RS. i. F. MILLER l PASSES FRIDAY lWell Kna ran Passes Away at Meaford ,7 TARA JAMES GOLEMAN IS LAID T0 REST miss i. MCKINNON His PASSED iiiii' Death Takes Eldernlle Woman After Illness of ew Months . El 193, PASSES THURSDAY Well Known Resident of ‘ Southampton Dies 'in Owen Sound Hospital l l 1 inn Resident of Arâ€"' Second White Child Born in Owen Soundâ€"Funeral was Held Friday There passed ixan alter a le‘ monthr. at tailing heilih. )Sliw An: (Special in The Sunv'rimes) UTHAMP’IV . ,. tsyecial to Tho Sun-Tlmesl 30 N. Aug. éâ€"Mmy S ,. MEMORD. Min-ch zaâ€"The death menu here learned with deep re- ‘ .VicKliinL-n a: imr “mime on me occurred early F11de momhrg 91 gm “the Hum 0, M... Thomas a. TARA. Oct. uâ€"The funeral a: Win wnceselon v! humus» T55 ‘ MR. mnk Miner. who had been Mel], who passed away on Thurs- the late Mr. James M. Coleman liter/eased W: in Am,“ rim.“ _"‘ . in ill-health far a number of years day at the Owen Sound Cr_ and M. luau place, tram his lure residence. weeks She W“. m . "M “3": .Past W. a native 01 Arm. Hospital, steer a briei illness. He lot :2. in the rounh can, of the land was born in Fla. nu cfmitr ; Township. whale she had redded was taken ill on July 26 and was Township at Arrln, on Friday Al. comm; with he: minute .u lb: . manually all her Me. had been immovgd to the Owen. sound Hospi- lemon“. The Rev. Run“ Dean rim or Eldetsiie w °' cl D'jb- } “Wins her brvther. Mr. Dal/1d ta] or Aug. 2, dying the tallan \rurphy, BA†emulated, Meme.“ mum where rim-- linvt- rat-d- . Mai/adieu. [ctr the pram six mnuhsl day, belu.‘ made 1,, Tara cemetery. . ad ever sina J HM it was at his home on mm‘ Deceased was born on July 10.» Tï¬b Royal mack Precepmn, and Tile lute Miss .\l lchmh s2. . bard skeet here that her death; 1m. in Ari-an Township and lived me mm “,5 largeâ€. “prawn . them as a verv kinrl iriend aim “Elglibor arrrl rind a stindfasi tam in lile Goa she shrvetl aha Wat: :i niomhm- at aile- Baplii' Church. ' ' villiâ€"L's QEOF f m the farm there with his parent-i until his marriage in 1695 to Miss A. Nicholson 0! 511m). The young couple gmved to Allenloi-rl. where ‘l occurred. . Deceased, who win 51 years at liege, lavas in mourn her m bu sormwlng husband, residing at if]. and solemnized the rites and :eremnnles at their Orders at the ’ graveside. The ladies at the Lo. i .l l mun. one an hter Non-m. - . w a 31,, buyer. B.A. oi Tara and the True Blues W _ fl l thorns. and Woumls, Mrs. Jul-th 1:03:15 :gsn theygr moved Lu 9! Arkwright were also present to n ff Fjrhrj‘m‘ijgifhefl " " .Flebche'r of Kiliaan and Mrs. Fred Southampton and Mr. Powell setup any their respect lo the memory at {H1773 {in "1' ,3} ‘ has ‘ mile: at Anna, besides her bm~ a butcher ramp here. In 1914 they tha derceased. “a 1;“. 7W T» 11M “'w an m l (her, Mr. David Men 01 this mt thin town and resided at De- night Warshipiui Jnsenh car-sun. in] 1",} ; lid (a; Home. "' law“- Anwhfl' “Of/her Dredmeesâ€" trait Windsor and Tornnto. return- at Londlm. Grand Master of On- ‘“ "inf -‘ r“ ““ ‘ ml her a. raw years ago. ins to Southampton 1" Auzust of tarie West. at the Royal Blank BMW“ V. 7 v ‘ r are .1†l The funeral will be held on Mon- 1930. when Mr Powell again set up KNEW at Ireland. reprEsented the “WV "3 h i?' H ‘1 = twil- i (my altemoon. with n semce at a butcher shop here. Grand Lodge_ A .lnm ’ hi i .. r.. V.“ her former mldenne in Arnin: Surviving to mourn his Dasslnrz The pa“ bearâ€: were Memhars 31d .‘Il’fl Liam. hillâ€"ion on. ( ll.†Tmhin at 2.30 pm. Interment are his wife. his mother. Mrs. E, at the mack Ch;er m m“; rm. nlnnrln‘. [Zr n. :39: Will bemï¬de mmmOemï¬ei-y Pow-Eliot Southampton. one son. ' ' and air lnvlh link: non r-l a» l ' w Palmer. lilr. Ahraham Juhnson and . n . d “1..., “ch-mm)" a .â€" . . i ,i, r imam. of Detroit. three daughters hm! u an i E r i . r , Mrs L Pom, of Hum:an NJ lr. Alex. Vance, and of the L 01... “WW ' TARA MrsIJ'cznoUev at Detroit and Nil-5' lr. Wm- BMW Mr- 5W)“ “mo? 1»... m 6. Beer ul Windsor. three brothers. Olirhamlil .\l\'. Samuelrï¬lntl)lill:la.m M w? hm. ' ev. . Farrell of Owen. Wis,. Mr. 6 owers WPre m ‘9 r '_t ,Im_ "a N , __ MRS. RICHARD EVENS ï¬qzofr-oweh or inhale and Rev. Ily. the 1.0.1.. marl; pergpmrri. 51ml WE: DIED E ’ 0, Powell 0! Hamilton. three er LOBA: Mr. and . rs. owar WWW“ vr RY SUDDENL‘ Mrs. J. Kim?“ Detroit. Mrs. R- 3- Coleman, Samar» Knox preshyieri- lwm mm. X Well Known Ari-an Lady Was Taken Suddenly Wednesday TARA. Oct. 24.-â€"â€"The sudden - and unexpecled death or Mrs. Ev- gns Wife 01 Mr- Richard Junn Ev- ans of Armin township and mother . of Mrs. Irwin Rnhliuon 01 Cha- i Hllmer of Southamnton and Mrs W .1 White of Hensall. and six gmnd» children. The funeral will be held nn All“â€" day afternoon wilh a service at in: late residence at 23B 0111 Rev G. Nicoli will have nhame or the «ir- "‘1‘! Mid he will be Mrlri‘flfl hr Rev Y B Newman. The Mar-“iâ€" nrrl ladees. both of which he John Wm. an Church, Tara: Mr. and )l Presrotl. Lian Elf. and .\l .. Baiix. The [fiends from a ‘inl'e were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .“FCIlrdy‘. :‘Tottenhnm; .lir Genrge Hayes: and son Wilmoi, of Beulah: him, John, Lilly and soil. lilr. Douglas Lilly. Ziirs. Andrmr Scott. of fliielnh‘. ,\lr. l‘. l illRTliilBT. HEARS l PASSES ill WEST l ‘ Arsonâ€"Mrs. . lay and Mrs. Howard Newton, at 10-0-17 l' r' hell Tornnin' ~ . - n f was a member will hlso trike hart. and .\i’rs. (“a m ,amh . v l_ “a: Planar a £33]; gigggmfvmngggg 3:13; in the runeral rites. Intrrmeni air. Than Brit]: U W‘ EVaug a "=8 the “"1 Newer-1929- ‘ 325;.†“‘3‘†‘" 5°“*‘“'“"‘““ C†$5.32.? iidm‘oi.‘ rim; 3.. ,. er Mrs. Evans had not been in the , - ’ ' " v ' wher Si and \irs. leaar \orrls. ol hub“ WM†0‘ ‘ “ mm‘ liï¬. Gem-EA best 0: health for ttm past Warm 7' V . ‘ , ut her condluon had somewhat ¥§t.§§“'§lâ€rinl:l2l3f"irr. and Mrs. l ‘51“; n. LLe hereon Di Ronni u_lr.. .mï¬wved “"115 “19 “mm?! “d “ ‘ I Richnrd anmh. Port Elrlu. and . il away In the “ w 0“ Nâ€: the time h! the fatal seizure. she ’, M, “.1 Mrs. George Craig of ~ l 1... the .e .1; . u- v was directingmand assisting in the 'l Pam“. ‘ . as. ;\.D.. . _ ' llliS “lie and No Email 5w:- u/rfuirs at her household over many years in church. and' social allairs, including the W. M‘ S. of the United church and the" Wamen’s Institute . Her 1055 will i 'he manned by a. large ctrcle of . triends. V l ' ' L Besides her husband and dun-- glitters. she is survived by her twu . sisters, Mrs. R. H. Fenian. at Port . Wm. Car, at nullslo. The f neriil will be_held (run: the (Built resi- dence on Fridny the 25th lust at , 2.30 n. m; The service will be . condugted by her pastor. the Rev. 2‘ Ch . -' Eucketi: of the United ' Th5 (uneml was very largely ai- band last Wednesday. Mrs. Smtt‘ took ill on Thursday but despile Sunday. She was ‘5. daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Blakely of Air-an mn'nship. where she lived and con-i rinued in reside following her marâ€" her untimely death under such cirâ€" cumstanoes. She was 2 member a! the United Church. Surviving are her Wills and three brothers. John oi Victoria. B. (1.. Arthur oi’ Irma, Alta, and Dorrie at home. The funeral will be held an Thursday altemoon pending the arrival ol relatives {mm the West. careful attention she Md sway “ “1, p. e.- abel Was in Her 72nd at . mm 0i Mrs. James G. Allenioi-d, occurred hm- home here. {or about. two Jan. l’lâ€"Thé death McCullough. of last night. at months and her year when she died and had re- sided in Amalie] mwnsliin tor the past ï¬fty years. She was tonneriy Mm Margaret Anne Crulckshlu'ik. Summing are her husband and ï¬ve sons, James. Isaac. Wilbert. Joli.“ and Stanley. Two daughters 1116-. deceased her. Ella. Mrs. Dave Rowe. and Myrtle. There are also two Sill: had been ill . brothel-s. Wesley and William. Whitneer the message, \ â€".'mughter, Murgure Tie late Mr. Hears: W5.» 1:015 in l imam-led ills Maud Jumlernulwho p‘fll‘cllm‘EESPd him in l‘J'IlJ, bince ' Hm time he has made his home L ' i =iiail'zlllér. lirs J. A Hunt. archewun. Ann’ d1 â€" l its. .i. Harll, resides 3‘ La. . . D.. The snle are. \\' A. R <._ or ram- l .ln use. Wash. J. Winnipeg and 'i’ Evans of Owen Selim), and lJl'OlliEl‘. Sir William Hmrst Torontu LATE MR. GEO. SCOTT BURIED SATURDAY TARA. March 28â€"1110 funeral cl Mic heson. 'Ibronto. She w Amelia Beatrice. young- r ( i - lied :1 very wide r‘li'cle of - . , . est cliï¬ at the late Mr. and MW. Armsagseidfetgf. Eggsï¬snfrom i :Symds.b1yéallfylné tn the high er» L the |lt\\.l’â€"lslli[l qr Slflnherk You rJulyi Jolin Clix. In! Allenlnrd and was H b d Riga," Ind “Herman I“ which (hi 5 10.13“. “llED “ l‘ :9 ohm on member 2_2. 1372. She “5 3“ uta Mr. Calemau was held in this! .3 i 1% came W“ ‘1 ll: C†‘5‘ was united in marriage to Mr. "T,â€" _ _ nmmunlly. ‘ l u ‘â€.“""““’ °" “nu' “To 3.11" mum“: J‘ Eva“ 34 years as†and ‘ TARA'. March. «The community wagh was then Sillâ€"“Jr. a} M A since’ that time the family lived l Was lmniuny shocked and grieuedl ; cl u The†"9.5mm "'5 “‘1 for fourteen years at Park Heud’ talcum ol’ the death of Mrs. George: g “‘1 “W‘W‘m “Ant†1hâ€, “1†131‘s; and the past twenty. or the mi lw. Scott which occurred at the r1 1" 15“}151Nï¬â€˜fjflfld ,g°1;3..? conceasian Arran township. 5 ' home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.‘ i A r .53â€" J “ D “1 ‘F - “,2: She was a. valued, neeiui unlii George Blakeiy. Arran Township.‘ . | .4311?ng a (anhl: hi all tin“ .be. highly eslgemeu member in the on Sunday morning in her 43m ‘f Hr“ U: “1“â€? “"“‘f’ .f‘l “\3 ,h community taking an active pari' year. Her passing is particularlyl . ‘t WWW" “"“‘ ‘3“ “m.†? ‘Onrin' sad in View of the mm or herhusâ€"l Well Knfl esldent 01 Amâ€" , l nahoir. mr Bethe. mil in 1. to Mr. George Scott 22 years . . Elgiu and Mrs. c. J. Harris or “age . ï¬rm was DD! "newerâ€"led “tough . . Vanguard. Sum; two Mame". go. Shaun-as well and ravomblr 1', was u great shook to her family . S. 1. ol New “E:lnliflElFr HE is Mr..Ed-ward Cox 0! Ari-an. and Mr. romrfln “Eh†95'“de by 3- and friends. l also survived by I“ S lrs- “1'5- mde Cu'cle or friends who deplore _ Mrs, McDuflough was in h†721“; .wm. Wilson or Tarn. unri sir: W. DRE “1 l l . r â€" , The funeral will be held on sat. the law Mr. Gv‘orcc- \\'m 5cm. im- “ . IN urday a: 2 pm. tram her late lesl- der the auzplces or the Orange 0:- . dance. with Rev. Wallace Johnsion den 01 which he was :1 member.l' :ungégggl mslobfggulesglxgg :30}: :lgw ‘onTSnturdar altsrnmh. i . e BIC .5. 0 am cemeterv. from i [GREXTON_L“ raving memory 01w“; ghurch. Interment will be made the home oi his brother. Mr. Fred "any gram who mania“? Tuna Cemetery. Scott. Armn Twp. and was largely 0 M†10 “a: l . 7 1 attended by sormwing relatives.l0 , . i In Memorial“ neghbars and menus. The Rev. 11.1“ A; are m “humming mm. omwn_m 10mg memory or ;J. Murphy. RD. BA. at Christ I“ “I. VII“. ’9“. me mum“ for m“ as“ mother. Mrs. Henry- Church. Tara. niliclazed. The loll-l and] 0m". who departed "am we .OWlng breLilem or the Allenicrd and u November 26' 1325‘ Arkwright lodges were pal! brarex: o .0" mum“ is Swamp m m" Messrs. Thos. Crawford..Wm. Alk- l, murmur. ' lihoiï¬hf‘lï¬fi SIE’SA'm'rm‘ I r . nnce. i mun; _ 'Witli paciï¬c: in; vfléuredr W9. thr- floral tributes were‘ u wreath. i null; , u- . his wlfr. Mrs. Soon: pillow. bmihâ€" 5 . will God in his mercy. " ers: wreath. Arm-right Orange l. Co Lodge and ii spray (min Mish' ‘ lren: