Freiburger recognized by Roots event Ten members of [he Eden Grove Catgill Freiburger. who received a volunteer award Women's Institute mm recently at the home for her involvement with Roots of Bruce, of Sharon Filzsimmons‘ Linda Fteiburger The guest speakers for the evening were opened the meeting with the Mary Stewart Rick and Chrystal Chesney. Rick spoke l Collect and the Opening OdeV about his corop placement in the military Michelle Phillippi read the minutes of the and how he is enjoying it. He described the lam meeting as well as the correspondence. rules and the unifon-n. Chryslul spoke about She alxo gave the treasurer's repnrtr going to school in London, where she Members then discussed an article in the competes on the swim team and ball hockey - new: as roll call. team. Those present chose to make a donation to FILzsimmons and Jenny Chcsney pul Dul a the Brockton Canada Day ï¬reworks display. lunch [0 end the meeting, The April meenng and recognized the accumplish ms of will be held in the home of Carolyn Ahellv tadt‘s Lynda Helwlg, rlghl. points to a saw and her piglets whllesshharlngligievngiztrlgnhgn neusfarmlng with Seth Poplez and Larlssa Bleek of Mother Teresa (603‘. Bruce evem In hflfband Fred ("M mam-Ed) Will]:‘eereifï¬hégolggdggngï¬ ï¬gtcllidents from 17 schools k. and s uke w some I he wï¬hkeprssosllaliastthvrvgieigh the uthree agricultural bulldlngs on Tuesday and Wednesday T ' O students received lessons on m ects of rural llfe. Includan how some ofthEIrfood up < from the farm toQWfl-wm