ornm VALLEY rims T†Polish Exiles, Led by Priest, Founded Colony atWiIno mmraommn muwauua. W in: bull I. ï¬lmmuflmnmaal thamolarmocralkltmau.eam loourVaflerlneaeflnolnuua-' Emmanuel early Irv-nth: andflfliï¬eanthdehoornthio wax to floedom. railing out o! Wmfluaiahwlndjammm heupah'omnlamareh'adnm_ at will power built on bun-- uh. Their country had been de- geilodanddimlnaaerioao! partition; Butwithinttuban- 113%“th Poland manual-Molina. and Canada beam the mute m that cinema their Watohrhorumubemd tuna-inseam“. I Auto W1! “pectin: lt- aeiinithlh-mmnuotagal- flatwamywhobanmlht .nctuantnthhmtry. Marathi Castleford W.|. Tweedsmuir Histow 1111a youn‘ print era: the at a me: count. and in common with may 0! Ida malt-tote had male to Canada because at the rigid nflmontatton o! w. in late torn country. Seems the bound- leII upportimli-tu available in Clnadl he returned to Poland. “W as a peanut. and be» came the in: 53!!!! 0! "remain. Corner .1 Polanl. Soon the truth of his work were apparent in the piano laid. often secretly. for “wily and WP migration: Father Jan- kowskl returned in Wilma. wood alter the Polish city or Vtina. to help ill-yuan!“ flock a) they arrived. He brought with him from Poland. the Church mt- n.enta and mi: and theae were let your mentor! in the purlah church at Wilno unlit many at them were destroyed in the tire some run run. Comm-Min: n majestic pano- nma. the mgnlflrent new church at Wllno (the pariah is now called Our Lady of Cunmhow alter a shrine in Poland) in a with“! In the work of Rev’. Father E. Wil- owski. who is ably carrylnfl on in the tradition at the put and m- eted 'Jlnlmwlkj. Rev. hum- thnnuki la noted (or his cham- pionship of Pollall rilhtl. Hi- parilh la attll a little “corner a! I Poland". Many a! the lmmllnnt Polea alter voyaun; up the Ottawa. availed lucrative-lot land in the Opeongo Wilden-nu. but many other! remained in the then vil- lage of Rentrew with it: proa- pectr of plenty a! work in the period of the CPR railway boom. Hence it wan that tor many the pioneer! were once tan-litter night. on what are now Queen. Bank and Homan streets in Renlrew. Mason Hill and out the "Pitcher street" when aev- oral milled on mail holdtnza. .ooauu I Early Community History :lj‘ï¬lnwotm'lllgmwg ï¬lingâ€)- :qu a†I nor c as c '1 Pnllah people at Rant-w county dawn: chm-gm «’54.. ‘ - {h3- are“ ham indultrl ml! at M. P. I. a ~wur III. 1 living I 01' [Dine m- ood-rem“; people. They a tamarind-whirl fl menofthelandandoithei m mhp g They have been there [or man years: they haw rated in m Milieu. havebecom w end are aptrndld law~ tritium. 'n-le mm: of Mine n- nenhewmuntylr called after Elk- fl: Viinalnl’olandandtllheolann‘clfllmadm 1-“ Poildx pariah in Canada." [at their mu- m In. mm P The Polish "cxtlu" preaerved their national mama: and tra- alum. (On feetivals they mm decorate their homes with ever- pnna and at burial: in the Iii-L wintry parishes the ringing con- graution in n [allows the ma- . of the old um of mm‘ manhu- iheir arrival. the m- men with that quaint ahewil anti the infants in maddiinl clothe: i'fho Mullah-sprain. villager-l received them kindly. and mam" a young Polish molhrr came to 7 Grandmolhrr wnghl (mother of " ’ ‘“ m- m- A. A- rem-x ammwma MP) ior advice end guidance int “a 0‘ u... mw a new land. ' \J m. uh‘b‘flm laticth C'ybulakl. but the mantle mural-ion that hall in now has fallen on ulqu Vice.‘ and (man to one I who arrived in "82. He came at manure. w":- luau-1d m in In than to avoid military union in the Genus: l Mmhd.mmottln?olfll youtha, deleriin: Qumran Inw- hnpnmwdit by takan rlup to Canada. Alum thou who .were proud into the Prussian mywmohhfltfllpluaman who-"din tho Francoâ€"Prob. humanism-them»; 353°" “#OWLL‘EW thePoilrheolonthanmm wchwellluaown nunuaa Buiphu.Kaeohonkt. Zo- ldniea. vitaki. Kalb KW bruit. Kan-h. Writ. um. Kabul. Elm. Yum-ell. Yak“. Monti. timid. On Mp- nn 3111 an the wand-I oft new. Iidork and Drum iall' F.â€" In 6 of 262