Purpose: and Object: 1, I0 co-ordineie programmes 01 {he Units. 2. to provide a medium or InIeroornmunIca- Iinn among the Unlts. 3. to promote an appreclallon of rural Ilvlng. 4. la devalap better lnlormed. more respun- sible citizens, through me study of Issues at Naflnnal and |nlarna|ianal imporlance. 5‘ lo lnitlale natmn-wide programmes in ac~ cordenco with the objects of the FederaA Iion. Ball-d Meellng The national Board meets once a year wuh Pre-Cunvenï¬on and Posï¬iconvcnlion meetings being held er Ins same venue as Ihe Conven- Iion each Triennium. NaIionel Cunwenllon After Ihe nrganhallun 01 {he F‘WII‘C" (he Board 0! Drreclors' meenngs were snmehmes held in cunjunclmn wnh Provincial Convan» \ionsI In 1957. to cc‘abrele the 60m Anniver- sary ol the lounding 0! [he Wamen's IninIuIe. [he ï¬rst NaIIonal Convenlian was held in CI- [awa Since then, Triennal Canvemivns have been held In Vancouver. ErHish Columbia In 1961; WoIIvilIe, Nova Scolie‘ 195 Guelph, Onlanu‘ 19572 WInnIDSQ. Maniloha. In 1970. Ban“. Albena. 1573. and in Charlouclown, F'rlnce Edward Island In (976. Purposes/Objecls Board Meellngs » Nallunal Convenllona Board cl DIrecIors - cummllleeu thievemanh