Mary MacKay’s Window on the Past West Brant Presbyterian Church. The [allowing arltt'le. wrtllen by Ted McCamrel , appeared m Iln: Kitchenaâ€"Waterloo Record in April 1958. flflyyear: ago: Cloud Flay Yem. Church To Be Reopened A: Cemetery Chpel he ï¬rst masonry church in Emu County West Brent Presbyterian one mile south of Crtrgill on the Elam Road. will return to service afler half a century of vacancy The old building along County Road 3 Will be convened to n chapel for Douglas Hill Certmery. The sturdy stone butlding uppurently is tn as good condition as when n was built 93 years ago. Rmords show James ilyslop was patd 5400 to build the walk. William Lugrtn burned the lime and John Cameron was principal carpenter. Much of the labour was volunteer. The limestone came front a nutty quarry on the Snugeen Riven The early Prsbytcrinns walked nine miles to ‘mec's Church'. two miles east of Wnlkenun. This log, structure butlt in IXSI was the tint church In Bruce other than missions for the lndinrts As the number of settlers in the area Increased. Presbyterians hcld services in When the neu ediï¬ce opened. the ï¬rlelllnlSlU \vztx Rev Dr. R. C. Mntl'att, He also preached in churches in llunnver. Frante's Church. West Bentinclt and Malcolm, at the annual salary of A..- . The nm mnwnry church in Bruce County now :llnd: un|ll¢d Dunkcld School stumng in I856. Re\. John Eckfotd a clergyman from Scotland conducted the early services. He also was school inspectur for the Townships of Brant. Cartiek. Greenock and Culrms S400. The list of families in [his little parish includes nutny who wrested early Bruce from the forests. They were the McCullurns. Cargills, Tremblcs‘ Reeds, Mooneys. tnhnctnns, Chtsholms. Yuungs, Douglasscs. Matthews. Eckl‘urds. Wells, and Buchm. In the pews nlsu salt Clarita. Dobics. Thompsuns. Hoods. Hells, Turners. Mchths. Stevens. Cunningham. Builds. Hills. Bells. Murrays. Hunters. Parkm. McCoys. Youngstons. Hamiltons. Butchards. Fenncls. Weirs. Carts. ansons. McNaughtons. Hotslers. Faults. C ampbells and andens to mention only tt few. Rev. Mr. Eckfurd and James Young gave the land on which the church ttands. Originally it had been the plan to build the church within Dnugltts Hill Cemetery. l.l'l 1902 a Presbyterian Church was built at nmrby Cnrgill and the population was nut sufï¬cient to support both In 1909 the West Brunt and Cargill Presbyterian Churches were merged. The West Brant Church remained closed until November ll, I931. whcn tt opened for a memorial service. it was very ï¬tting that Armistice Day should be the date of this service. because Rev. Mr. Eckford's daughter. Janet. was the mother of Col. John McCrac, author ofthc pncm ‘ln Flanders' Ficlds.' Mmjt' MuL'Kay April 20ml Secrets 0 h easure Chest Treasure Chest Museum Archives he wutd "archives" meam‘ a plate where publt: records. dueumenta memorabilia. photograph are kept At the Treasure Chat Musan we have man) of the abut e thtngs There are copies of the old Paulo) Adi/owns. dating lurk In lsnS. ltl‘ln and up tn the prment These papers are prtntng mt'nlnahlc for people lmktng fur their routs \lsn there dlL‘ SCRlDbtmL~ mth nun) phuttk ol' Prttsle) .ind dl’t‘d .tnd Are .1 grim pm (""6 to lth it! Tth hrtng l‘dc‘h tntm nlCnthL‘\ In the pm \L'Jl', “I: lute lLitl qttencx t'l llilx people Irmtmg I'ur .mtolrm pm mn- ~Ll_l’\ rte-n trt-‘tstl the llk“: trvttt .1 than tr- \me‘. \KJ \l 1 Her \lr lxtv.‘ the 12th lt‘ W..'tl: v. “not The) lncd In a house On Lot ll. ('uncesmun S. leerslte which they rented {rent I).. \lclmyrt'. In May of H93 . the thltscroll Cheese l'at’tur)’ begun manulltt‘lurtng for the wagon Mr Ian] wt» Informed by letter that the cheese he had prepared for the thrld'x l'utr In (‘hlcagu had been neee-pted. He won a Ill)! prtre At that Fun Llh well as many other latrs' including the C Another item from the Fellow of the Daley Advocate thuwvd that In June I‘Mâ€. 2000 pounds more butter made at the l’utnley ('ruttncry than In May l‘IUZ, ('ream reaeltlng the factory tn better condition that ever before. The more general uhL' it! the cream xepatnturs lh‘ perhaps accountable lot the Imprutcment. One such machine Is located ut the Mun-um, The Muacuttt Is gutng~ lU dtaplay weddtng gown-t and pllttlun 0| wedding» lrurn VILIqu [)tty \teckcnd In July 1‘ ll ynu have a gown Ur pltuttt ytnt wtuld hire to \llillL' , pleaw (all the Museum at “9453-7170 and leave a ntesxuge llegtnntng July I to July 1‘), the l.\hth1t Will he "Wiml llu V'ttu (wilt-u" and again we mitt"): lur juth help lll «honing yuu cnlluLl \‘dth It" upuntnn: [nut-1.1m» hit the .ummer “t: \'.Ill open .v L'lv.t.‘l.|lt hut'mnmtv \mum Um. all m1 mm tut; I n. l am†1'. eulerul †Ilium .t wee}. ltLll (In: .r: ultth lur n ur. hi, .rppmtnnmtt llte. llHU'» .ll'.‘ l W 4 p l‘l [Hum/y u/ the Ullu'ulll