Cniourl: Royal Blue and Gold Hand Olllna: in the city at Ottawa. Ont. ofllcers: Past President. President. Presidenl- Elect. and seven Vice-presidents, ona trorn each province not alraady represented. Motto: "Fur Home and country." Board oi Diractors Voting Members: Executive, Senior Dilsctnrs who are Pres- Idants at each Unit. and one Junint Direc- tor at each Unit. Nun-Voting Members: Counseilurs. The Federated Women's Institutes oi Cam ad; is a Constituent Society at an internation- at organization. the Associated Country Wo- man ol the World. which was organized in 1930. A.C.W.W. has Constitueni Societies in 75 countries oi‘ the worm. with a membership at aver eight million members. F.W.l.c. sends voting delegates to A,C.W,W.‘s Triennial Con- lerencas. Educallt'mal Committee: 1. Agriculture & Canadian Industrias. 2. Citizenship at Legislation. 3. Education a. Cultural Activities. 4. Home Economics and Health. 5. internaiional Ailairs. Administrative Committee: . Byriaws Finance. Resolutions. Nominations. Credentials Elections NewsnPsHN Tweedsmurr Special Commiflcee 1 Northern Canada Board a! Dilcclors r Committees Achievements