V -. . Castlgfard MAE mWetedsmuir History m as brim druuwvuqoopw from‘ the omcers' Conference In May 1973. and 1500 durum-{hand Women’s inmate Week in June. A bun-em amount of work was done in preparation Wenlurorth Day on August 8. 1973 for 100 ulsltars and [or The Official Opening Day on.Augusl 9, 1973. amended by 400 ' Women's lnstitute Week has been held each June since 1973. a Six Seminars have been held since 1977 In April as raining fomrns for the Mums and workers dun'ng W. l. Week. Five Area Days have been held slnce 1978 In April for Hamilton, Trent Valley. Simone. Southwestern, Northern and Kingston (combined) Areas. ‘ Christmas a! the Lee has been celebrated since 1979 in December with the Home and the Drive House decorated in the 1897 are and the visitors being served oldfashioned beak. Hours: 10:00 am. - am p.mr Monday through Frldly Cloud Month or February Buses book In advance nurse I» mun Page 2 of 174