Elsinore WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, [1829] - [1937], p. 5

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ALLENFORD MR. OLIVER SMITH ; WIARTO A! l w. M. NEWMAN. murmur-live. . v ,. MRS. w. PLANTE . PASSES_0_NSUNDAY l ‘ | . was. l Vlctim of Paralytlc '1 Strokes l l WIARTON. Dec. aeâ€"culmme ‘ \ Crulckslaanks. widow a! lhe me Walber Flame. riled at. the home 0! llcr daughter. Mrs. Wnlrer Parm- Dawson SLmel. Wlnrtan. In her 50th year, an Sunday. Dec. 23, (0“an mg about one months “mess. The lr . hale Mrs Plume sulttred from n woke on Nov, 1511.1. but appcnred. : to be making good ohmic-s: m-' «are: recovery. unni Frldoy last when inc “1;. acle Mn: stxrmd stroke (ram \lhlch she ml purll) gamed wnsclousnces belurc new 1 mg nwly on Sunday erenlnE - l The deceased was a daughter at. l lhe late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crulclz- shanks ol Arran ’l‘ownslnp. when“ she Wu burn b1 “155. When mvclze yous ol age she moved will: he! parents to Iunnbel Tome-hip, neal Allehlord. where she wax marked to the late Waller Flame ~13 yea ago. They worked 1 [arm m 'hx. lslh concmlon of Amabel {or 15 years below: moving back lo Arran Townshl‘p, 11cm Tarn Anu ln-lnz more r three years Illr) moved to Park Head. lerc her husband died :6 years ago. Mm. Plant: calm: to Wlartcm I llnlo over 7| month ago with her sonâ€"ln-Za“ aha daughler. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Far- row. who had recently taken up the)! resian on Dawson Sum. The kt: M85. Planle “Is a mem- l her or the (armor Mellladlsl. Church and In early m: wok a keen ln- luest ln the soclnl and rellk‘lam at» lenles at her munln’. She was or o klnaly and snupathetlc dis- posmon and mule : whiz nlrcle al “lends who wlll rep-er. her pass< lng. She is sun‘h‘ed '8' two sons Hears. John and Harry Crnlak- shank at chawwarah: one daugh- ler. Mrs. Walker Farrow of Wlar‘ hon. she I: also survived by {our 4 aromas. Mr. wnunm Crulckshanlu a! Park Head: ML Altxnndc: and Mr. 13:: crulchhanlu of Paisley, for. . many a! Wlnroon. and Mr. Weak~ Gnflckshsnhs o! Allcmol'd: 1WD sla- lars, Mn. Jam McCullough of Al- lenford. and Mrs. James War-mm:- [on 01 am Joseph‘s mllnd. The mural oervlcc wlll be held at the raddome cl Mr. and Mn. WM nrrow .Dawron sneer, M 1.30 o'elod: on Woman, alter-l ‘ noon. and will be In chum or Rat. I. D. at Ll" Prank Skeet mu, Ch [allowed by Inter- : Inuit ln an ‘ l l Native of Arran Twp. ‘l l l l Bled ' BAKERâ€"'ln Allealnrd. on Thin:-1 any, Pu". 'r, 1929. Mn. Cam-l ulna Dollar, wlla ot the Inc. I Adam Biker. In. 1'0 were. The v be: "gmâ€"on mum. arm. 13.1: m‘ ‘ Nauru on: be held from her a or m. ( Hu- :4». s In. real-lama an Salkrdly m.‘ ‘ Anal m’ small ,3! 2 o'clock lo Tan mm- «m. 8â€"11} ‘ WALTERâ€"1i Owen Sound on Thursday. Nov. 7. 1529 Mr. John Waller and 72 yea Funarll ‘25 menu later. news reached ! hy telegram an or her brother, Mr. our: Smlch all I'll: home in Sumas. The deceased was WED. Nov. DEAD AT wAsnrnGTON / _ , .» FT 3m Mn. John Muhzson Moudav of the death ssh. 2 sun of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dal'ld Smith and» com. Lsmhton he waver fully in his service l I ad: and llved unnuuru. ed me mneml slncere sympnt ls extended to lll'es MRS ford Died llL‘SS of E. Alkali, lor die, her nmldu John E. Alla-n lcaxvea’ ma bro. knlunn. Helen The MU: Lire. "Minibar of the and Look an n work. carnme acuv church she wl‘ {or her sound erncca. whlln the town will The luncrlu o‘clock on Sulunlug allch her law homo luv. Wallace .1 death took 171 do! momlu at bar howl a mferer from asthma was and about slxleen month: ago had a paralytic smoke from which . JOHN E. AIKEN DIED 0N_TEURSDAY Prominent Resident of :\1|L‘|]‘ ALLENI-ORD. DLL‘ She came wnh nnl‘ [drum n. AL ‘5“ rel-hum Ilit‘n a nun 51“ um rm.) fi Ural hale um She was umrnezl ‘Ju your hand she It'lH'lt-S cm.- sun. J. Hun]. ‘ Alkan, prlncnml ul nu: Svll'lmnlp» Iun Conunuznlon Schwl Alexander .11 home. WlUJnm In 3.15â€" .md RA‘IburLu Hcddlv ln Tul'ulnu She was chm: (rs-ulnar. {or many years :nnl nu. l SCth and Mlsmon Cll'clcn WED m. KATE BAKER- mm) am LENGTHY mmzas Funanl Will Be Held Saturday Afternoon Willi. o! amoral wash, la a paralytic make rm morning. From that than Ibo had was born Mrslx wars ago in Arâ€" coumy. He has been {hr many reocvervd, but as he has been m {aLrly good health this‘ summer and was able to be M work 56:11an Imul very re- cendy. the news or hls paannr; was a shock lo his relatives and frlcnds. He is surmvad by: Ms who. whn before her marrlagc was our 0! the leaders 1n Red Ores work in Can- ln Regina: and one am. also two males. Frank R. o! Allentorrl. and David Northern Gum-lo. and three Mfrs. Emma F‘aultonur. Manltoba. Rhoda. Mrs John Math- cson. Ailenford. and Addle. Mrs. A112 Hunt, Heaworlm. of Mame . tars. neepdnle. A lam number from here attend- arr. Saturday at mm of thc late Mrs. Wm. Mlteholl. 'I‘lnl lw o! lhr canlnrurlny the somamng relu- F‘nllowinll.r [ll Twn Mum hx‘ nlrlny , . LHEIH. 1‘31de 01 LhL‘; 1mm. (Ind v“- 'l'hulsdn) mgm m nu on“ . louowmg an lullflm \llllcll lam l.'\- m cred 2‘ pcrlod Ul mun (no mm. . 3 u Amman shu huu nnly hrsn .«J... 3% uusly 1n lor n \L'uL-l-z new \\n.. due no human Ll‘cluulr' lulu hlan l“. W] .- pmssuru. ‘D‘lfi Sm: “3.5 hour )1: l‘llm‘mlx Que. 57 years ago. mLullu mun or me hm: Mr. um um: .lunu llul- ‘5? n run L U‘IIIL :\:.l:n a». 0.1 .yllwu um lunv .lgu Lu mn- nnd mun-m. 6 :sm .11..” l ' he!“ and mu 9a. or y- .15 1. I l l a Hrndlc av. mm Amun ma u .mnux. Prusnylullln (.‘lnn'c‘n clhc pm. H 1‘.” n.» ll: uer um I Ely wllh Lnl' Slurlh» ln MW 1 l he ore-all) lllL»‘\'l| udvlce and “Hum; u um 01 mum. m‘ muum nrr Inga. 1 M .n :- l ham ‘ (I) Tam unwn 1,. . ohmun mn Lllllclulc ‘ wlll ll J (W? I Nov. 3.4a. ace only on Thurr o! Mrl. Kale Baker. here after no Illness whlch resulted PrldDY rum-unnum- m-nmmnnry-mwm been ammo: continually uncoml- our The (“aural le he held [rum . our late realdanea near the vlllale on Saturday ammo]: al. 2 o'clock. may. RUSSEL mom! ‘P’XSSED AWAY sa'r UKDAY q . Well Known Resident of m is Wider Mourned Aâ€"‘» . The sudden passing away of Mm. ELwSel llarnm lnec‘Mnry Crow» ford) an Saturday March 29th at her home on xha sun can, Arr-an cars! a gloom over the community and. deep symouhy is expressed on all sldvs [or the bereuved husband and relalll'us la the lms at a brlgm aurl hum-firm young woman, whose. 'ln'e apneured lull o! prnmisu and n=urulness. L‘h‘S. Morrnn was a daughter I)! the lure Jnhn Crawford o! Artful and Mrs. Crawford now or OWL-u Sound. ‘he \r horn 0n _Hm 15th day at llny, 18 and was united lu mur K? In Mr. RIISEA‘I Mul‘rull nn Nntemlwr Burl 19H]. llrs. Moan prior to her mnrriagr was rm nrlive and vnluell member 21 l i ‘ uud worker n. xhp nmmdm L‘han-h' EM Dubhlnlon. helm: organist und a l handler in nu- Snndny same! (or a ,nnmlmr of wars. She \vus MED ll rnwmhur hf lhn LudEr-s‘ Am and has nlwzu-w mm n l'hvorllh in lho sock-l lilo nr lili- cnmxnunny. 91m ms. .l gl‘nrlunlo n! tllo Londnn t‘ollaga! nna an nrl'nmr-llslwd Is anrvlw-d hy 1m. Ilushnml. molhnr and slstnr Mar: anrcl m (mun SOUTH]. ’l‘hn funeral \l‘.|S {rum hnr llama, an Monthly ut- Ivrnoun. tho lmprusslvn lunarnl sob Hm ln-lur: [tulllllll‘lflfl lw hvr Inmmr. . .L (‘llllL The very large Rfllhnr- ‘iw; nl {Honda and mvunnlntunrus M mu survlru um! um mnul’ bnnulllul .llornl :ol arm-n. Inns]. .n. Slw u-Elnnpa horn. lwlllnuuy lu Hm nl‘fm'llnll :mrl nslmrrn In whluh m» w lmld. Flul'ul :rllnuos worn from; lmrllos' ‘Jlll lmmnnm Ullnrrh: Cross ‘nmn'a I'IIIl). ln-r mnxlv pupils. .:In~ lnlrlrn-Hows. ller Dm-lp funan. 'l‘mnmn. .Vlrn. Funny Morrnn nnd rmnnr u! Turnnln: 'Mr nun Mm. m liuunmly, MT. mu! \lfi. Htlrrr Iw-rw, “r Ton-mm: Mr. and Mn, A nu. human"; \lr. .qu Mrs nrl I’ll-nut. M Elmnwzor. and mum- ulhora. ’l'lw mnmmn-n ww- l-lwrrs. nun. Tluhurlsnu. \\'m 'llhl ll'l'lfl. A. Huge. ll. Warm". J. llllr ran and Jae. Allilh. , . ‘TORSNTO OFFICER wan. Klgwrl nan l’lvnlll Hf Edwin Ml'llln‘nr‘y. l 'I‘ql-nylln [‘Ul‘ mun. V.» l Qnilr . n.1dm . Lnnl n- n“ . 1n lels Mm... n. v. wwnw wrl'll nn rl. n.‘ lllv [lulrllv 0' Mn 1” r erllll' lnr lawn; wnmm- . mm. m nu. pal lu-‘nh l n ‘lnmnlmr nr n“. Turr-nlu “.an mnuun .~ 1n “hm-r n! .ml» mnun an. ‘lcllnrlwv ll I r. w m “mu; .m.) u n.» . hnc-l 3..."! \\'n: nu nm \\.1\‘ m l‘uynnlv Mhr lunrnlny 4.! ln. HI wlwnj ‘Knml rmrlml Ihrr‘ll rim lu- mull mew! nwny ‘ {mm-M was nw :lrl w M ' .nvnml mler rlr «a "w v .1 (on fll'rvnun Ll‘mm». mu! m. numml m an: rump-ml mum» In mm um-n Ill m a vl‘r‘lnv'lv n'l Thum- ‘11:” nnnnmm (my my. mum rmm‘ fl mu m le [{mzll- =lr-rl rlllnn. ,Imrl WM lnnrind (1: {lm C4»ll“rnl Ur“- [Ille «mare ‘vn 111ml M r. «ulner rm l'rldnv Inurnlwr I‘prv mm Innâ€"l nrrh. mm Hm mun n! .ln'lll.‘ Tia-rm Ml mm Mon :1 Ir‘n'wr‘nl rune. or (n n \N} - mu: m I. It w m um1 wnn null" null lnnwr yn llllu «In ‘ H» I‘FIS hung: in “‘van; d1 lnwn. nhln. M‘ar “'lnnhnrn. m. {mm-"(1“ both llnrmlml wore nlJlll-u: lurin- N“ In llml dlfilrir‘l. Hr- n-m .1 mm» 3 her at er Erlwnrd Mr-r-u Oman-i. Lnllul‘. flakwmrl annl' Imam-u and a! llln runrk Knlnlm. curl‘l\'<ll Inc are In; with, a rinuctnrr. \llu" Velma Murmrrl hurl « run. Hm-rl Allah. three slslerz hn-l mnr hrolh< era. . l

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