Colpoys Bay WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, [1972] - [2010], p. 13

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W'. l. Meet donor‘s BAY "fly/5’, ()ur Branch is going to look after the lunch to be served at the Centennial ithe Colpoy's Buy Church. which will be.held on Sunda llnly ‘3th ' r Miss Louise Robertson and ‘ F.A.O. Rants are the “organizing committee. it was decided in give gifts to ‘Gateway Haven for their Touch and Take Table at their Bazaar to be held on May 28th. Mrs. Margaret McElrea re- poned on the Consumers Maga- zine. There was an article on stainless steel mufflers for lifetime use on cars. Mrs. MeElrea was elected once more to be our District Director. Mrs. M. Gilberds was chosen as our delegate to the District Annual. Miss Louise Robertson attend- ed the Officers Conference held in Waterloo. and reported on that event. Our meeting ended with a talk by our Convener oi Citizenship and World Affairs Mrs. Ronald Wenhnm, who chose as her subject. "Food for thought but little for the Starving." COLPOY’S VLI. The April meeting was held in the hall with 17 members present. Mrs. J. Coyne was in the chair and conducted the bus- iness meeting. The minutes and treasurers reports were read and accepted as correct by the secretary Mrs. 1.. Rich- ardson. The topic was Tweedsmuir History and Mrs. D. Caddie ll]- trnduced Mrs. G. Hepburn who gave a very interesting and in- formative talk on the history of the Bruce Peninsula. A gift to he placed in the Erlund Lee Home, donated by Mr. R. Chile in memory of Mrs. S. Calls, was on display, beLng a vanity set and churn around one hundred years old. The election of oulcers tor the coming year was conducted by Mrs. J. Cnyne. Our new president being Miss G. Parke. and Vice President Es. J. Avis. Colpoys B y )VJ .lu- .,. L’s ' It/fi The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Avis on Feb- ruary 14th. Mrsscladys Parke presided in the absence of the president, The meeting opened with the Ode [allowed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Several items oi business were then dis- cussed. Mrs. Clair Paupsi read migration and a contest which was prepared by Mrs. Ronald Wenhanl. The roll call was an- swered with "A current event." There were elevenpresent. The meeting closed by singing The Women's institute Gl‘a'JL'.’ after which wr- worn sorvadzdelir-ious lunch by Mrs. Dav» Cardin and M 1‘s. Gordon Campbell. Celebration of Colp‘oys Wonl‘ens Institute , ll'he last meeting before we .break for the summer was held “in the community Hall on ‘Wednesdayfdune llth ‘at‘2 p.m.' l Twenty-five members were preâ€" sent. Mrs. Margaret McElreal gave a report on‘the District Annual. .hich was held on May 15th at 'idwood Lodge. Mrs. James Coyne is on,the Bruce Tartan Cri'mm‘lttee. _s. McElrea said “that members? should write to ‘ our Membeucf Parliament. or to die" Consumers Association' of Canada if we want to retain the l’pld style‘ of price marking. otherwise hie will have computer pricing. which ~evidently is not satisfactory. There is a” new Booklet published by the Dept. qt Agriculture and Food on freezing and canning which may he obtained by writing to the Dept. in Walkerton. Our February meeting was held in the Community Hall. The general consensus of opinion re: "What l have gained From belonging to the Women‘s lnsliiutc". was the friendships formed as well as the knowledge gained through pnnicipntinn. courses given and interests shared. We Feel ii is an honour that one (ll our members. Vlrs. ,Inmcs Coync has been asked to he ml a panel at the Offitcr‘s Conference to be held at the Unhcrsily oi Witterllin. Nc.\t year no hope that the Arts Fusiivnl will put on a display or quills in our ctmmrun. ily Hnll in Colpny's Elly. it is rumoured than we may be clinic in have a weaving Course given by Georgian Collcgc during July or August. Consumer's Reports are al- u'nls interesting » especially “hen given by Mrs. Margaret McElrca. Knbnn lhl‘flud is the \Il'ollgcsi for sewing burlons clc. Polxuslur and nylon thread is stranger than coitnn. Fraser Vale is the best buy In Fish and Chips. Shell is [he besr Auto \lillllml \lnsllul‘. Mrs Alex Caudlu gave nn union-sting talk on the Origin of lllc Women’s lnslilutc L'tlltlurs .Intl .rlxn lltt Mart" Stewart (illlusl ll till». mentioned that Mrs, Wail ler Mary Slclrnri \lx \tl uul' ul'cJ lll P910, Her llruicr llth been used hr the Nullnliill FJilcrnlluu til Women's Cllllnx \lrlcu Nlll l\ mnnc llli llic (ltl'u‘ and Use ill Fnl‘llxcs \ulw ullcll lIlirlt'l th nnnnm lvl ll‘lL‘ Dept nl Aul‘cnl. lull .illtl lhlutl Ml“ Ht‘:llllCl‘ Burnt-ll \l .\ rllnrnnllu .IN hill .is .l lllliil nl lllllllllntltlll, Wi‘ .ill \ll|tI\Ltl Illl: . nun .iml llrllwltlllx .ll'NllllH’ll \tlillL' ill nlinl \llt ll.itl lrl lull iIV lllrs.'Aylrr1’er Kldges. District resident oi Brace North. spoke on “Reflections on my first year as District President.“ it Was evident that this gracious lady had enjoyed her Office and we eiljdyed hearinglher speak. about it. ‘ , ‘ ‘- l .The meeting ended with a Ppt Luc supper.‘ Great cooks! There are several dates to remember“ Munday. June 23rd .2. pan. Programme Planning for 1975- 1976. All members please Kbe present. 'l l ‘ July 3rd. Hobby Show strait Elgin Arena, July 13th, catering for the Colpoy‘s Church Centen-z l 'nial lunch. August 26th. some members to staff the craftroom at the log house in Southampton, ll a.rn. to 4:30. p.m. Serptern'her lUth. 2 p.m. Community Hall; First meeting 091975-75. I Colpoy Bay The May 12th meeting opened by singing the hymn of all nations. The minutes at the last meeting were read and the Treasurer's report given. A motion was passed to buy a ne“ molar for the (an on the furnace in the Hall. Mrs. E. C. Hnlc entertained the mcnihel‘S by playing two compositions on the piano. The roll call was answered by most of the members; This was to name an early selrler ill Albemnrlc Town- ship. Mrs. J D. McUhee gave a very interesting talk on Pioneer Mennonite Cooking. The programme planning meeting for the 197671977 sea son Will be held on June 7th lit 1:30 p.m. in the Hall. All members are welcome, especi- ally if they have any new ideals. There will be a bus trip on June 3rd to the Erland Lee Home. This will also include the Pottery Works and the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton. The bus will leave at 8 am li'onl Mar. I‘We tolpdy’iay .W.l. Our monthly meeting took place on February llth in the Community Hall. The president, Miss Gladys Parke. in the chair. The ScerTreasurer. Mrs. Sidney Richardson. read the reports. There are some dates to remember. The Officers Confer- ence will be held May 4th. 5th and 6th at the University of Waterloo. The Ontario Women's Institute week is May 30th to June 4th. and the Erlnnd Lee Home will be open. The Federâ€" ated Women's institute pl Can- ada Convention will be held June 20th to 25th in Charlotte lown P.E.l. . Everyone agreed that the Quilt Display, in co-cperarion with the Grey Brace Arts Council. had been a huge success. Mrs. Alec Candle reported that she had spoken to Kim 0ndaatje to thank her for her most interesting presentar lion and lecture. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Caudlc and her committee for so ably supervising the event. Mrs. Margaret McElren gave the motto “hicil was taken from an English newsletter â€" to start the day with prayer. Mrs. John Thorn spoke on using our resources iu obtain objectives ill the Women‘s Institute. Mrs. Alec ('audle spoke on the Origin and Meaning of the Women's Institute Ode and Collect. The conveners meeting is on March 3rd at 2 zll the home of Mrs. Margaret McEIren. Colpoy fl Wat. The ope magi for the fall season was very well attended and was held in the Hall. Miss G. Parke presided. “The Ode" was repeated followed by the "Mary Stewart Collect." Mrs. L. Richardson read the minutes or the June meeting and the roll was called answered by "A pleasant experience during the summer season." Mrs. 1?. little played acouple at lovely piano solos aners. M. McElrea reviewed this months "Consumers Budget". Mrs. 0. Banks gave a Very interesting accoilnt oi the Bus Trip to the "Erland Lee Home and Niagara Falls which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The meeting closed by singing the hymn at all Nations, utter which a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. C. Whicher and Mrs, Riley.

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