E i ; OTTA WA VALLEY Lian ’ Veteran at Upper Ottawa Trath . Tells of Old Stopping Elaces ‘i Joseph Ferrell. 95 Year Survivor of Old Guard of Rivennen, Distinguish Between Inn; and "Bottle-in-LlIeâ€"Window" Photoâ€"Route From Bytown lo Pembroke Studded With Popular Taverna. wt“ m to March and lbence to Carp and lb: last at the for brunch! negotiated the Che- mux (Snow) Ill-pm, he saw the owu’lh: crews led on com and neon Ind sea bluuil outaidc his tather’a‘ lnn near Bennett-ere Palm while the boss ltader sung- ud wool slut! an. ill! bur. When Johnny MoMullen ("Dev- 17 Wolla‘and-noâ€"Surrender") was in hlu prime. he saw him flash .3 T "hatchâ€"m " um :cllalerod heelâ€" rnarks on the oelllnx at that same bar. When 01: iron-clad "Oregon" was the prlde oi the Chan. he saw Ulll Imus river steamer con- quer the Chm-Aux. deblnl hell and high water. And In as we look-d lob Bu: «liming eye: at Joseph Farrell. 95 yur veteran of a vanishing Old Guard of Volley river-men. wotllwugm ol the many CW he had witnessed in nrly one ' of Ihe : Wilda-nu pattern of oxen and bulb trolls la a compllcakd strum-lined utility. o I o m 3: :2? E3; #5 53 Willi-m Ind Wollam Farrell. the old Inns and "aloo- placol" 110113 the Upper 01- m of further data. ï¬ll burr hod kept a wall- lmown hm in pioneer day: at Galena for a dlrunce of 42 miles. This route was studded with lav- ern: some of which were: Woods' live miles lrom Bytewn; one-arm- ed Bell's. lwo miles larlhor on (now Bell's Corners); Bouchor'l. another four miles distant; Arm- strong's at March; Munroe] near the Corp; and Lawry’s. . a a 0n the Quebec Bide. HE OTHER route. our the ice. akined Lake Deschmes, keeping close to lhe north short lo lhe flul flopping plum of Roger Moore‘s. nine miles above Aylmer. near Breckenridge. Then post Rocky point over a marl. land stretch to the celebrated log ion a! Joe Voihn's. Here Joe played the ï¬ddle for put-chug! round: of drinks at bl: bu and lovlled pnvilezed new into his “par ." M. Quyon Landing ms the slowing place at John McCain. two mllu (tom the old Hudson Bay post uncle-1- the grizzled factor. .I'. J’. Mac'l‘nvlsh. Alter traversing a dlmcull poringe here. the ire road crowed to the Upper Canada side to reach the muements cl Amprlor and Sand Polnl. D O C 011! Wuon load. 3mm Amprlor and the Chmeoux (more often called the Snow) ï¬n traveller again had the cholce of a land or lee road. The ï¬rst land road in um are: won opened by Wllliam Morris. of Perth. who obtained a Govern- ment tron! for the purpoceotcul- till; a watch troll (o Meromlchl (now Pembroke). But (or mny mu it only went n hr .1 the foot of the Snow rnplds. Between Amprlor and Sand Point then were qullo a number 0! clurmcea. notably than of Duncan Noun: m w rum-i - Mduflwtyflma’ Liverna on tha river. Ewan: lar- rell had emlmlod from Slant- hnll. County Slut). Ireland. and man established hlmsnlt m the rlver triage of mo forest. On the sill: 0! this (amour wlldcmea hoatclry is now the red-brick real- donco o! Wllllam Johnatone. Bdâ€" ward Farrell. Wu one 01 the ï¬rst 10 try lo lap u:- llmber resources ol 1!“! Bannochero hinterland. Ind to this end. he cut lnlond nearly three mile: 5! bush mod. Thin old road. continued as m- u lun- lruw. push] by John Brunet": (“1 think that should be Bran- nor'o) and William Richardson's. Then ll cloned the Bannochm It the Gibbon! form. Ind enters! Bentrew vln llau mm. It left the town by mezu‘l Hill and thence to . (3:7 I!“ lulu. Accommo to Mr. Joseph. hr- rell'l story to this writer. there were three or In "boule- ln-lhe-wimluw“ place: along this inland roule to Renfrew. One at then: was kept by an old lady, named Clark. on the Ill: nonw- aion o! Horton; another “I own- ed by Alexander Smith. whfll the lhlrd wu the stand 0! a man named Kennedy at Jamlunn'a Comer. 1n rominlscent mood, Juph Farrell visualizod {or ua thrm colorml years when 111': was raw and rough. no bad lnumala knowlodu ot the river mm: with in turbulent days of m Mn. In bl: list of river chomplons he gave a high nun: In tho Maura:- lanes at Clarendon. and lo Alex Smith. when M declared anon look the mum: of. ma [real Joe monumnd or the Snake Creek bridge. Viva he described that ï¬ght and informed In that “you mijht u well get I kick (tom a horse u a wallop lrom Mex mm." H: told us a! me Iury of on common: Room In spun. and how be "Alumni," built :1 Sand hm. would brlug her mum um loot or the r ._ -. would be melon-Id 'W-Slrd" (or u bu dn rm.