- A_x‘-..â€"‘ â€"â€" â€"- ’Hle Walkertun Hamid-Times. Wednesday. September 17', 2.008 Entertainment Cargill Masons ready to defend title at upcoming RibFest supper, cookâ€"off If you smell the dvlvttablv scent of spareribs grilling over churr'ual this fall. it mightjust be Lhr‘ (Zurgill Masons. ï¬ne-tuning their n-(ipu PM the Lhirtl annual Rthvsl mm)" and ruck-0n“ St‘heduled fur Sunduy, Sept. 25 at the tiargill Community Comm». thv Masons will be using their own sorrel recipe for the ribs thuy will nerw at the supper. Fur ll’lt‘ ï¬rxl twn yl‘le. memht-rs used a rommvrrinl prv-mukx-d spurorib. but it was uiw '5 the group's hope to produrv their uwn su my mum mntml lhe qualin and flavour ur the ï¬n- IShE'd prudurt. “A rack of ribs Lent MW in steak." sztid Bill Pruvs Sn. lh:I foundI-r and driving foru- brhinll “ler':|. “\uu mn‘t ju>l flop it an the burbt-L‘uv 10 min» ulI-R ln-I'url' ynu serw it You'd now-r get your lot-[h mm it," "lion and slow“ is lln- rull- fur spurrrihi lid Pruv‘s Sr ‘ adding that the (.argill wam5 ham- pt‘l'rt‘t‘lt‘d u pron-s.» fur (winking llu- rib~ wing tho new, «‘tuunuf- thv-arl klll‘hvn in lltirglll and lhv uwurd-u‘in g lmrbwuv murv thnt mm tin-m lier prin- in Iml yn-ar'n ruuk-an "m haw luul mun} [ml l!|l‘.ll\." M'tld \luwn liuh \lvlï¬ullm'h. and :m urglmi/n-r ul' Hilli"1‘~l,"\‘vllhlvrlsnrlihlt-P‘Aml mum «lil'fwrvni nu-Lhmh .uul rm ipm It x .l xhrl) July, but Illis tmr tln- \quh llnpm u‘ .Illrzu'l l-ntms I'ruln tlw pulmw Ir l‘nlllpt‘ll‘ [ur :‘zuh “Him in llu‘ mulde Inuluuun» lmn- van mlumlvd in hunt] i)l|~|||v‘\\|\ [u munsur a tram. tutti tnlliiillunh ulm .tru [mva uf \hwtr nun l’lil rl-rlpv :tru unrmlrngml [n r-ler Ilvv n-hlr} lr-w Ix \Illll [HT hum] uhn'h m 'luduw hm mull “"h'q" I‘m um mmmnl'mnl-vluur pmplv .uul Iuwl \n In- "HII‘l-‘Il h). V'ili _‘I I‘ll-- in u! Lh.- lullvprtllluil 2‘ a in! hiv- tlw nlxmpm m “l'lllllfl mm ml itl llh- lull‘lin; .m l w†n: nub-‘1 \Im ullurh intuit-N hwy ' wt ‘11; |'l\.\ n; «in mm ‘mvr ‘1 .i u :r' ,lvmr ‘lr‘hH u u_ ‘r. l t m i ‘ iml xr-x‘. I u ‘ r llw a - w W. ~ L‘ ,‘xrt' [mi My! Master rhvfs Tim Dales. Jeff Abel. Perry Binklcy and bus Abel] stand over the barbecues at the 2007 RibFosl cook-off in Cnrgill. inset, the winning entry frum Ins! year's competition was prepared by the Cur-gill Masons. bl'rl‘d for lhl‘ lilind Judging and fill minuh-a lulrr. thx- quill, silwr And hrnnzv [nI'an-“inm-n un- :mnuulm-(l ‘lt rnultln't uvt llllll‘ll mun- .mwting Hum that," \iliil \Ir( ullurh 'I'hn- .mnunl Iiihl'v'sl ilv'ijh llh- \Inwm Nullpul’l tin- turgill luluvnuml} t'nnlrr llh- \Izlmnil' |lwlp~_‘-llv:ir I'rutzmm .md Un- lllunulm-r Huldlmr I-dm-utmu M-nlrv lnl-vrminmrnL rwurxlln: .lrlm Ilu~u lllllll'x \l.|l’i\ .‘|[ 'l p m um! [lu- \uppnr rum frnm 3 In T p m prmnlv'd in huhnuurd pm. “This year with the [WW {mili- l) at (Iurgill. uml I-u-rytlliuu wv haw ll-urm-tl in the [NH-61 two )t-un, nu uill huw' pvnrynnv wrwd m half llw linu- it wok lam your," said Hill l'run-h lr., rhivrmmk \qunv \\i\llll|).! lu ullvntl thin iv-ar’x rib xuppvr is arlviwrl lu gt'i thir lil‘kuh nurly m iln- uu-nl luu lwI-n \ltlll nut llu- I;le [nu )0qu lirkl-ls :Ln- mulluhlv ul I5rllnn\ [)mgxlurr uml llolxl (HTn .- \ulmlu-s m \mlkvrlnu. llu- lltrwll hunt-ml \lun‘, ur frum I'mlx \Il’i ullm‘h Lit 'il‘lJMl- l'NZ