‘ Ill. imminunll Sun-Timon." hardly. Jun 10, 1952 Mrs. J "- D. Haines, Part Elgin, Is‘ Returned As Pre‘ 'dent f East Bruce District W.I. Ill]. Meeting Attracts eel research and current .events, 18 Delegates From 13 Branches ‘ l 50W. June libâ€"With 18 W hell): represented m an mundane cl 139 the EaeiBmue district Women’s mums held its annual meeting in the United Oilde hue on Monday with the pesi’dant. Mrs. J. D. Heine: at Port Skin. Wedding. She was later re- elected president ‘mgish-ntion was in charge at m. A. Maunflreli oi the Southamp- ton W1. and Mrs. Ed. Cool: at tile 'W'hltd School W1. .whluh Joined with the South“:an Institute, as hosts tor the day. Mrs. Albert Eagles at the lace] Institute, and liars. Wuhan Dull. a! the White School matitue received the mamhus. Pollame the opening exercises. rinsing was enjoyed‘under the lead- ership a): pianist Mrs. G. Paricer and Mrs. W. 5pm: of Paisley. {me mum. Mrs. Wk Kennedy, ï¬ve the reports or the last meeting showing I splendid year im- all Handles. Mrs. Eldred ‘Aiken oi Alleniurd. Mrs. K. McLuhan and Mrs. John Scott at Tara give I vaull num- ber. wenlnpanied by Mrs Aiken on the piano ldcordlan, and than Mrs. Aiken played a. musical selection: on the accordion. Hm'nunnfle Five minute reports of the dilfer- out standing committees were given Is (allows: agriculture and cana- dieu lndlï¬h’les, Mrs. J. E. Maxwell. alesiey: citizenship and educeiion, Mrs. E. Gingrich, West Ari-an; nom- munlty activities and public rela- tions. M Miller, Turn: histurL Mrs. Mei Black. 'nlxners; Home Ee- unamins and Health, Mrs. W. Ga mic, dun; resolutions, libs. . Dipole. Paisley: Junior WJ. Mrs. Baal] Undervad. Port Eigin. Miss Margaret Myer oi the Home- maker depntment in Tannin, gave no outline or me dinerent oenerlm nastith might derive train the million service and advised the institutes to take adventage of the eduntimlal pmjecis uiiered. Voting is being dispensed with at district annuals, she alsu spoke on how to urnnge u service in the Institute members. New pamphlets an also available to Institutes, such as “Su‘ppm‘ diahee‘ and “School lunch- as." The meeting then udjoumecl for the noon haul, and dinner was serv- ed in the dining hull o! the church by members of the United church. The afternoon session began with singing. lailowed by Scripture lem- ' ing by Mrs, James Wallnne of Port Elgln. and prayer by NUS. 5. H. Elolunier a! Mildlnly. A very fine address ul welcnme we: glVen By the past president or the Instiiule, M5. 0. Geteman, Who said she hoped the visitors lvuuld also have u iew moments te‘ eniuy the scenery end mink of inâ€" berast of the town. Mrs. Jock Kirk- land of Elsinore very cumny re- sponded. Mrs. R. Gulls Sguks Guest spaker for the afternoon was one of the hoard members. W3. Robert Gatis a! Calpny‘s. who gave I xepvrt of the district In- nusl. ami urzed the Institutes to mite-ad Hie canvaners‘ commences. The convention IE5! have 13E?“ PMS- ed from one to two dollars. the {add eraiion he is seven dents hum of flu cell's. she held in speaking to the members, aha need 'Hhink" In her theme, The natim is made up as people with the ability to mink. she sold. Demon-My depends on how the common people live; iaith em from the individual ‘and builds nations such as Canada. Canada is a‘very rich nountry. Mrs Glide urged her audience to learn in will. nut dummy. "Do the best yau eon do and God Eimsell will work through you: were her concluding words. _A delnunstmtian, ‘Wolkins with Wool" by the Brunedale Inetlhlil. was most interesting. Under the leadership or MrstdnLe’fln and Mrs. Ribey, a man a: school girls had made wool skirts Ol' dresses for themselvu. These were on display. and were latted modelled by the girls with Miss Jean Seutt as nar- nmr. , ms. Gatis awarded the prize oi ten dollars in the quilt contest to {he TI.“ Institute. This quilt dis- played for its pattern. the Ontario pmblam, the white trillium, against a background or pale green. comple- mented with the darker leaves of the LrlJlium. ~ In me program competition, the {Shaky branuh was ill-st with 70 points followed by White school with 69 points. and Tan with 8". Two resolutions were paged. one asking that legislation be enumd compelling all traffic to stop while children are leaving or entering school buses. ml! the other asking that mnnsclnents be maxi: where- by the smoal mini} could he mu- vidcd with a list at the books he would be required to purchase, he~ tom the opening or school, and thus an away with the ï¬rst school day confusion or buying books. Elect Ofï¬cers Miss Myer presided 101‘ the elec- tlan 0! officers. and all! new slate is: president, Mrs. J. D. Hairles of Port Eigin; vice-uxesidents. Mrs. A. Maundrell at Southampton, Mrs. Otto McClevia o! Walkerton, Mrs. L Jasper oi Mildmey; secretary- treasurer, Mn. Frank Kennedy 0! Tara; Federated representative, Mrs. Jr J. McKlmmn a! chcsiey; alcemuse, Mrs. T. w, Darlinng of Southampton: assistant alternate, Mrs. Krank Kennedy of Tara: dis- trict representative, Mrs. A. Mann- drell of Southampton: alternate: Mrs. H. Johnston of South Linc Er. Wulkerton: Junior representative l Mrs. ChulEs Kelly 0! Turners. Standing committee conveners: agriculture ma Canadian ludus. tries, Mrs, Ed, Goal: of Southamp- tnn: citizenship and education. Mrs. E, Zeigla‘, RR. 2, Walkertlm; cum- munity activities end publlc rela- Liuns, Mrs W. J. Mlllln', Tara; his- im-icai resell 11. Mrs. Mel Black, Rm 1 'nlrnels; hum: economics and health, Mrs, A G, Tisdllle, Dobbin- ion; lesnlutluns, Mrs. W. Dippei, Paisley: auditors, Mrs, W. J. Miller, Tara and NLrs. c. D Gram, Tare. The 1953 Spring Directors meet- ing is m be held in Mildmoy audi the 1953 dismal snnuui meeting will be held in Tara.