=Coip'oys W.I. news mm The June meeting at colv pay a. Bay Woman‘a lnotltuta Monsieur-i Wailnaaday aven- inp .ltino Itlt at 5:30 .m. with the Pro-Idem. Mra. . Httieer conducting the meeting. The Samar-nae. Mm J. :60 no. rand the minute! at the ay meeting ind ,lho llnanclai ropAort. yo ‘ tier wan road irorn Wigner Walton .Ior our involvement [3 making the February I3th moo nlnltlla Qmwarame-Shtaram atto- nirnanlty Hall. was pm. The Go made available to. all lho'ao tolling part In the want. There will be a display of handlarelt .artiolaa vrnada lay. the mernhara oi out-launch. ll Loo. Manor. Owen Sound June 25th and 29th. Mn}. Sid Dunn will he in charge ol arranging the dieploy. Everyone to. Welcome to attend in see what work In! . been done during‘ these varioua couma. Mn. ‘V. Ceudle gave a report at the morning aaaalon oi the District Annual. held recently at the Eaptial church in Wtarton and Mra. W. Mlaener gave a report at the ailernoon session. Miss M. Matter reported she had lent out several woe to ohui-lhe and and sympathy card. We have planned to have a aocial ailarnoon with games at your choice and tea at the Community Hall in the New Horizon‘a Club Room on July 20th at 2 p.111. Everyone to welcome lo «the out and bring aiongMa lrland. Mn. 5. Dunn and re. W. Miaanar are the ounvenere lot this event. Valli/v11 $W,M33, ï¬fe. Coipoy’s Bay W.i. ladies. wea the presen- tation by Mra. Dunn‘ oi "Cartiiicatas at Marit' to them lor their years cl work and devotion to the Branch and the WI The lucky tents were Mrs Violet Camila. Miss Gladys Parke and Mrs Louisa ï¬tment On Wed. July 16th at 5:10 pm. approx. members and guests at Coipoy's Bay W.I. met at the Community Hall ior their annual Pot Luck Sup per Our President Mrs Sid Dunnllgave a warm wel- The Reoraatlort Commitment the Community Hall will hold an open meeting. Saturday. June 26th at 7 part. We hope there will be a good attendance irarn‘ the community. A lumptuoua pot luck supper toilowad our meeting to which the man were Invited. To round out the evening. Mr. Jim Goyna showed three "line which were tho-1’ Internat- Inp.and entertaining "The goth? at: Fleahlgn'al oi HI: . " - a a a" an “Danna.†w Miss Parke heads ' BruCe County WI " Shakeup was the theme when Brute County Women's institute held its rally in the Kincardine community centre. Mrs. Doris Oltamduit was rally chairman. , 'Misa Cindy: Parke, RR 6 Win- too. was Elected chairman ior ‘next year with Mrs. Ross Cunt- ming. Wingham: Mrs. George MoCorrel. R i Port Stein. and Mrs. inhrt Kigma, Wulitanon. the vice-chairman. Mra. Russell McGuire. yi’litghem in secretory- Lraaattror and Mrs. Vic Sundial at Hapwortlt her assistant. The pub- lic; relations officer to Mrs. Ivan niaa. RR 3 Paisley and the aadsrnuir curator Mrs. Fred Friar. RR 3 Chasley. inch Cumming. Wtirdan of Bruce County. brought greetings and commanded delegates ior their w k. A message [mm the district president was In the form at a poem. Area president. unis, Liralarli. also brought greetings. Susan McConnnll oi Choaloy was chosen the soholorahip reel)!- ient. Site is continuing her studio; or the University of Toronto. The tartan committee reported $3.000 rte-invested with part of the inlet-eat going to the rally and part to each district. There are several new tartan items amiable. Following the afternoon memor. in]. Mrs. Fred Friar ahpwod slid†on the national convention. Museum and Tweadrmulr ‘hlap tory reports were presented. Mu- sic and humorous reudings ware included in the program. Francis Middleton encouraged members to continue their quill efforts for Participation Lodge. Material is available through Ver- ua Maluakia. » w. Jimâ€, .1â€, PM 25/93 31% Ontario W.I. Convention ieClD’. come to everyone present 50,. and than aked Mrs. Geor- gina Smith to give the "Grace" Everyone than helped themselves to 3 \Ne hadn't Dianna) at. particular otogramme tut the evening. can...“ seemed quite co'ilenl to . sumcluounnover anc‘iia inst vlsli and socialize ‘ justice to the variety oi ‘ dishes brought in. Hi‘flE-L“. «4 »"l "- i: met Harry flltlt n o and at his art. ' alattrme aim-r- «n5 i av Branch «Cindi to: one had Qatar MAr's‘E' 8 Onion invited out tocelvutt t. tt .. member: and guests an“ gruug‘h†mm]; m in immune lht' .as , m y i tell where yrs. 7 V were haltdsyi’\J «no in. thing :‘iva lhe‘. wallet In here with us 5Highlight 0! the evening at least to 3 very sum: sad L»! Dani luigel v . a.et, Thursday mm a, the Cummumiy Hail pt iUih mee‘ Over 500 women attended the twenty-laurth Women'e Ineillula convention at flat- ittore Ontario. on October ll-‘S. 1982. Mrs. Harold McArthur. Mra. E.G. Untadt and Mra. .laa. Coyna conducted the maelin . sing a-Ionga were anioyed win the new song book- Iod by Mn. Farrier and Mrs. McGuire Mra. Denlao Edwerda and Mrs. Barbara Klanâ€. Grey. and Bruin tum! gonna let told us about the new‘ omamaklng and center ooursea in eklt lorrn. Mrs. Keith Hiepleh. precl- dent oi the Federated Wo- man‘s institute oi Ontario, brought greetings and asked everyone to viait the Royal Agriculture Muaaum at Milton. 20.000 people have passed through the pales since May. We are celebrating 10 yearn oi owning the Ertand Lea Home. There are mugs ior sale. Out oi 27 applications tor the Helen McKerchar scholar- ship. three were awarded. Anna Kennett oi Windsor. Donna Clark D Markdale and Leslie Daniels. October 18 was world Food Day. Only tour countries in the world can produce more than they need. Canada. USA. Aualralta and Argentina. Mll- Ilone oI children will die at hunger. We rrtuat study produ- car consumer relation and do somethan about it. A illm "nailera. Roots and Maple Syrup" told at a community working together tor the pond at Ill. At the banquet on Thuraday evening our speaker. Mr. Allan Leader. principal at Wianun Public School and co-ordlnator at a Valuea Program in Bruce County. said homa and Molly are still the beat at the good Ilia. We have to use this beat at today and move out to change. Do our boat to aalvage he iamlly term. In our roups we can gel containing one it we itnd common ground and keep knocking on doora till we reach our goal. It does matter what happana to our naighbaura. Local. oounly. provincial allairs are our concern. We taei good about ourselves when we are helping others. Expect a pride In citizenship and respect ior people. I ' ' Howlclt municipal quartette entertained us with sauna about the Institute. There were several drawe throughout the convention - ‘i’eeswatar cheese. Bruce County Tartan and Maple syrup. Greeilit a were extended Irom the God ph area by Mra. Bolt Lambert. Mra. Mae Dixon to regional vice president and June Allan at the Junior Women‘a lhatituta. Dlecuaalon uroupa helped the standing convene? give their reports. a new Idea well received. Kart Knox oi the Rural Organization and Barvlcea Branch brought us up to date on the reorganization oi the Ministry. He said they hope to carve than organizationa nat- ter with our Input. Mlae Molly MoGhee haa been promoted and brought greetings to us tor the lost time. Films were viewed: David Mlllan. Artie! and Foahione Through the Ages, A liim presentation on "People Patterns“. about W.I. woe ahown and can be borrow- ed ior programs lrom the area traaaurer. Mre. Woman at the Marmlon branch entertained with accordion selections. Bruce South dletrlct won the trophy ior the boat attendance. Mrs. Norman Wyvllia gave the oaurlaalas. The toilowing otlicers were elected: Past Prealdeni. Mrs Harold McArthur oi Dobbin- ion; President. Mrs. 2,6, Urrtadl oi Owen Sound: Vice President. Mrs. J. Coyne oi Wiarton; 2nd Vice. Mrs. J, vaille oi Merkdate: and Vice. Mrs. Geo. Parker oi Elm:- wood; Secretary. Mrs. J. Thorn of Meaiord; Aaalalant. Mrs. Morris Rennie oi Mealurd: Treasurer. Mre. Wm Hender- son at Mar; new auditors: Mrs. Rosalind Field oi Wlarton and Mrs. Sydney Richardson oi Wlarton. The new board direc» tor ior sub. civ. lit? Ia Mrs. Don McAdam o' Win ham and her alternate is re Rosa Cumming oi Lucknow.