Colpoys Bay WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, [1972] - [2010], p. 14

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' Women's Institute Ann Kelly. family living editor of The Sunr'l'imu apple on while-relations at the November meeting of the Colpey’e Ba Women's lnetltute hat in the cummtutily halL Mrs. Kelly told the members that the public relations officer holds an important position. She gave some facts about the work or the Wl for in- stance. ll well due in WI that health impaction is now provided in public Colpoy’a Bay schools and that Iha W1 insisted in arranging dental clinics in undying areas. Meet important point made by Mrs. Kelly was that a person's proper name must be used in writing reports for the newspaper. She said there must be - one Christian name or at least two lnitleleie.g. Mrs. iuhn Smith or Mrs. J. D. Smith]. To add to the prugram. Mien Rnbirt Giiborde sang a Colpoy Bay The last meeting ofthc season was held on June 9th in the Community Hall. The Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were recited by all the members. The Secretary read the minutes at the last meeting. gave the financial report. and read the correspondence. Mrs. J. D. McGhee part: the Consumer‘s report. Canada is the second highest user of L'ncrgy in the world. We can save energy by using one too watt bulb instead of two sixty watt bulbs. Turit iifi your it his when they uri: not needed. urn off your radios and T,V.'s Solar heating was dealt with. and the pcnny~pinching way of using lip gloss instead oi lipstick, Mrs, s. McEltea gave a rcpun on the Bus Trip to the Erland Let: Home. the Potttzrv Works and the Botanical Gardens in ‘ Hamilton. it has enjoyed by all. Mrs. Gordon Hotham read a poem entitled "Faith in Grid. and Charity it) All Men." Mrs. James Ccyne reported on thc District Annual. The Bruce Count) Rally \till be held «in Octutler list at Undcruoud. Mn. Kenneth Couch led us in a filng~song hiiss Annitn lurax gate d demonstration tin milking burlap flowers. Thesc ilrt: \t‘l’} attractive, and man) nlcmht‘rs resulted to make thtzm. Then: was a very interesting display of handicrafts, all of which had been made by the members -quilt it its shonn. which also had tween made by the members, This till! he said at the flea Market in Culpoy's Bay. pt.» reads in go in the \Vnmens lnslttutc. Mrs Covnt: repntieti thii dttnzitions art: mounting innards the building of the Tennis Cnur‘l on the Women's institute pm» puny. ac, King has been gnt‘n the contract to complete it and 33) that it “ill hr: finished irnund July in solo. accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Couch. ~ Colpoy W.I. holds election of officers . (firm)? / 7 The Annu meetinng tic Coipoy's Bay Women’s Institute was held in the Community Hall. The ofl'tcers for the 19774978 season are Is follows: President. Miss Gladys Parke; lst Vi president. Miss Louise Robert- son: 2nd Vice. Mrs. Fred Hiuser: Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. James Coyne. Assistant secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Sydney Dunn: Public relations. Mrs. John Thom. Mrs. James Coyne is our District Director. and Mrs. Margaret McElrea is the Alter- nate district director. The Insti- tute Branch Directors are Mrs. Jack Avis. Mrs, Sydney Dunn and Mrs. F.A.O. Banks. The converters are as follows: Agriculture dz Canadian Indus- tries. Mrs. Jack Avis} Citizenâ€" ship 5t World Affairs. Mrs, F. .0. Bantu; Tweedsmuir His- tory Curator, Mrs. James Ceyric. The rest of the Convener: will be elected at the May meeting. The roll call this month was 'A bit at Humor'. There were many gmd stories told but one especially seemed to be appreci- ated by all. We'll print it for your enjoyment. As neat its the proverbial pin is the house that my friend lives "I. With wax and polish it giistens brightly. The easements shine and the bolts I‘tt tightly: Starched arc the curtains. thc rugs have sheen. And the piano itcys are always Clean. No ash tray brints \th it week's collection. No book is turned in the wrong dircuion: Hcr lites thtite and her cacti bloom. And there isn't a rnhweh in any room. And there isn't a day when she isn't ailing - Het- muscles sore. blood pres. sure tailing. While I in m) disorder dwell. Shirtless indeed, hut trcling S\\'El“ There \tiil be a needlepoint displn) at out June meeting. Ma) 14th. \Vianon, «t»H AChtL‘r wmcnl Day, May 1°1h. District Annual it Baptist Church, Wiar- inn. Ma) 31 st it the Gatouny Haren Bazaar. Colpoy Bay The March meeting was held on March 10th at 2 p.nt. at the home nt Mrs. John Thnnt. Tltcrc were 21 members present. Miss Gladys Parke. our President. lcd as we recited our_0de and the Mary Stuunrt Cniiett. Mrs. Sidney Richardson read the minutes and the Treasurer's report. A kind forum will ht: held on April DUI in 8 p.nt. tit titt: Hcpworth United Church. A list of courses iln.‘ to be givcn by the Dept. til Agriculture and Food. but it was nut decided for which courses we should apply Some of the Convcnet's read their reports fur the 197531976 suntan. Tut-st- wctu adopted as read. Mrs. James Cuync led a discussion UII Education T.\’. [or this area. A rcsulutiuii nus passed that we support the Campaign of thc Ontario Secon- dary School Tcarhcts‘ chcta- Iltttt. Grey and Brute Ditlsiulz. in their campaign to bring channel in It) art-y BHIL‘L‘ Counties. Wt: are hoping to get it grant to help us ititli tilt: ttiiiiplctiuii til the Tennis Court \tlllL‘lI win started last Full .‘Jnd ls Itiratt-il in thc rciir uf lht: Community Hall. A number iii uut ttanIttcrs have been “tirhiltg an it quilt tiliicli \tt’i’s \tlll'tL'tl by tilt: lzltc Miss Halts. 'iitc quill \lill bL' tut hdlL‘ and the mun.) tttcitgtl WI 147’? ilddL‘Li to out Hull Fund. TIIL' Hull Fund guns towards the upkeep oi the Community Hull. Tca was served and till: hostess utid convcilcrs were thanked by Mrs. J. B. Stephens. Colpoy’ Bay Wow The April meeting at the Oolpoy's any Woman'l Institute was held In the Community Hull. Miss Gladys Forke the President In the chair. Mrs. Carl Whicher acmmpnrt» led us an the plane an we nng the Oponlnu Odo and this was lollowad by the Mary Stewart Collect which was repeated in unison. Mn. Jamel Coyne read the minutes and the Treaeurer‘t report. Mlee Annie: Luna re ported an Gateway Haven activi- ties and Mice Dorothy Memo tor the Sunahlne Committee. Mia. Jack Arts and Mn. John Thom gave their convenarehlp reports. Mre, Joiner Dayna were an r eittenelve report on the progress at the New Horizon! Committee and also the District Dlrnolor'a ropart lot the 1971-15 term. Mrs. Jack Avie read her report lor the Tennis Club. The Annual muting then took place. Twenty-clam members paid their dues. Mrs. James Goyna read the Treasurer's report and Mrs. Wm. Jeeaop the auditor’s report Mina Gladys Parke gave the President's Iutnmery. Mrs. James Coyne. n Dual President conducted the election tor 1973379, Mrs. Jack Avie reported truth the Nomin- ations Committee and named these who had been nominated lor otilce. The results were as lpliewe: Freoldent. Mia: Louise Robert- eon: 1st Vice President, Mrs. Gordon Hotham; 2nd Vice Presi- dent. Mrs. Fred Hluaer: Secre taryrttaaeurer. Mrs. Sydney Dunn; Dietrtct Director. Mrs. Sidney Richardson; Alternate District Director. Mrs. Margaret MoElrea; Fubllc Fielatlnne. Mrs, John Thom; Branch Directors. Mtes Annloe Lucas, Mrs. FA. . Banks and Mre. deck Avie. The Hot at mnvenera will be completed at the next meeting. Tea was served by the has- teases,

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