" DonmNTbN lDobbinfon W. I. rAids Baby Refugees : The March mee‘ï¬x?%l the Dobbml 'lon Women's Insmule was held at the home of Mrs Arthur Slumslue There were 13 members pmenl The meet ‘lng opened by all members repeaung the Ode and the Mary Slewart Col- lect The Roll Call was answered by L'duh member paying a penny for each war they had been married The mln- LIIL'h were read and also Lhe [manual I'L'PUl'l by Mrs Elmer Walker The L‘ul’reSpOl‘ldEnCe was read and a nom- lnaLlng COmmIlch- consasung of Mrs Joe Thompson, Mrs. Carman Klngsror. and Mrs Ken Farrow was appou-lted Mrs J MacQueen read a. poem and a pJper 0n 'Heallh" and gave some SE“ mg and cooking turns The amcles (Or a Talent Table were sold and pro (reds amounted to $2 75 The clorhlng Mr the Arab Baby Refugee Fund was handed ln ln be sent away The corn lTliHCL‘ In Charge Mrs Joe Thompson and Mrs Allen Farrow" servaj lunch \llâ€"H