G .â€" _ m The Nurlhumberland County Hismrical Society met at Bath- esda Sautï¬ Uniï¬ed Church [15! Thursday wiih me president )1. D. P. Davidson, in Lhe chair, Ian. Gordon Mackfln and main- llel'l a! thg Elmvlew Women‘s III-tun“ had charge a: th: pm‘ pm. Community singing a! oldâ€"time songs, led by E, C: Garvin. with Mrs. Dun Ling :9 the pimo, and two numbers by a quartet mnsiaflng a: Marian Dlviï¬son, Marie Lang‘ ,Wley Phflp and Don Budd,""‘ Grandnlher'x Cloak" and ‘ . ' l'nlkl Doâ€, with Mrs. _ Budd, aummpanist, preceded ’ short business raglan. Erhast Huldaworbh read sev an] aim-Act: from Suzanna Mmdie's "Roughing II. in me Bush", vividly describing the wlicglï¬s! and hararhips Endur- ed by the Iuthoress, one o! the (mm suiciuana shale", hat husband, and small hlhy Kate, who emigratua km Enghnd iu Clnadi in 1331 and settled in the neighborhood of Mr. Holds» erh'l farm. After three mis- euble yenrs the Mnadies moved '6 Lakeï¬eld, and Later to Bell:- vflle, when their old stone cottage still stands on West Bridge Street. Mr. Holdswnrkh laid of asur- Iris: visit he had received last mini-net 1mm - ynung man nam- Id makersâ€"the great grandson n! Susanna Mocdie‘s baby Kate. Another visitor was a Mr. Rowe of Tumult), who helped huiid a [ence around a deserted ceme- ‘zry Of some ï¬lly or sixly un- marked grave: near Mr, Holdsâ€" i warth’s (Inn. ‘ Mrs. Gurdwn Macklh-i nonductv County History ~' Roughing It ‘In Bush ' a contest, “Things uur grindâ€" Lhers missed". Mrs. Wham Gordon Macklin won an prizesâ€"ban point pens. Among :ha.miique articles an damn were a wrmng box, I picture III the Bible Christian chair 01 Cnhourg. and a cane with I car- ved snake head. The President referred in the generaus hasistance which has been given the Society by the Women's Institutes ol the Cuun» ly. Mr. Hlnman movad a hearty‘ vat: ot‘Lhai-iks for the interesi‘ my program and refrashmanu pmvided. It was agreed that IN March :7 meeting be held shins bunk Hall, cuhuum .- .. “m‘ï¬v‘gwflg‘V4 ' :M‘s i \JV 0 M h of WEST NORTHLMBERLAND JMSTJTUTE TO BE HELD IN ï¬ebï¬ch/z gout/i Cï¬z/zrcï¬ Tï¬wrscflg) 7%wy23 ‘1 1963, at 10 aim†D‘ UT; Ln flash-*iéik Mrs. L Brown) President Mrs‘ m J Calnan, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer Mrm LL FLephen, Assistant Sec. Treas. HO’ '1‘ HH)\\ICH n . i . Nil MVle