In tho unvtlfln' this tell he» side Moray )7. three miles en: ’0! Dohdon. of a calm to commem- oroic the visit oi Samuel de Champlain, the explorer. in days of Council's early binary. it in proposed to borrow, it posalhle. the Chlmoloin utroiobe. 10:: has no and (aunt! in chfrew oountan 1301. Tim. myth: turnout is in New York, own- “ b! I collector or! mulch†Ind dmillr lneirumenll who on n former occasion declined to In it. fearing that it might he lost. with recovery impossible. Hui Mica! CHAMPLAIN ASTROLOBE Hope in not yet abandoned that 1 Iain oi it may be secured. for thll time the instrument is not to be used on a miel to repreâ€" sent one 0! Champllln's sailing ships. it is pointed out that a likencu at an astrolobc may be seen in Ottawa no part oi the Champlain statue located on Ne- penn Point, within night of the Plrllarnent-buildinno. One of [his sort would be the next best thing to lhc ml article which so long lay unseen on ground within the county at flenirew. close to lhc_ shores oi. the Ottawa. Perm CORN HAS VALUE L «a '0'; Ill-ll. eornlnnd ï¬eld held at or near the vil- l. V Spencerviile in Grenville county. one at the tow Eastern Ontario mnflel In which the production of com on a liberal pale la being “tempted. Exist- tnce oi n starch plant at the vil- lue oi Cardinal in Granville county may have had mmeflhin] u do with the movean in 'county two or three you! no much wu hurd' touch- inu hybrid com, a [rent dell be- m: expected at it, Rein; the: corn common in Wellern Ontario My not done will in the 0mm 990‘“ n MorM/rc u/fu re . " Castleford W.|. Tweedsmuir Histonl Valley. where irosta come earlier and wither the stalks. An attend- ance of 500 people a: reported from Spenccrvllle ï¬eld day is an indication of keen Interest on the part of inn-nets then: Ind in counties adjoining. it being well known‘that corn in a favorite diet with hogs. second only to peas in the matter of excellence. An ex- hibit at the Spencer-ville field day was Iomethlng in lhe nature at an electric acuecrow. It may he that in chlmw county a con- trivnncc 101- the scaring or rat-- coons would be oi value as a help to the scarecrows. Early Community Histow and ' monument to plinn’s Ash-olohe - V -_ - i V (By 11' Her.) . About three miles east of Cobrlen, on Highway 17. land has been surveyed for a historical aim and a most! want. will be erected in the near future. according tr communications received from National Parks and Bio toric Sites Services, Ottawa. In lot: when Sunni dealer-v 0 and some old [on rail min. 3! lain made one of hi: trip: up the thnt in left of the 0 turn but“ g'itaw‘l river he made notes in inns nnr when the ï¬nd In his dinry to the effect that he loot made. his astrolohe on the way from Mr. River to the Muaknt land for the tile and the mm" mcnl will be placed in The m the trail to tout: the uu-olobe niven to Mot-rd Men of but returned unsuccenlul. - The ntrolobe remained in couple 0! weeks. its loot condition for 235 years. The monument will be In 1810 the late Edward George iron: the Deth oI 1w: Lee and his lather were Hinged to Cohden to he mind by a. in clenrlnl their land with a team Burkwcll, who haa been into oi oxen when one of the logs cried in thin for the 9-"! new were pulled any Ind thc amo- rem. , lobe wos found. The utmlube Letters have been noun later found ita way to n museum from C. H. Dove a! the um and horn all that in Room it is Parks and Historical Site: m naeum in New vices. in Ottlwn. by Zion L: in so 9 m 1.1mm. [Bl-T157911 “Jill In those enrl dnys Clumplain i cm a e pun: erect! made his wayy up the Ottawa The members of Zion Line '9' river as for u Portage du Fort. and Mr. Blukweli have be and possibly to nvoid the rapids. purulent in their atom our and tar n ahort route. he croued period at years to how thism over to the ell-in 01 lakes. Olm- cofllmemmleii by I WI :Led'l lake. Jenny's lake, and‘rfle Ind monument. following the outlet: to Green This monmnent tor the“ lake and to Muskrat lnke, lien; oi Chlmplnlna am ï¬ll“ which shore he mentions in his the only rum I diary 0! I little Indian viii-go tween Richmond (now Cobden). From there up the Muskrat river, Mud like. and whatever elae thore may be. on to Indian river and back to the Ottawa river at Pembroke. j g 7 Thin later become an establishâ€" ’ ortallnu route. , historical (arm is now '1 by Roy Man and 31- l [h the monument will be -‘ near the highway 30 that all who travel xnly read, the ex- act lac-lion where alignment was round is Ibo A little lake. like, is hidden 7 of 262 “‘5