Colpoys Bay WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, [1972] - [2010], p. 16

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Col ?% a The meeting of Colpoys Bay W.I. was held at the home ol Mrs. F.A.O. Banks on Thursday, February 8th at 2 p.rn. There wes a good turn out of members and one guest. Miss Louise Robertson. the President. open- ed the meeting with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes, treasurer‘s report and correspondence were read by Mrs. Sidney Dunn. There are a poy’s Bay W.I. 7?- lew dates to remember. March 13th to am. to 4 p.m. Talk on W.I. Froceedures - Adamsville Hall. Anyone Wel- come. Take a lunch. Tea and Dallas provided. Fob. 14th a i:so p.m. Baptist Church. Wiarton. Dept. of Agri- culture and Food. Summary Day on Bread. Feb. 22nd ~ 1:30 p.m. Baptist Church, Wlarton. Dept. of Agri- culture/and Food - Meals for Two. - May 1. 2. 3 Waterloo. Oltlcer's Conference. W afghan and Mrs. John Thom volunteered to look after a knitted one. We had volunteers to provide the yarn. Mrs. John Thorn spoke on "Tourism In this Area". MISS Annlca Lucas reported from the Sunshine Committee. There was nothing to report from the New Horizons Groupt Mrs. Sid Rich- ardson thanked our hostess, lunch committee and all those who had taken part in the meeting. A variety sale will be held at our next meeting to help raise money to send a representative to the Conference. Bring some- thing with you. March 23rd 8 pm. Commun- Ity Hall Colpoys Bay - Games Night $1.00 per person Conven- er - Mrs. John Thom, There will be a collection plate for voluntary donations to "A Child“ at each meeting. The roll call brought lorth ideas on how to promote tourism In our area. ll was decided that we would make alghans this year. Miss Annlce Lucas Is In charge of arrangements to crochet an Colpoys news $55775 “ At the regular meeting at the Colpoy's Bay Women‘s InstItuto on Wednesday, September 5th, 1579, the members were able to view the work carried out over the summer months by the Young Canada Works Pro- gramme under the supervision of Mn Sidney Richardson. Sur» lace draining had been installed. the basement ol the Community Hall had been Insulated and divided for a kitchen, furnace room. lounge area, library and cralt area. A new furnace and hydro system have been instaiir ad and a new septic system is nearly completed. The members were unanimous In their ap- proval and suggested the Hell should be opened to members ot the community to see the work accomplished. This will take place in the near future. In addition to the Young Canada Works Programme. Iundlng was provided by the New Horizons and the Colpoy's Bay Women's Institute. The institute wishes to acknowledge and thank Mr. Sidney Richardson and Mr. Walter Edingicn lor their assistâ€" ance and the great amount at Ilri'lE given to [his undertaking, Mr. Ray Marklevltz lor design» Ing and assisting with the septic system and Mr. Prod Daykln responsible tor electrical work Contractors were: James Lee Construction, Shallow Lake, sepâ€" tic sys’ern, Earl Skene, Electrical and Taylor Plumbing s Heating. n Nutrition was the subject selected by the guest speaker, Mrs. Evelyn Frlngle who stated “we have become a snacking nation, eating continuously durâ€" lng waking hours", Methods tor sensibly reducing or maintaining weight were domonstretad and the importance of teaching children correct eatlng habits was stressed. Mrs. Fringle closed with a number ol good exercises to take care of any problem lrom top to too and it was evident that all members had thoroughly enioyed her programme. Ten members Indicated they were planning to attend the Area Convention to be held September 11th and 12th In Mealord Arena, with Mrs. v. McElrea and Mrs. S. Dunn being the voting delegates. Members Irom Women's In- stitutes in England are visiting Canada at the moment under an exchange programme, and a Pot Luck Supper is to be held on Monday, September 17th at 6 pm. In Wlanon Baptist Church to Woicome them to this area. As many members as possible are urged to attend this function, so that each branch will be well reoresanted The Bruce County Rally Is to be held on October 15th at ArmoN, near Tlverton, and delegates will be appointed at the next meeting. The July sale or baking and cralts proved very successful with a linal total at 5175 being realized. Mrs McElrea reponed the ceramic cralls at Gateway Haven are very popular with some nice articles being produced, and the reeldonts now have used clothr Inn tor sale and donations at articles. which must be in 900d clean chndllion, will be apprec- later} The ro‘l call fo' the alternoon was "A quick meal lor unexpect- ed Company“. Co'pov’mviiel- Mrs1 Gordon Hotharn lent us her home tor the March meet- ing. Miss Louise Robertson our president, was in the chair. The usual format was followed. Reports were given on plans lor the aighans. It was decided that we would give prizes at the Wlarton Fall Fair for the three best drawings entered by the Grade 8 pupils A donation was received from Mr. and Mrs. James Cuyne to cover the cost of our Curator, Mrs. James Coyne to go to the Ofllcer‘s Conler~ Erica. Our subscription to the Canadian ConsumasMame.. is to be renewed and the copies are to be kept in the hall so that Rotary \L donatesbfqgi $1 ,000.00 The lower level oi Colpoys Bay W.i. Community Hall was the scene lor the tlrst activity to be held there since renov- ations were undertaken to bring this Iacility back Into community use. The Wlanon Rotary Club held a Rural Night at which they were hosts at dinner to a goodly number at the residents of Colpoy Bay. and It seems unanimous that this was a ver successtul undertaking. The was County Tartan was the theme for the tables and Mrs. Winnie Cun- ningham was the caterer for a most delicious meal. One purpose of the evening was the presentation of a cheque tor $1,000 to the Golpoy an Women's Institute. by Mr. Fred Gilbert on behalf ol Flotary. Mrs. Alex Candle, Chairmen ot the Corporation, accepted and assured the Rotary Club the money would be used for all the various activities now taking place at the Hall. Mr. James Coyne on behell of the residents ol the com- munity thanked Flotary for their very generous donation to these projects. A draw lot a carved pine wall clock and a silver plated mullln dish resulted In Flor- ence Vendt of St, Catharinee winning the clock and Stan Schade of Wlarton the muffin dish. Proceeds were for new roof to Community Hall members may have the benefit at them. Mrs. Rita Spracklln read several Interesting articles from the current Issue. Mrs. James Coyne gave a reoon on the progress or the New Horizons Groupt There will be a Board of Management meeting to discuss the funding tor renovations to the main floor ‘ol the hall, Mrs. James Swllt gave a very Inlormallve talk on the Cheese Industry In Holland. Mrs Swllt has had numerous ,tl'lps back to her homeland and=hdd interest- .jnwmbana-«photagrapml is» show us. She told us that the best place to buy cheese ls directly lrorn a farm. Our roll call A “Name a kind at cheese" brought lorth the names of the favourltes. As this was our last meeting before the Annual,' several conveners gave their reports. A nominating committee was chosen to present the slate at olticers tor the next year. Mrs. Margaret McEIroa road us a comical description at what goes on "behind the scenes" at a TV. commerclal. Mrs. Gordon Hotham played the organ lor our sing-song. A sale of articles, proceeds of which were to go towards expenses for the Offic- ers’ Corlarence. was Instead added to the Hall Iund. A delicious tea was served and a happy time was enloyed by all Mrs. FAD. Banks thanked the lunch committee and our gracious hostess. Nil? / ‘/l-~ culpoy Buy Rbcrullon Committee A great deal of work has been done over the last week under the direction at Fton Gotta to Ilnlah lenclng the tennis court and levelling and draining the surrounding area. A work party is planned lor this comlng Saturday to com- plete this. The Colpoy Boy VIIlage Tennis Club wlil be operating seven days a week trorn sunup to 10 am. and Item 4 pm. to I sundown. Memberships are I 'now available at $25 per ' person, with prlorlty being - given to rasidenla ol the community who make applic- ation Immedlately, Contact Sheila Gatls lor lurther Intorm- ation. The Club Executive Io President, Brian Hobln; Vice President, John Whicher; Sec- reclary-Presldent, Shelia Gatls; Directors, Jan Hobln and Allen Searle. Representatives to the Recreation Committee are Flon GBIIS and l'llan Seerle.

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