Put! Items in your Archival llama: Scrapbook should only be attached hyusinganamhivalpaste.whlchisfreeofaddltivesofallkinds. Glue sum [acid-free paste in tubes] They have minimum moisture content and leave wrinkleer pages. lost stationery storm sell thae. Homemade Archival Paste To make your own ardaival paste. purchase a box of rice floor from your grocer. place a teaspoon of rice flour in some water in theoor'nerofasmall saucepanandplaoeoverheat untilcooked. This is a timehonoured mam: paste. It can he kept in the rdrigeratnr for a few days. Homemade paste contains a fair amount of moisture which will cause some wrinkling of scrapbook pages before it driu. Marinâ€"W In an Archival Heritage Scrapbook never use ordinary pastes or glues generally available as many of than contain adds that will make "burn" marks in a few yurs. Never. never use rubber cement. it will "burn" everything it touches. Never use any kind of acidic pressure suisitive materials. sud: as clear tape as the gum will "burn" what it is attached to and will come loose when the gum perisha. m THE flï¬! RULE. PASTE THINGS ONLY TO m SIDE OF A SCRAPBOOK PAGE. Most of the things pasted into scrapbooks are acidic. if they face each other they will attack each other with the acids within them. By using only one side of the page. the clipping or item is between 2 sheets of acid-free paper. When pasting. lay down a sheet of waxed paper or some other kind of dispensihle surface to paste against. This Is necessary so that excue paste marks can he tossed out frequently while you work. Paste only on the edges of the reverse side of clippings. etc. and perhaps a an in the middle. if you want to he able to See both sides of something. apply paste toanarrowbandontheldtreverseedgesothatltwillliftlikea page does (the right hand edge free for lifting]. lfyouwishtoinclude aorSsinflepageslong.beginhy pasting the last sheet ï¬rst. set dose up against the right hand side of the scrapbook page. Apply paste to one edge of the second last sheet so that it overlaps (towards the left) most of the underlying one and can he lifted up to see the other beneth. Paste the subsequent pages slightly to the left of the one beneath in sumaaionsothatsheetlio. l iaatthetop. ‘l'hepagacan be arranged diagonally up or diagonally down to create variety. lumflflnaacraphookme TheArehlvalll ' hookmnhetakmapartsothatmany paguoanhehldoutinorderbdogpasdngeommJnthis way.ueoanarrangetheltemsonthepagesasurdullyasone Wturmminaml'heappennoeofthepagamhe enhancedhysuneforethoughLAsaaphookcanheoomeaworkof art. Newspaperelippingsinmostcasamutbeslioedupsothatthere arenopiemdanglingfreeorhanglngovatheedgeofthe scnphwkpagehdmeveryunpasteddanglingtailwillripoff andheonaneli’t. - Whmshdngnenpapudippimuseasoflladpendland numbu'theseparatepiecaheforetheyarepasteddowanoase thepsgelsbumpedandtheplecaflyontothefloon'nlepwdl markscanhels'asedafterthepastedries. how to leanemhle the look I) lay down the hook cover with tape hand (to the outside of the ï¬nished book) and place the two posts standing up through the hnlu. 2) add a layer of 10 pages over the back cover. 3) add one spacer. with the holes [which are off-centre) towards the outside G) odd a layer of 10 pagm. 5) www.mudlauthepagesandspacersm stacked onto the posts. 6) laythetitlepagennthetnp. 'I) laythetopooveronlaat with the tapedsideto the outsideof the book. 8) tighten theacrews onto theposts withyourflngers. not may. 9] tampthehookonthelsldasothatthepagessrenntly 10) setthehoohdownearetullymddntenthescrewabyuinga DOCUMENT and STORAGE BOXES come in different Sim. Some stand up and others lie down. In order to best accommodate the materials you have. the owner of an Archival Heritage Scrapbook should first obtain the current supply catalogue and order the sizes of boxes and folders most suitable. For your Archival Quality Materials Catalogue (free) contact: University Products of Canada Division of BFB Sales Mississauga. Ontario [800) 667-2632 (416) 858-7585 FAX [416) 858<8586 Order No. 7334153 drop front storage box 11": x is x 3". [This box will contain and protect up to three crapbooksl. Bea {ad-u Lu. ".9 +.e|.,.n.r1;.u Final Destiny of Your Archival Hefltggg Scrapbook There comes a time in many instances when a business. industry. school. house. etc. is closed forever and the question arises about “what to do with the scrapbooks". The but place. perhaps. is a publiclysupported archives not too far from where the scrapbook were made. Here they will receive care and be nearest the people who will most want to see them. from time to time. during regular hours. Also. if scrapbooks become a storage problem in the workplace or school. etc. they can he placed in a total archives for protection. ll you want to borrow them for this can he arranged at the time the archive agrea to keep them for you. Note Well 1. Scrapbook: with acid-free pages in them should last for 3 or 4 centuries under good storage conditions. 2. Scrapbooks with pages made of paper containing acidic components are in a state of continuous self-destruction. in other words. the higher the acidic contmt. the shorter the life expectancy of the paper. Paper which yellow: or darkens in dme. especially when exposed to light. does so because of chemical reaction:- taking place slowa within the paper. Acidic paper is lnexpenslve and looks good when new. Acid-free paper is an investment. it always feels and looks 5‘ Make conservation and pruervation a habit. Saapboohs with acid-free pages do NOT require a protective covering of any kind either in front of each page or attached to the surface of ach page. These can be harmful to the things you wish to preserve. 7‘? 9'? Manufactured by: MACMan STRATFORD LTD. 51 Nile St.. Stntford. Ontario. Canada N5A 4C7 Distributed by: (Hall Orders) BIB SALES LIMITED Ilississauga. Ontario. Canada (416) 8557888 FAX (416) 85%5556 Toll Free l1800l667-2632