com mwhl. The Jami meeting was held at the home Mrs. C. Whicher. The President Mrs. J. Coyne presided over the meeting and opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. » Mrs. M. McElrea read the re- POrt _on the Provincial Board meeting held in Elsinore, Mrs. Coyne gave a most Interesting talk on Jewish Customs and Foods. Mrs. C. Whicheriavoured us with a piano solo. The Roll all was answered by a quot~ ation from the “Old Testament" on food. There were fifteen members present and two vis- ltDrS.The lunch which was pre- ared by Mrs. Coyne in Jewish ashion was d u _ by“ by any 2 cious and en (. [41M ’7 3) 'COlPOY’S BAY W.l. MEET The June meeting was held in the Hall. Our president Miss Gladys Parke conducted the meeting. Opening with "The Ode" Mary Stewart Collect and The Hymn of all Nations. The minutes of the last meeting and treasurers report were read by the sec. and approved as corâ€" rect. Flans were made tor the Bake Saleito be held in July. Miss Dorothy Molten gave a report for the sunshine commit- tee, Mrs. Margaret MoElrea reported on the district annual meeting and a brief outline on the Consumers Budget. Miss Anne Whicher favoured us with a group of piano solos. Roll Call was answered by your favourite song or poem from your school days’. Mrs. Gordon Campbell then entertained us with recordings of Music from the school choir of “The John Wilson School.†at Halton Festival. Mrs. Alec Candle gave the courtesy mot- ion to all who had taken part. Closing with the institute Grace, we all enjoyed a pot luck supper being our last meeting of this season. ’lnstitute The monthly meeting at the Colpoy's W.l. was held in the Community Hall on October 9, with president Miss Gladys Parke in the chair. The meeting opened with the Ode and the Mary Stew- art Collect. The minutes and the treasurer's report were read by Lou Richardson. It was announced thatthe Bruce County Rally would take place in Wiarton on October 17, and Mrs. Margaret McElrea was chosen as a delegate from our Branch. Donations were promised for the Craft Table. Mrs. Olive Avis reviewed the Consumers‘ Magazine in which it stated that Kelvioator, Motiat, and ColdsDOt are the best buys in refrigerators. it was notedthat amateurs in ceramics should be careful in their methodotglazing with lead. Colpoyy's Bay W.l. Hutu'flyt. 75a The meeting was held in the hall and presided over by Miss G, Parke, in the absence otour president Mrs. J. Coyne. We opened with, Mary Stewart Col- lect. followed by The Ode. Sec- retary, Mrs. L. Richardson, read the reportonour June meet- ing also the sale held late in July, where we made $124. Mrs. MacElrea read a few interesting excerpts from “The Consumers Budget", also a paper onagri- culturc. Roll call was answered by naming an old implement now replaced by something new. A contest was held by Miss D. Mc- Rea, words made from letters in ‘Electlon’ alter which we were served lunch by Mrs. Marlin-ea and Mrs. Gllberd. Colony Bay WI Meets 73 The December meeting was held » in the home of Mrs. A. Whicher, With a good attendance. Thepre- sident Miss G. Parke presided. We opened by singing "Joy to the \Vorl †followed by repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The min- utes and treasurers report was read and adopted as correct. ‘Mrs. J. Coyne led in a short discussion on immigration, the result of which she had to re- port to the District F.W.I.O_ Mrs. M. McElrea reported on the canadian Consumer dealing with Dishwashersrimd the safety of Christmas lights. The carol “O Come‘ all ye Faithfulâ€_was sung and Mrs. J. Thom gave three Christmas poems. Mrs, Schlechtagave us a true Christ- mas story which she experienced persgnally. Anne Whimer fav- oure us with a con is of de- lightful Christmas pigno solos. after which a delicious lunch was served by Mrs, K. Couch Mrs. R. lngram and Mrs. J. éoyne. our Christmas sale was quite a success, Miss Dorothy McRae read a poem entitled “Thanks iving"7 and a contest was hel on the theme which was uon by Mrs. Olive Avis. Cratts were displayed by Miss Annice Lucas, all of which had been made by the Lucas sisters. Miss Louise Robertson read an interesting paper on “Abor- tion". Mrs. Margaret McElrea also commented on the subject. The hostesses were Mrs. Fran Jordan, Mrs. Maude Gilberds and Miss Gladys Parke. Colpoy Iggy fl COLPOYS BAY W. I. MEET The meeting WE held in the hall, with our president Miss G. Parke presiding. Openedby sing- ing “The Ode" and repeating "The Mary Stewart Collectâ€. The minutes of the Sept. meeting were read and adopted as cor- rect by Mrs. L. Richardson after a short businesssession. Mrs. A. Candle was appointed delegateto the convention to beheld lanats- worth. We discussed the Rally which is to he held in Chesley. Marg McElrea gave on the Consumers Budget ang Miss A. Lucas reported on th. auxiliary meeting at "Gateway Haven", The roll call was an- swered, Thanksgiving being the theme. 17 members andz vis- itors. Miss D. McRea reported 7 for the Sunshine Com. Mrs. J. Avis gave a very interesting tail: on the teachings of the “Baha'T Faith. Meeting closed singing W. 1. Grace. Atasty lunch was served while we enjoyed a social halt hour. Colpiv Wis“- The November meeting was held in the hall. The president, Miss G. Parke was inthe chair. The meeting was opened With the Ode and followed by the MaryStewart Collect. The minutes of the Oct- ober meeting were read and ac: cepted as correct by Mrs. L. Richardson. The rollwas called‘ and answered by naming'mProa vincial emblem or premier oi Ontario." lumembers werepre< sent. Mrs. J. Coyne and Mrs. M. McElrea gave reports on thr W.l. convention at Chaisworih an: the W.l. Rally at Chesley this month. Both meetings were well attended. The discussions were both interesting and helpful 101 me W.l. programs. Mrs. M McElrea read a paper on pol- lution followed by a short sing: song. The meeting was Close: by singing the W.l. grace. Mrs. 0. Banks and Mrs. A. Whicher served lunch and Miss D. McRae gave the courtesy VDte to thy lunch committee. _Colpoys/9he‘xï¬g ‘3 The meeting was ld the home of Mrs. T. Jordan. Nine- ien were resent. Mrs. J. oyno presl ed and opened with “The Ode," followed by The Mary Stewart Collect. The min- utes andtreasurer'sreport were given by the secretary andad- opted as correct. The ladies modelled garments made in the recent classl Sewing with Knits. Mrs. M. McElrea read a few items irom The Canadian Con- sumer after which Mrs. Clair Paupst rend npaper on the Metric System. Each member agreedto take two tickets for the Hockey Game in aid 0! the Retirded Children’s Fund in Wiarton. A social half hour followed lunch being served by Miss D. McCrea and Mrs. L. Richardson. Colpoy Boy W.l.. The annual meeting of the Colpoy's Bay Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall on April 91h. 1975. All the annual reports were concluded and passed. Mrs. James Coyne rend a rcport on a brief to be sent to the Bruce County Local Government. This was the result of a meeting held earlier in the month at which members were invited to air: their views. The election of ofï¬cers for 1975-76 took place. Officers elected are as follows: Past President. Mrs. James Coyne: President. Miss Gladys Parke; -lst Vice-President. Miss Louise Robertson: 2nd Vicc~PrcsidenL Mrs. Gordon Hotham: Secretary Treasurer. Mrs. Sidney Richard- son; Assistant Secretary. Mrs. Ken Couch; Public Rotations. Mrs. John M Thom: Tweed:- mulr History Curator. Mrs. James Coync; Conveners; lie- solutions. Mrs. Sydney Dunn: Agriculture and Canadian indus- tries. Mrs. Jack Avis: Citizcn~ ship and World Affazrs, Mrs. Ronald Wenham: Education and Cultural Affairs. Mrs. J E. Stephens. Family and Consumer Attnirs. Mrs. J. D. Mcthc. Following tho election of ofï¬cers. Mr. J. D Mctho gave an illuslrntud 1qu on his and Mrs. Mcthc's trip around the \\and His slides were those of on export in photography. and his running Conulxcnlury was extremer interesting. T0; was served by the hoklcï¬tcs.