Always a good day BY LINDSEY KUGLIN M08 WHT RupnrlI-r Fun and learning is synonymous for children attending the Walkerton Daycare Centre. “Every week we have a new theme." supervisor Sharon Bruss said. to keep things fresh. The week's activities will always be based on the theme. While parents are at work. children are kept busy with crafts, outdoor time. free-play time. snacks. and uics mid-day nap. The daycare. subsidized by the municipality, parents can save on childcare costs. Walkerton‘s daycare. which opens its doors daily at 6:15 am. and runs until 6:15 p.m.. costs $31 per day for toddlers 18 months to two-and- a-half years. $29 for two-and-a-half to ï¬ve years. school-aged children are $23 for a full day, or $4.50 per hour for before and after school. The centre has the capacity for 55 full-day chil- dren. and currently has 40. Before and after school spots are currently full. with 25 children. Another beneï¬t of municipal childcare, accord- ing to Bross. is that the centre is never closed. “We won't phone and say we‘re sick. We won‘t be closed for holidays," she said. “We're always there for parents." . The daycare employs ï¬ve full-time and two part-time teachers. who all have early childhood education diplomas, and up to data ï¬rst aid and CPR certiï¬cation. Bross. who has worked in daycare for 22 years. and has been the supervisor in Walkertun for ‘14 years, said that the ECE diploma is not necessary to work at a daycare. but she requires it of her I employees Children start their day with breakfast at 7:30. and get a snack at 8:30, They will typically get an hour of outdoor play in the morning. and will work on age-appropriate crafts. and participate in a 'circle' activity before lunch. The children will have a nap. or a rest. and another snack in the afternoon, and some more outdoor play time. The lunches are prepared at the daycare. and follow Canada's food guide. Children at Walkerton Daycare The Walkerton Daycare Centre offers a fun-ï¬lled day for children 18 months to six years old. Supervisor, Sharon Bross sits with the ‘senior' children. The daycare is also inspected by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. and the ï¬re and health departments to make sure everything is up to code. “There's always someone checking up on us." Bross said. The centre also offers programs for special needs children. Speech therapists. behaviour specialists. and resource teachers regularly Visit the centre to work with children. and offer support to the staff. Lindsey Kuglin photo “It‘s nice because parents don't have to take a special trip to the city or anything. They just have to leave them here, and they don't have to take time ofl‘ work." Bross said They also offer March Break and summer pro- grams for school-aged children. The daycare has two annual fundraisers com- ing up, which they use the proceeds to buy toys for the centre, They'll host a pizza day in early May. and hold a trike-a-thon in late May. For more infnrmation. the Walkertun Daycare Centre can be reached at (519) 881-3123. cart Mrs. Smith’s Grade 12 class‘ Hawaiian ' plinvepi“g ï¬ _ _ ‘ cart. and Mr, Emma Gra : Bug (that blasted Jinn Hench-or tunes) won the creativity oompeflï¬on.s'lhe 31:3: the mom foodwas Ms. Mackenzie’s Grade 9 music lane. Tracy likens . April Berry. Chantal Clarke, display. class with 300 pound food ‘ more than 1,000 pounds for the Walkerton Distridt Food Bank. Fri);I left: , Autumn Each Emily v Ha Song, Inke Alba 3 - . , BY: 0“ tten Alyssa Guide 9 French :mï¬gflglge: Cole Clark. and Robbie Oliver (back) who was part of his