg ‘ami Mrs. E haller and . Gownrlsiou'n; Mrs. Rnr‘ldtl, _ dn‘ebnro: Mrs. 1.. Hull . 1 Mr. and ii... r \y, 7 'Mr. and Mrs. Rani. :«ivkr-Tghr.

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