Ind refreshment w and Wm . night. arr-whammtnn floor In sleep and): Iflcr I Ion: mm: drive. or, Mummy. utter an evening at Mm“ und‘whlh "Y. I t 0 FROM Bylawn m Arum-lot the traveller hnd the We. a! M routesâ€"am the ham! or over he rim let 1‘: he clecwd the former. he traversed 1h: Rirh'mnd road Castleford W.|. Tweedsmuir Histow ,___.â€".â€"‘_, mmmm man-bun h mm new!“ planan my the grizzled hater. J. J. Mumwsh. Mm traversing a dillicult poms! here. the in 3 § 5 road crossed to (he Upper Cum: Ampflor and Sand Point. O I 0 DH Winn lul- BLTWEEN Amprlm and the Chum (we oihn called the Sum) ï¬n novella: min had mecholceofllmdorlnrmd. Th: ï¬rst had road In this mm was open-u! by Willlun North, 01 Penn. who obtained : Gavmv men! mm. for the purpueeoicm- um I wuon tall to “sinkâ€. (new Pembroke). But tor my yanflunlywanuhrulhe loot n! {he Snow fluids. “ddmedinmedlnln mole days there were no bridges over on mum. The Ice sen-ed in Whaler. but In Summer it was to nuke we a! a wood- en crib or ï¬nal. This bring: us k: m inn o1 Ed- ward Pure". hum M cur veter- nn rive-mun. Joseph nrrcu. n w one u! lhe but patronized Early Community Histow Amnlmhflxuhuph 7|:- nll‘l 3m to this Influx. ‘lherewmmruu! “bonk- inâ€"tha-wlndow“ ulna; (hi! Jnlmd mhtonenhew. Omcf munwukepthylnnmhdy, med Clark. on with concu- dm 0! Harm;mflnrwum- edby Memwmwhfllthe third w the “and o! 1 man named Kennedy at Jam's Cumm- ln reminiscent mood. Jam Ferrell visualâ€! hr Ill Earn! :01an M mm. was new Ind ml]. He had Intimate We 01 the river tune with it: turbulent am a nag hum In hll int 0! river dumpionl he nveuhMraunghth-Mu- Won, Ind w Mu over the name ablaze bordered our river at a. mum! to have come 1; nlher world lint knew not ..‘ r Pam“ or hi! grant generation That airplane couId fly in min- utes over I :lrelth o! river high- way that 1am: days 01 tnvel when the botfle-ï¬nwle-wlndnw w - tulip lo I hum um m- eon generation could not endure. 5 of 262 4'5