The Walkerton Herald-Times. Wednesday, August 13, 2008 $3,700 handed out in prizes IPM quilt show displays 141 creations ; SUBMITTED BY ANNE-LOUISE GIBBONS Co-chair unite zoos ll‘M Marketing Committee. Last weekend the 2008 Bruce County International Plowing Match (IPM) Quilt Committee held the 2008 [PM .Quilt Show in the Teeswater-Culross Community Centre. The 141 quilts entered in the competition were tram “the host of the area‘s quilters" and demon» strated creativity, hard work, skill, and workmanship according to the judges. The 111 quilt blocks submitted for the Quilt Block Challenge were made into four quilts by various quilting guilds and organizations and will be auc- tioned at the [PM to be held from Sept. 16 to 21) north of Teeswator. To the uninitiated, all the quilm looked equally spectacular. but quilts are judged out of 100 points determined by several categories: 1) the quilt must meet all the requirements set out by the competition, such as size; 2) the quilting line must be close enough so that when a list is placed on the quilt it must not meet empty fabric; 3) the colour must suit the pat tern, subject or design; 4) the fabric cannot be mixed. it must all be the same. for instance all cotton or all poly-cotton: 5] the binding or edge must be equal and the hack must reach the outer edge of the ; binding; and 6) the stitches must be even and go through all three layers that make up a quilt, Dorothy Gillespie and Jean Reilly. the judges from Hillsbnrgh, had the diflicult job determining the ï¬rst, second. and third plane wirmers in each of the 17 classes The 53.700 in prize money went to the following: Class One â€" Theme Wall â€" lst Joanne Miller, Tara; 2nd Kathy Boycott. Hanover; and 3rd Pat Golem, Hanover Class TWO â€" Pieced Quilt Hand Quilted â€" lst Lisa Pennington Teeswater; 2nd Kathryn Jarabek, Walton; 3rd Winnie Conley, Belwood. Class Three â€" Appliquéd Quilt Hand Quilted 7 lst Rosemary Heisz. Formosa; 2nd Mary Boyle. Lucknow: 3rd Diane Fitrhett. Chepstowr Class Four â€" Machine Quilted Quilt â€" 15! Ann Hawldns, ngham; 2nd Bey Martin. Fordwich; 3rd Kathy Boycott. Hanover. Class Five â€" Hand Quilted Quilt 7 lst Alice Doelinan. Lucknow: 2nd Margaret Fonts. Hayï¬eld: ï¬â€™ ""â€" lTrom loft. Mary Helm. Mary Henry. lit-[Ty Nccdham and Margaret Humphrey welcomed “sums to the 2008 [PM Quilt Show. @752- 3rd Dianne Fitnhett. Chepstow. Class Six â€" Group Quilt - Richmond Area Quilt Guild, Kemptville; 2nd New Millennium Quilt Guild†Hanover-Walkerton; 3rd Joan Wand, Kincardine. ‘ Class Seven 7 Crib Quilt â€" lst Ruth Batting, Hanover; 2nd Mary Gunson, Tara; 3rd Shirley Grulih, Walkerton. Class Eight â€" Miniature Quilt - 1st Martha Schellingerhoud, Aurora; 2nd Pat Golem, Hanover: 3rd Joanne Miller. Tara. Class Nine â€" Landscape Quilt â€" lst Betty Millen, Sontharopton:. 2nd Sharon Collins, Amprior: 3rd Kathy Boycott, Hanover.- Class 10 â€" Original Wall Hanging - lst Cheryll Tucker. Kincardine; 2nd Sharon Collins, Amprior; 3rd Betty Milieu; Southampton. Class 11 â€" Wall Quiltâ€" lst Joanne Miller. Tara; 2nd Joan Wand. Kincardine; ‘3rd Sharon E. Zurbrigg. Brockville. Class 12 â€" Wearable Art â€" lst Joanne Miller, Tara; and Fran Kenning, Port Elï¬n; 3rd Mary Gunson. Tara. Class 13 â€" Cotton Flannel throw â€" lst Joan Wand. Kinoardine; 2nd Kathy Boycott. Hanover. Class 14 - Appliqnéd Quilt â€" Track System/Long Ann Machine Quilted â€" lst Doreen Wilkin, Hanover; 2nd Kathy Boycott. Hanover; - Class 15 7 Pieced Quilt 7 'h'ack System/long Arm Machine Quilted- lst Mary Gunson, Tara; 2nd Betty Milieu. Southampton: 3rd Gladys Fiss. Dobhinton. Class 16 â€" Youth Quilt â€" ‘lst Katherine Phillippi. Cargjll; 2nd Alarmah Young, Alleniord; 3rd Kelly Hemlock-Weeks. Tara. Class 17 â€" 4-H Quilt 7 lst Kim Hooey. Ripley: 2nd Rachael Coanen. Kinoardine; 3rd Erik Burgess, l Mildmay. Viewers to the 2008 lPM Quilt Show chose live quil- ters for the Wewers Choice Awards: Alice Doelman. Mary Gnnson. Gladys Elliott, Drikfl. Foster. and Betty Millen. The IPM Quilt Committee is made up of Anne Hawkins, Chair; Sharon Courtney. ‘ Secretary/lieasurer: Margaret Cale. who organized the Quilt Block Challenge and who collected the quilts: Joan Wand, who manages the raï¬le tickets and quilts for the raffle; Manna Zettler, who obtained vendors both for the Show and the IPM; and Kathy Boycott. who collected the ribbons. (See addi7 tional photo page 24.)